Lost Planet Demo

Dot50Cal said:
Kinda dissapointed in it actually. I was expecting more out of next gen, especially from capcom.
Even with the interlacing apparent in some of the screens you can still see low poly models :\ Not sure if its this gen or what but PR screens vs user screens show huge discrepencys..

Augh..I totally disagree.

The game doesn't have LOW poly's at all, its just less than you imagine things 'should have' in this gen.
Disregard the superb art, never mind the superb effects, never mind the awesome animation on..everything! Its a crime to ignore the things that are *easily* making this game look better in-game than almost anything on 360/PS3 save for Gears of War.

Those pictures btw look like they were captured from a 1988 Zenith.
Dot50Cal said:
Kinda dissapointed in it actually. I was expecting more out of next gen, especially from capcom. Some screens I whipped up:





Even with the interlacing apparent in some of the screens you can still see low poly models :\ Not sure if its this gen or what but PR screens vs user screens show huge discrepencys..

Those screens are no where near representativeof what the game really looks like.
Consider this, They were captured using Component video. From what Ive seen on my television they are what SDTV owners will be seeing.
either way, they really aren't representative of what i've been playing.....

i think even by sdtv standards those grabs are very poor quality
those pics are not representative of this game

go here to view pics and download the 720 trailer if you really want to see what all the hub bub is about.


this game has great controls, neat camera effects (instant 45* turns), terrific environments Blizzard!, smooth visuals, massive explosions, and the ANIMATION is some of the best I've ever seen in a game like this.

The weight and speed at which the player moves and jumps, the use of the roll and the grappling hook for evading fire, the interacting with the weapons and the Mechs, (add or remove wepons from Mechs and use them on foot) and most impoirtantly it is fun.

and this is only from two short demo levels
This game has potential be a huge HIT for Capcom.

BTW here is a great interview with the producer.


I know I'm pimping this game :), but, think I'm in love with it. ;)
Many people on several boards have said the same thing. It's getting a great reception.
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from the interview posted above with the producer.... some multiplayer tid-bits.

IGN: We haven't heard a lot about Lost Planet's multiplayer modes, what can you tell us?

Keiji Inafune: For the multiplayer, right now we're getting into the heart of trying to see what we can do. We've completed a lot of the artwork in the single player, that's where we're trying to focus a lot of our resources, energy, time. I've got these grandiose visions that I'm trying to have the team aim at like thirty-two people online at the same time. When I'd say that's what they need to shoot for, they'd say I'm crazy, it should only be sixteen. Right now we're just trying to see what's possible. It never hurts to have high expectations of something, and that being said, with this game, it's going to be a very different style than Monster Hunter, which of course is a very popular title for us, which is sort of like teaming up to defeat a gigantic monster. There's going to be less of that and more of different factions of snow pirates fighting against each other. Different teams versus different teams. I think that's where you're going to have the most fun in the game, the multiplayer. They [single and multiplayer] should both feel like very different modes.

IGN: What are some of the multiplayer modes?

Keiji Inafune: When you look at these sort of games [Lost Planet], you have to look at Halo as the standard. If you're going to make something with multiplayer modes you're going to at least have to have what Halo's got. We're going to try and get as many of those modes in the game as possible. Something like one team kills the entire rival team, fighting over territories, just your standard set of modes, but we haven't really determined or got anything concrete as of now.

IGN: Are you planning on any sort of downloadable content for Dead Rising or Lost Planet? Any kind of pricing structure associated with that?

Keiji Inafune: Yes they'll be downloadable content. New weapons,maybe for Lost Planet a new robot that you can purchase. The price is going to largely depend on how much bang are you getting for your buck. If it's just a little weapon that you get, then we obviously can't charge a lot for it. If it's an entire new vehicle you can ride in for Lost Planet then that's going to go for a little bit more. Right now we're just trying to get a large variety of different items to stick in there so that people can choose whether they want to spend more for the cooler item, vehicle, gadget, map, etc.
I enjoyed the demo, but had an odd question. Did anyone notice you can't shoot while running backwards? I thought it was odd. Is there any particular reason for that?
Diamond.G said:
I enjoyed the demo, but had an odd question. Did anyone notice you can't shoot while running backwards? I thought it was odd. Is there any particular reason for that?

I don't know what you're talking about. I just fired up the demo and was able to shoot while running backwards.
Shogmaster said:
I don't know what you're talking about. I just fired up the demo and was able to shoot while running backwards.
hmm loading demo now....

edit: your right, i'm retard. he pauses to switch side, which caused me to stop shooting and think wtf.

edit2: once you get the energy weapon the game becomes quite easy...
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Dot50Cal said:
Kinda dissapointed in it actually. I was expecting more out of next gen, especially from capcom. Some screens I whipped up:
The gameplay movie looks pretty fantastic. The downside was the enemy seemed pretty thick, and obviously they had a cheat on as the character took no damage even when hit by missles, which made it rather stupid looking. There were also situations like Hero gets in mech and shoots other mechs dead. These other mechs don't concern themselves to shoot the Hero though...

But the smooth framerate and animation I thought excellent. The monsters move with realism. The explosions look great too, big and puffy. the game does have a sense of classyness to it. I'd have liked to have seen more than the handful of different enemy types, but it seems to be a trailer from just one level.
Shifty Geezer said:
The gameplay movie looks pretty fantastic. The downside was the enemy seemed pretty thick, and obviously they had a cheat on as the character took no damage even when hit by missles, which made it rather stupid looking. There were also situations like Hero gets in mech and shoots other mechs dead. These other mechs don't concern themselves to shoot the Hero though...

But the smooth framerate and animation I thought excellent. The monsters move with realism. The explosions look great too, big and puffy. the game does have a sense of classyness to it. I'd have liked to have seen more than the handful of different enemy types, but it seems to be a trailer from just one level.

If you play or watch the second demo level the mech can and will shoot your azz! :p

That second level was actually kinda hard cause the snow pirates hide fairly well..
Alstrong said:
Does the snow deform well?

It doesnt at all which I noticed... *shrug* it doesnt detract from gameplay but it would be nice if there was a trace of you turning over fresh snow as you played... get your request in now!
I like how you can take out the mech's weapons and have your guy use them while he is walking and then reattach them again to the mech. In one of the levels you cab attach this huge shotgun to your mech that sorty of hidden. I also like how they did the fur on the character. If you zoom in you can see the fur better on his outfit. It's really nicely done. I also like the animations. The only thing that I am worried about is if they'll be more variety in the actual gameplay than simply running around and killing everything. Hopefully they'll have a god story line too.
dizzyd said:
Hopefully they'll have a god story line too.

they included a notable Korean actor to the game (as the main character) and there are some sweet looking cut scenes in the release media, so I'm hoping that indicates that they take the story seriously, yes.
blakjedi said:
It doesnt at all which I noticed... *shrug* it doesnt detract from gameplay but it would be nice if there was a trace of you turning over fresh snow as you played... get your request in now!

haha yeah, it was just a curiosity really. Nice to have, but just another feature.

So who do I talk to get this in as a requested feature? ;)
Shifty Geezer said:
The gameplay movie looks pretty fantastic. The downside was the enemy seemed pretty thick, and obviously they had a cheat on as the character took no damage even when hit by missles, which made it rather stupid looking. There were also situations like Hero gets in mech and shoots other mechs dead. These other mechs don't concern themselves to shoot the Hero though...

But the smooth framerate and animation I thought excellent. The monsters move with realism. The explosions look great too, big and puffy. the game does have a sense of classyness to it. I'd have liked to have seen more than the handful of different enemy types, but it seems to be a trailer from just one level.

In the snowpirates mission the enemy mechs are pretty intense, constantly firing rockets at you, plus there's 2 missile embankments across the yard and a couple douchebags with rocket launches at the far end of the compound, needless to say there's explosions everywhere and it makes it a pretty tough experience.

I'm sort of torn on the game, the gameplay is fun, does give a decent challenge, but the the outdoor scenes and bakground detail could be better, lighting could be alot better, controls could be better.

Some of the cooler features of the game is when you can steal weapons form the dead mechs, and lug them around, carrying around 150lb gattlin gun, shootin from the hip is pretty fun times.

This looks to be a solid rental, but not a purchase. Hopefully this will be somewhat of a sleeper hit in Japan, I guess the main character is pretty popular. A few of my friends tried the demo and they all said it sucked, so I guess it doesn't appeal to everyone.
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scooby_dooby said:
.... A few of my friends tried the demo and they all said it sucked, so I guess it doesn't appeal to everyone.

I also thought ...meh... regarding gameplay at first (Although the graphics and sound grabbed me)

But after trying 3-4 more times and playing for a while and understanding the control scheme, instant turns, grapping hook and such, I'm hooked.

Not to mention I'm buying it for the online multiplayer as much, if not more.