Major Nelson tweet 960,000 360's sold over Black Friday

Fringe off-shoot hardware that wasn't core to the psp experience.

Just like PlaystationX failure didn't bring down the Playstation2.

It was simply a hardware+ scenario which will likely be repeated next-gen as MS and Sony look to bring in additional revenue from "premium" consoles.
Just like PlaystationX failure didn't bring down the Playstation2.

True. But the failure of the PSX due to high-price didn't dissuade Sony from pushing the PS3 out of the door at $600 either.

The UK price of the Vita (including tax... $300 excluding) equates to $360. Personally, that's a long way from a purchase for me and it feels a little like 'same old Sony' with regards to pricing.
The UK price of the Vita (including tax... $300 excluding) equates to $360. Personally, that's a long way from a purchase for me and it feels a little like 'same old Sony' with regards to pricing.

$360 isn't too bad compared to other tablet like devices.

I'm not too worried about Sony pricing PS4. I think they learned their lesson.
The UK price of the Vita (including tax... $300 excluding) equates to $360. Personally, that's a long way from a purchase for me and it feels a little like 'same old Sony' with regards to pricing.
That's RRP, but we have heavy discounting here. eg. PS3's RRP is £200, but Sainsbury's have had it on offer for £160. So I think Sony are adding in big margins on their RRP to enable retailers to mess around with 'discounts' and get the rpice down to what it should be while seeming to offer a bargain.

$360 isn't too bad compared to other tablet like devices.
But it's not a tablet. It doesn't do many of the things tablets and smart-phones do. Originally Vita looked pretty cheap for the hardware, offering reasonable value for money, but the peripheral pricing has pushed the price right up to making an Android tab more of an option. Vita's not really competing with 3DS on the price level, being twice the price. It's kinda in limbo, very expensive for a handheld gaming platform, not as functional as a tablet, and it doesn't have the novelty of PSP which was the first real portable multimedia specialist for watching movies on the move.
But it's not a tablet. It doesn't do many of the things tablets and smart-phones do. Originally Vita looked pretty cheap for the hardware, offering reasonable value for money, but the peripheral pricing has pushed the price right up to making an Android tab more of an option. Vita's not really competing with 3DS on the price level, being twice the price. It's kinda in limbo, very expensive for a handheld gaming platform, not as functional as a tablet, and it doesn't have the novelty of PSP which was the first real portable multimedia specialist for watching movies on the move.

I thought it was running on android?

If it is, then it's every bit as much a tablet as anything not named ipad.

If it isn't, then shame on Sony ... and I suspect it wouldn't take long for hackers to "jailbreak" it and put android on it, given the hardware.
I thought it was running on android?

If it is, then it's every bit as much a tablet as anything not named ipad.

If it isn't, then shame on Sony ... and I suspect it wouldn't take long for hackers to "jailbreak" it and put android on it, given the hardware.

I don't believe that cracking and putting an alternative operating system on a piece of hardware that you're already spending a lot of money on for it to do what another device can do out of the box is something that mainstream consumers will ever do.

Look at the enormously low attach rate of OtherOS (when it existed), and that was officially supported!

I look at this as typical Sony arrogance, Rather than figure out what the market actually wants and delivering it, or coming up with something truly disruptive and interesting to get notice... they're just throwing a ton of features in an overpriced device and assuming that consumers will bite because it has the word "Sony" written on it somewhere.

The days of selling 10 million devices because your numbers are 10% bigger than someone else's are over. They need to realize that.
I thought it was running on android?

Edit : It's a $350 PSP2, only without the added value of a unique portable movie player. I can buy a 7" Android tablet with HDMI out and 1080p playback for £70. Sony have made a device that requires a second (smart phone/tablet) to fill out user requirements but priced it way above 'second device' prices IMO.
Incidentally, conjectured prices were wrong for those memcards. They are $25 for 4GB and $39 for 8GB. So a Vita WiFi with 8GB is still $288.
In a job posting I read this morning I read that Kinect is now at 13M units. I haven't seen anything on prnewswire or anywhere else.

Microsoft said:
Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business is revolutionizing entertainment. IEB has a rich set of entertainment products like Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Zune Marketplace, and more with a highly active and engaged customer base. Our newest innovation, Kinect, has sold over 13 million units since its launch in November of 2010.
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In a job posting I read this morning I read that Kinect is now at 13M units. I haven't seen anything on prnewswire or anywhere else.

Not bad!

They should do rather well in the coming month too...

Could hit 16m by years end with the new $99 price.
Whoa, that's a huge drop off in sales.

Since when has Kinect been $99 outside of the bundle discount?

I have no clue where that req pulled its numbers from if it includes the most recent internal estimates or not but even if it does Kinect is certainly going to move some serious units Dec, Jan, Feb. To go back in history I remember having conversations with obonicus trying to determine if 3-5M would be deemed good in a year.

EDIT: It is always interesting looking back on threads/posts from the past.
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OK, this is not directly comparable, so don't take this point to mean anything.

That said it is certainly interesting to compare to the first 18 months of the Wii (9.5 million), X360 (5.2 million), and PS3 (4.2 million). Or the first year of the iPhone (~6 million).

Again, not directly comparable, but 13 million units is still a LOT of units for a product that didn't exist over 1 year ago. That's quite impressive for a device that was quite roundly panned by many of the established console gaming reporting sites.

I think more than anything that speaks to its attraction to everyone that isn't a "console warrior."

It's going to be interesting to see if single platform Kinect titles will be able to crack the top 10 in the holiday NPD this year.

Kinect hasn't been out for 18 months. It's just barely 13 months, and I very much doubt that 13 million number is including any November numbers for this year. But it really doesn't matter, any way you slice it Kinect has performed well above any expectations (probably similar to Nintendo's first year).
I don't know - I think I agree with Rangers on this one. The 360 is now top dog in the US. Sony will probably end up much closer to Wii than last time, but 360 will win the holidays in the US with a healthy margin.

360 - 1.7 Million (+24%)
PS3 - 900K (+70%)
WII - 860k (-32%)

So, that was pretty spot on, as expected. NavNucST3 (I think it was) was also right in that the PS3 outperformed last years numbers significantly, but I don't think many contested that.

And certainly good numbers for Kinect. If Microsoft continues their current path with full Kinect integration in the Dash as well as all the Apps they look to be planning to have in the future (I only have three here in The Netherlands), they'll probably keep the momentum for a fair while yet.

Whether those sales are US only hardly matters, because the EU will at most add some 30% to that figure (to match the sales of the 360), and the rest of the world likely barely anything.
In a job posting I read this morning I read that Kinect is now at 13M units. I haven't seen anything on prnewswire or anywhere else.

Xbox 360 is the best selling console in the US
66 million Xbox 360′s sold
18 Million Kinect Sensors sold
Nearly 40 Million Xbox Live members