Major Nelson tweet 960,000 360's sold over Black Friday

the sales numbers mentioned in the above article should at least put to rest any thought that the Xbox 720 would be coming out in 2012.

surely this is just clearing the shelves so they have room for a launch next year

surely this is just clearing the shelves so they have room for a launch next year


Having xb360 on the shelf in no way precludes them from introducing a high-end console to sit on the shelf next to it.

	ps2______	xbox_____	ps3
2004	4,630,000		
2005	5,540,000	607,000	
2006	4,700,000	3,925,000	688,000
2007	3,945,000	4,619,000	2,558,000
2008	2,503,000	4,736,000	3,545,000
2009	1,800,000	4,772,000	4,335,000

As you can see, even with weak support for ps2, sales still continued for years after the launch of next-gen consoles.

With xb360 and ps3, Sony and MS have a new audience open to them as introduced via Wii. They also have vastly more flexible and capable connected machines which can continue to provide entertainment especially for casual/family gaming.
2010 xbox 6.7m
2011 xbox probably over 7m

And notice how the profitable ps2 tapered off after the launch of the new boxes...
And notice how the profitable ps2 tapered off after the launch of the new boxes...

As it should... but it didn't fall off a cliff.

In the case of ps3/xb360, that will depend on when the new consoles launch as the MSRP of both ps3 and xb360 are still relatively high.

PS2 pricepoints:

2002 May -- $199
2003 May -- $179
2004 May -- $149
2005 April -- $129
As it should... but it didn't fall off a cliff.

In the case of ps3/xb360, that will depend on when the new consoles launch as the MSRP of both ps3 and xb360 are still relatively high.

PS2 pricepoints:

2002 May -- $199
2003 May -- $179
2004 May -- $149
2005 April -- $129

Since last year I have always believed that 2014 will be when the new Xbox arrives. IMO I think the 360 250gb will be $149-179 with the 4gb system deleted when they introduce the new system in Fall 2014. I just don't see any reason why they would bring a system out in 2012 or even 2013. Still with no price drop.
Holy bajeebus. one day.

Just to put these numbers in perspective.

Last year Kinect launched in Nov. to a huge marketing blitz and MS sold 1.37 million units for the entire month. X360 S had also launched just a few months before.

This year, over 960k in one week. The potential (granted highly unlikely) is there for a 2 million month. In November. Hell, that's a potential to sell more in November than they did in December of 2010 (1.86m).

Meanwhile, in the UK, the price of the Kinect sensor on Amazon went up from £99 to £107, and Kinect packages stayed at £225 and £270.

God damn you MS, I need to co-win the sales thread.

Edit: GOD DAMN! Kinect Sensor is now £108.66 on Amazon!

I'm guessing incredibly high demand leading to shortages in the UK and hence the price gouging is about to commence. Or if you want to take the pessimistic view. MS didn't allocate enough units to the UK. The results are the same either way.

Kind of similar to the 2nd year of the Wii, when shortages often led to the console selling for 100+ USD over the retail list price.

I'm guessing MS is prioritizing allocation of Kinect sensors to bundle packages as that'll boost their install base of consoles, which they can then brag about.

Since last year I have always believed that 2014 will be when the new Xbox arrives. IMO I think the 360 250gb will be $149-179 with the 4gb system deleted when they introduce the new system in Fall 2014. I just don't see any reason why they would bring a system out in 2012 or even 2013. Still with no price drop.

You've got that a bit backwards.

When they introduce the new console, it will be imperative that the xb360 be marketed as a casual/affordable experience with diversity for the whole family.

The "premium" image has already started to wind down (as you may or may not have noticed) and MS will be looking to push the xb360 into as cheap a box as possible to get the value gamers (<$100) on-board.

This opens the door for the "premium" message to be clearly represented by the new xb720.

Not to say the HDD won't be available for xb360 (in fact I wouldn't be surprised to see the same drive be available for both xb720+xb360), I just don't think they will bother with an extra SKU as they want the premium dollars helping to pave the way for the next cycle, not the previous.

As for why MS would want to introduce in 2012/2013 ... "Early bird gets the worm" as they say.
It might not be quite suitable for this situation but people also say "second mouse gets the cheese" :)


Well, there is a bit of an x-factor with Sony that shouldn't be ignored:

Rightly or wrongly, Sony has the image of being a "premium brand". As such, they lure buyers that are seeking a more premium experience. If MS were to come to the party early and weak, and Sony were to quickly demonstrate a marked advantage in real software at or around the launch of xb2.5 with a full-spec ps4, they may well easily justify a higher MSRP and encourage buyers to wait.

It worked with DC vs ps2, but the situation* was a bit different so it wouldn't be that easy.

Sega vs MS finances
Sega vs MS publisher/developer support
oddly enough: Sega vs MS brand strength at the time
rising development costs (unsustainable)
weak economy
Does anybody know if MS released Black Friday console sales PR for 2010? Trying to get a YoY.

Haven't been successful googling it (it's tough using the words "sales" "black friday" and Xbox" without getting a bunch of stuff related to pricing). Mostly finding Kinect PR but I'm looking for console.
That's a lot of people who are going to be disappointed when the next xbox launches next year.:p

I doubt that. People who flock to buy 200$ xbox arcade with kinect + 50$ voucher from wallmart(essentially 150$ console+kinect) are not the audience for buying new console at 499$+peripherals on top. It's whole difference audience between mainstream and hardcore.
I doubt that. People who flock to buy 200$ xbox arcade with kinect + 50$ voucher from wallmart(essentially 150$ console+kinect) are not the audience for buying new console at 499$+peripherals on top. It's whole difference audience between mainstream and hardcore.


Hello common sense! Glad to see you around b3d again!
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That's a lot of people who are going to be disappointed when the next xbox launches next year.:p

Because everyone who buys Xboxes these days are the hardcores who are just replacing their old units, amirite. :p (I heard it on neogaf, so it must be true)
No, Wal-mart was $199 + $50 bonus gift card for the 4GB Kinect bundle.

EDIT: GAF deals thread

What are you saying no to? I never said it wasn't...

But I didn't realize or remember a B&M was also running a 199-50 special, I only paid attention to online, as no way I was braving crowds.
I have mentioned this before, and I am crazy, but every company should learn from what Sony did. They tried to ride the PS2 too long. They very well could have allowed it to do exactly what it did anyhow--decline gracefully while supporting the PS3--but they held on too long and let the competition get first dibs at their lunch.

Getting those early adopters (which, btw, even with Sony improving their install base and all those repeat sale Xbox units MS still does exceptionally at moving software because IMO early adopters consume a lot of material) is important to get the ball rolling. If MS had come out of the gate in 2006 and hit the RRoD they would be last place in NA imo.

Absolutely. I'd be completely shocked if MS didn't understand just how valuable launching first was to their success, how much launching later hurt Sony, and realize just what position they'd be in if they didn't suffer through the RRoD mess. As much as launching late with the RRoD would have killed them (I agree with Acert completely), launching at the time they did without the RRoD mess would have put them in a position that would be almost unbelievable considering their success anyway.
I doubt that. People who flock to buy 200$ xbox arcade with kinect + 50$ voucher from wallmart(essentially 150$ console+kinect) are not the audience for buying new console at 499$+peripherals on top. It's whole difference audience between mainstream and hardcore.

It was a joke, hence the smiley at the end. ;)

Because everyone who buys Xboxes these days are the hardcores who are just replacing their old units, amirite. :p (I heard it on neogaf, so it must be true)

lol exactly, sometimes I wonder why I bother going there. :devilish:
I'm guessing incredibly high demand leading to shortages in the UK and hence the price gouging is about to commence. Or if you want to take the pessimistic view. MS didn't allocate enough units to the UK. The results are the same either way.

I wish we got full sales figures for the various European markets. I'm biased, but in terms of games the UK seems particularly interesting because of strange crossover of European and American tastes (with a slice of the Japanese).

Seeing prices going up just isn't something I was expecting, I thought they'd stay the same or drop.

Kind of similar to the 2nd year of the Wii, when shortages often led to the console selling for 100+ USD over the retail list price.

I'm guessing MS is prioritizing allocation of Kinect sensors to bundle packages as that'll boost their install base of consoles, which they can then brag about.

Well, if they're doing it to help me co-win the 2011 sales thread then I guess I'll let them off ... :D

Oh wow. Just seen on the news that average disposable income is predicted to drop in real terms in the UK by 4.9% between 2009 and 2012, and that by 2015 average disposable income levels should be lower than in 2002. 2012 - 2015 may not be a good time launch another £425 console *cough* Sony *cough*
... 2015 may not be a good time launch another £425 console *cough* Sony *cough*

I think Sony learned their lesson with high initial MSRP, but more relevant, they don't have a new high end expensive media to pawn off on Sony loyalists this time!

If not for BRD, ps3 wouldn't have been anywhere near as expensive, the optical drive and the mandatory HDD to cover up the slow BRD transfer rate brought the price up significantly higher than it needed to be for a games console.

This mistake won't be repeated.