Madden 09


Anyone pick the game up yet? Impressions so far? I searched and didnt find a thread on the game. :oops:

I should have my copy later today.
I'd like to know about the PS3 version. I'll give the demo a try but if anyone has impressions of the full game I'd like to hear them.
I'm surprised at the lack of impression posts. This is the first Madden I've been interested in in a long time.
The forum is slightly slanted European. I'm sure they would be more interested in FIFA instead of American football. :D

Tommy McClain
one of the best Maddens ever, one of the best football ('Merican) games ever and certainly the best next gen football game so far.

graphics - fields, models, lighting and weather effects are miles ahead of last year and even though it is not perfect it plays a very Sunday-like game of football. very realistic and chock full of options. the new adaptive AI (user game-ability IQ tests) adapts to your ability and game play and adjusts the difficulty levels as you progress always trying to keep the game play as edge of your seat challenging as possible.

the devs are also posting freely on the OP sports boards (now that they have no competition) providing and receiving feedback which has led to 1 patch already being released this week. (PS3 is already out and 360 tomorrow) with patch #2 in th works for next month just to tweak the already stellar game play.
Tap In, tell them to add a, "Run clock" feature and I will buy it :p I hate how in Madden that you don't get a realistic play count. A normal NFL game runs 100-120 plays a game (give or take). After I select a play I should be able to hold down a button (e.g. "A") and accelerate the clock to, for example, 7 seconds. This would, in turn, allow me to run 15 minute quarters and give a MUCH better pacing to the game. The game wouldn't be longer per-play but it would correct a LOT of statistical issues. Further, it would allow those of us who like controlling the clock the ability to do so in a sensible fashion. People get TICKED online if you run the clock because, if you are good, you can run out a full HALF (10 minutes) *easy* if you are accomplished at the ground game.

On the flip side this would add a lot of potency to no-huddle offenses and, with some mild tweaking from EA Tiburon, could have an offset: if you run your team too hard you may not have the wind to finish strong and/or open yourself up to fatigue related injuries. Of course teams like the Colts, that run a no-huddle, would have players with increased stamina (as well as more staff to augment this approach) to offset these issues.

This isn't much different from how a team switching from a 4-3 to a 3-4 needs to adjust their staff and philosophy. This is such a SIMPLE concept, but substantial to real football simulation. 20 years and after me forwarding this complaint to them they still aren't listening!! Btw, I played the first Madden back on the PC where you had a timer for passes and aimed with your mouse.

Hopefully things pick up Tap In so you can crush me in a game this season :p I think my last Madden was 2004 on the consoles (GCN) so I should be an easy target. I was hoping this version had full online leagues with fantasy drafts so you could get 4-8 of your pals together for your own custom skirmishes. Man I miss FrontPage Sports Football!
Tap In, tell them to add a, "Run clock" feature and I will buy it :p I hate how in Madden that you don't get a realistic play count. A normal NFL game runs 100-120 plays a game (give or take). ...!

Accel clock is indeed being worked on as a POSSIBLE DLC item according to Madden SP. they are trying it out in house now to be sure that it does not break the game.
I can't see how it wouldn't break the game to implement it now. I agree with Acert that the game desperately needs this feature, but as he mentioned in his description, many other aspects of the game would need to be adjusted in order to maintain balance.

I'm always ticked I can't run 15 minute quarters and get realistic stats on decent difficulty levels. But I don't think you can just add that feature into the game without adjusting others for the effects. And that includes players stats and fundamental physics of the game that I don't think can be adjusted easily with a patch.
I was less than impressed by the PS3 demo. The part in the beginning where you have to train the AI just took too long, and is wholly unnecessary for a demo. After realizing I could skip it, I did. Then I got to play the last 1:30 of last year's Super Bowl. WHOOPDY DOO!

Guess I'll have to rent this one to see if it's actually any good...

On a positive note, the image quality and fluidity (framerate) of the graphics are vast improvements over previous iterations of the franchise, on PS3 at least.
Sorry my impressions took so long.

Graphics: Very crisp and detailed. The grass looks great. The player models look great. The crowds look like crowds. The stadiums during pre/post game presentation look a little polygon challenged. But there is more detail in the neighborhoods and parking lot around them. Animation is good like last year. Game looks overall much clearer to me.

Sound: Chris Collinsworth is a heck of alot better than the simulated radio commentator from past year. Didnt notice anuthing else with sound other than the usual hip-hop soundtrack. (pop punk must not be trendy for madden, i dunno im old)

Gameplay: Plays quick. Feels more dynamic, you can't run same plays over and over and expect it to unfold the same way. Seems to cut down on 'cheapness'. Game feels very offensive based. Feels very easy to move the ball short distances. Big yardage plays seem to be hard to get and long passes feel like a waste of a down. When someone plays 'small ball' it feels like they're unstoppable as they march down field. I use to dread playing offense now its reversed. Playing defense seems frustrating because which play you pick only determines HOW MANY yards they'll get not IF ANY.

I have yet to see a fumble. Interceptions aren't as common especially on short passes. This game is definitily not turnover city like last years.

Online: Played only 1 game and it was laggy. Made kicking hell as usual. But it does give you an option of only playing people close to your geographical location. Which I did not do so that maybe my fault.

Overall: Great game. I wish it was $40. But I don't feel ripped off at $60 cause I love football this time of year. I feel this game was about the the same jump 06 was to 07 was to 08. I still feel the best football game ever was nfl2k5 though. This game comes close within its shadow. It does alot more right than wrong.
Graphics: They tout their new graphics and it probably hits more checklist of graphics features, like the field and uniform degradation.

They also try to boost atmosphere with the pre-game shots of the stadium and the fireworks from above the field and before placekicks and some plays with wide shots of the field. The former you can't dismiss after seeing them for the umpteenth time and the latter you can dismiss, thankfully.

Oh and those stadium shots before the game look prerendered. And they look less impressive than the flyovers in Triple Play 97 on the PS1. I think in that case, EA paid some company money to make all those prerendered sequences.

Some people make a big deal about grass textures. I could care less. In this game, it may be more detailed but players do not contrast well against the grass as in previous games. It has a darker overall cast, even in domed stadiums. I prefer brighter grass.

Sound: I usually turn it down and listen to something else on my iPod. Collinsworth does sound better, what little I heard of him.

Gameplay: EA swings from one extreme to the other year to year. Last year, the defense had ESP and could converge on passes before the WR. This year, they toned that way down and made pass rush harder to generate. Lot of complaints at Madden forums about "robo QB" throwing for very high percentages. But it's partly it's that they really dumbed down the pass defense.

They either can't find a good medium or they purposely swing from one extreme to another so that gamers yearn for a "fix" next year and keep buying.

Online: I've played a couple of dozen games. No more or less laggy than last year. Fair number of disconnects though where games don't count and it doesn't affect the disconnect percentage. It happens on PATs or kickoffs. I've heard someone say when people push buttons to dismiss those wideshots, it can cause this type of disconnect.

One thing they added was My Player Hub under My Madden Online. From that, you can access your PSN Friends list and also EASW Friends (which you have to add on There are also EASW Recommended which are just a random list of people online playing Madden.

I think I only added two online clips. I don't like any of the camera angles they offer you when you select "create highlight." They're too tight (even sideline wide). The regular replays have a 3/4 angle from the sideline looking at the offensive team. That is much better to give you a better perspective on what happened on a particular play.

It takes awhile to encode and then upload each clip. I've saved a few others and maybe I will upload them.

Overall: Meh. Biggest disappointment was their really dumbed down online leagues. No divisions and conferences, just another year. I don't even notice the 60 FPS on the PS3.

There are people who claim the last gen games, which they still make, plays better overall, without the gameplay imbalances.

I have BC on my PS3 but I can't see going back to PS2.

But I may check out the PSP version and the new bundle they have now.
Maybe Tap-In or somebody else can tell us, but I just wanted to say that EA lost a purchase from me again today.

Normally, I'd go out and make a special trip to buy Madden and didn't this year as soon as I read reviews and learned of player progression issues. Having one of the worst demo's I've ever seen in my life, didn't help their case any either.

The NCAA demo was far better.

So I was at Target today doing my staples shopping and thought about getting Madden. But the problems with player progression are just nagging at me. Franchise mode, and building up a franchise from the ashes with young players and watching them progress is the reason why I play Madden.

I figured I might buy it if it were on sale or part of a special deal, and it wasn't.

I'm not throwing $60 at a game that has glaring issues that may or may not be addressed in a patch.

Does anybody know if this is going to be fixed? Because I'm not buying Madden with player progression problems. Especially considering NCAA supposedly doesn't have these issues. Something is broken.
They've patched it once and they've talked about a second path followed by free DLC.

I don't know if they specifically address player progression. I only play online.

In mid or late September, Toys R Us usually runs a 3 for 2 deal, so if there are a couple of games you want then, you can get Madden for "free."
Maybe Tap-In or somebody else can tell us, but I just wanted to say that EA lost a purchase from me again today.

I'm not a franchise player myself but AFAIK from reading, player progression works just fine albeit not dramatically. there were a few posts in the first day or two with the typical ranting "PP is broken" but it appears as if it just changes a little less dramatically then some would prefer, it shows in the minor categories more as opposed to the overall but YES it works. It's hardly even being discussed in the patch threads but there are a few people who still state that it does not work to their expectations. :p

it may not be up to your desires but it is not broken as in failed.
update in Patch 2 forthcoming

2 items pertinent to Rancid's questions

Franchise Progression / Regression (or lack thereof):
The lack of higher numbers was a tuning value that I think everyone agreed was just too low. This has been juiced up so you should see more realistic progression now.

Edited players don’t progress:
Players were not progressing after their jersey number (or pretty much any other attribute) was edited. This has been fixed.
oh and something for Joshua forthcoming in POSSIBLE DLC :)

And now that this patch is nearly out the door, I figured I’d drop some more good news… We have officially started building the TOTALLY FREE “Sim Madden Gamer” DLC pack, which includes Accelerated Clock, a “Classic” Controller Configuration, CPU Sliders, and Community Gamerpics for 360. I’ll state again that there’s no promise that this goes through, but we have nearly every one of these features actually ‘done’ internally, so now we have to figure out how to get Microsoft and Sony to allow us to release them.
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Tap in & Co.: Is there any ability to do a fantasy draft with friends online? e.g. If 3 of my friends and myself want to play eachother with our fantasy rosters, preferrably one compiled through a mutual draft where all parties are involved, is this possible?

How are they dealing with online leagues and such? Far too many reviews are VAGUE about how online features/modes function these days. I keep tracking down feature lists for online modes in games and I can categorically state there is a dire need for a database of online modes/features.