Zipper said there will be new vehicles in the next DLC. So a new vehicle level makes sense.

May be they will add new hard-to-get medals for hardcore gamers. :p
And they will add new trophies on in the next DLC:

Need to pay $10 for the new game mode and maps though.

It’s been just over four and a half months since MAG released worldwide and 930,000 battles, 1.7 million players, and 1.1 billion kills later, the time to expand is now.


Built for up to 128 simultaneous players, Interdiction challenges two rival factions to be attackers and seize control of three command posts with the aid of several heavily-armed convoys on three brand new maps (Lake Bayano Spur, Sovot Motorway, and Iron Cree Quarry). To make it even more interesting, we’ve made all three maps completely faction neutral – allowing all sides to play any map whenever they want – in addition to supplying every squad with their own APC vehicle (that’s 16 APCs on the map at once!). To win, players must capture and hold as many objectives as possible to increase their score while concurrently depleting their enemy’s.


As an extra bonus, we’re also adding the ultimate in MAG protection, our “Heavy Improved” armor set. Trust us when we say that it doesn’t matter if you’re Raven, Valor, or SVER — if you don the Heavy Improved armor consider yourself a walking tank.

Don't know whether the Heavy Improved armor is a good idea. Probably can only carry entry level guns. :p
I tried the new 1.06 patch just, funny thing was that when you pressed square to see the contract rewards, you could see Interdiction. And after playing around of Acquisition I got a trophy for something in Interdiction. I funny bug :D
Are they stupid? Or are they going to call it the Dead-on-Arrival pack? They are not going to find 128 players to play this. At least not for long. The current gamemodes are struggling to find players as it is.
I am waiting for their official forum to explode from user complains.

It's already divided on the issue. There are some clueless people that can't put 2 and 2 together that think it's great. And the rest knew the day MAG was released, if they ever charge for DLC maps or gamemodes, that it's going to fail horribly.

The irony of it all is that the official forums were already covered with threads declaring MAG dead due to low players numbers. And recently players thought of something a bit more constructive. Alternating weekend between Acquisition and Domination in an attempt to get the player numbers up. They even suggested Zipper rewarding certain gamemodes for a weekend with double XP, which Zipper is actually considering.

Zippers going response is going to be interesting. I wonder how far they have planned ahead with pay for DLC packs. And you'd think Sony had more experience with this, failing to sell map packs on Rfom, KZ2, ect.
I don't think Zipper can respond on its own per se. Pricing may be a Sony decision. The guys will have to complain at the official playstation forum, especially at the blog comments. ^_^
The majority of the MAG community who post on the forums are nothing but a bunch of whiners who have effectively destroyed this game. I have never seen a developer try so hard to please a group of people that actually hindered the game as much as Zipper has done listening to these MAG cry babies!

For every person who has a good idea that would benifit everyone there are 4 who have an idea that will only benefit themselves and hinder everyone else. Sabotage is the single most played mode on MAG since its release yet half of the MAG forum is in talks wanting Zipper to remove Sabotage because they hope those players will now play a different mode!

They have nerfed the LMG 4 times already and still people on the forum are calling in over powered because they are still dying from it! Zipper needs to stop listening to the crybabies and look at the suggestions/complaints from a developers standpoint, not the players standpoint.

What I mean is that a player is generally going to want a change made that will benifit them even if it means hurting someone else. If they can change something that will increase their KDR but lower someone elses then they don't care. This is why Zipper needs to think like a developer and say "what is best for our initial vision of the game" and "why did something we have work for 3 months and now all of a sudden people are complaining about it?"

Zipper is at the point that they can either continue going over the edge and fully destroy the game by listening to the cry babies or they can step back and improve the game based on their initial vision. They can't do both and obviously doing one has already cut the playerbase by 2/3'ds leaving the whiners to run the roost.
Just chiming in to say....

I *($_#*(%&$* love the gun ports ! Limited movement... yes. But it's great to park an APC near a downed facility for support (until it's repaired). or claim + lock down an enemy bunker.

I gunned down so many SVERs yesterday. \^o^/

Also like the effectively increased capacity. My MG guy can carry the sub-MG as side arm now, instead of the water pistol.

Haven't tried taking down a turret or APC with sniper rifle yet.
Repaired issue that caused renamed PSN IDs to be incorrectly identified as its previous name when logging in
Renamed PSN IDs, huh? I still want to know how. I talked to SCEE customer suppoert earlier this year (all real-like, on the phone) and they kept telling me no such procedure ever existed. Which I already knew is false of course. They're just reserving it for VIPs on some arbitrary criteria (have to be high-profile press most likely).
Dregun, I do not agree with you on the LMG issue, if Zipper think the LMG is "overpowered" they should "fix it", right? I would assume that their vision was to have a decent mix of weapons used, but now it seems its mainly LMG's. So it does not seem out of order to try to change the LMG.

As for other ideas, I think companies just don't "get" the turnover people have with games. Yes, some diehards stay a long time, but most jump onto the next thing next month etc.
So if they hoped for traction on the Indication DLC it probably should have been released no later than april.

Still, I'll buy it, but I guess Cornsnake is right, we wont get that many games since there wont be that many people that will buy it :(
You'll find me in the new maps too. But I do hope they give some sort of concession to other players so that we have a strong base to build on first. It takes time to train consumers.
Dregun, I do not agree with you on the LMG issue, if Zipper think the LMG is "overpowered" they should "fix it", right? I would assume that their vision was to have a decent mix of weapons used, but now it seems its mainly LMG's. So it does not seem out of order to try to change the LMG.

As for other ideas, I think companies just don't "get" the turnover people have with games. Yes, some diehards stay a long time, but most jump onto the next thing next month etc.
So if they hoped for traction on the Indication DLC it probably should have been released no later than april.

Still, I'll buy it, but I guess Cornsnake is right, we wont get that many games since there wont be that many people that will buy it :([/Q


I would agree with that, however the game was in beta for months and nerfing the LMG was not even thought of. Zipper had/has so much data from beta and the first few weeks of play that they already knew what the LMG was like. The problem was they already tested all the weapons and looked at all the data and found nothing wrong with it. Wait, actually they did because they made a patch right away that changed some things and the community complained..and never stopped after that!

As more and more people played MAG more and more people started to choose the LMG and that angered a LOT of people. Soon the gun of preference wasn't because people "liked" that weapon for any particular reason it was not because the weapon was "Over Powered". Now the community is trying to do the same thing with the Sabotage game mode. People like that game mode and now the complainers in the community want it removed!

Pretty soon that element in MAG is going to kill this franchise, they are already responsible for occupying Zippers time with idoitic non needed weapon fixes instead of creating new material that others left. Now if they have their say even more people will leave as the players show that 75% of them don't want to play dom but sabotage. Take away sabotage and do they honestly think all of those 75%'ers are going to stay?
There were issues with the LMG, but at this point Zipper has to live with it. The gun's been nerfed 4 different times. The path they're on will lead to the LMG being totally useless, which will be equally stupid.
But there is a reason people choose the LMG, I started of playing with LMG, because that was the gun I was able to get kills with. When I hit my 2K kills, I switched to the AR, and the fun thing, I find it seriously hard to kill with it. If I switch back to LMG, I have no problems racking up the kills :)

So I assume that people choose the LMG for the same reason I did, it gets you higher XP in the end.
Whether its overpowered or if its "easier" to use, does not really matter, but when 80% of the people use it and it was not the goal of the designer, maybe its nothing wrong with it being changed.

As for sabotage etc, I agree with you, they should not remove it, personally I do not care much for that mode, but thats a personal preference :)
Are the Sabotage number as high as they are because people want to play sabotage, or because they got tired of waiting for Acquisition or Domination games to start? I remember back the beta Sabotage wasn't even considered a proper MAG experience. Locking it is crazy of course. But they should be looking for something to get the player numbers back up. Like that alternating weekends idea.

Pay for DLC would make a lot more sense if it became free at some point. That way you'd still be able to keep playing it. But I don't think that's been done before by Sony. At least not within a time frame that anyone still cared. Like Rfom's maps becoming free just before R2's release.

I might end up buying the maps anyway, even though I'm principally against a stupid idea like this. I have the money sitting on my account after all, which hasn't been spend in ages.

I feel Zipper needs to go looking elsewhere if they really need to charge for something to keep supporting MAG.
The initial suggestion from the community regarding the LMG was to simply increase it's cc cost. Which would have made sense since cc is loosely tied to weight. But Zipper didn't want to do it because that would break the loadouts for anyone using it. So they had do something else to keep it from being the best all around weapon which the AR is supposed be.

Who wants to remove Sabotage ?

It's one of many crazy threads on the official forums.
Are the Sabotage number as high as they are because people want to play sabotage...
I dare say it's because everyone starts on Sabotage and then tries the others when they become availble, only to run around like an idiot dying lots in a confused mess of a battle. At which point they quit and swear never to try that ever again, ever! That was my experience and friends'. Eventually curiosity got the better of me and I tried a few more times, and eventually when it made sense, I still wouldn't choose to play them because the lack of proper teamwork meant 30 minutes crashing against impossible situations with no chance of success.

The introduction of neutral maps without secure bunkers sounds like a significant step in the right direction, meaning both sides start on equal footing.
I dare say it's because everyone starts on Sabotage and then tries the others when they become availble, only to run around like an idiot dying lots in a confused mess of a battle. At which point they quit and swear never to try that ever again, ever! That was my experience and friends'.

That was my first experience too.

They really should improve on the training sessions and in-game cooperation mechanisms. :)

Other than that, it's divide and conquer. Start with either left or right most bunker and work inwards. If the edge bunkers are heavily defended, then the center is probably weak. :p

[size=-2]... unless we are outnumbered by 10.[/size]

If it's Sabotage, it's usually down to the size of the attacking squad.

The interesting part is how people execute these basic strategies (e.g., what to attack, where to hide, how to disrupt enemies, etc.)