Lost Planet Demo

Just played both levels of this demo!

Very nice. I'm sooooo not used to the controller for FPS games but the controls still felt pretty natural. I got my ass kicked but it was fun to play. If the next gen xbox 360 are anything like this, then it's looking quite good. The explosions, physics and the details when indoors (snow doesn't tell much) are amazing! Most jaw dropping demo I've played in a while that I can remember.
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It just got pushed back to that winter release date as well. I'm hopeing that means they took the warm reception the demo is getting as a que to go all out with polish.
watching the Game spot (E3 Live) show tonight every one of the panel said that Lost Planet was the game that really jumped out at them today on the floor.

They may put it on display on the show for the panel to play tomorrow.
Serenity Painted Death said:
I just completed the second demo stage...

Man, that boss fight is INTENSE!

Wish the demo levels were a bit longer, but the game seems to be shaping up nicely.


I just learned about the roll move:
(left click down (kneel) and then jump button)

man playing in one of the mech suits is awesome. Love the gatling gun. :D
this Capcom game is seriously underappreciated
if you like GoW or Resistance, this is on par or better IMO graphically and possibly game play-wise.

In HD is soooo much better though

Dead rising also uses this engine supposedly and most likely Resident Evil 5 which if true will be amazing. :D

anyway, new game play vids here


oh and there are Hidef vids if you have Gamespot complete that show more gameplay and the story line and the cut scenes look on par or better than anything we've seen yet.

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yea, I've changed my mind about single player with the grappling hook and the mechs and even deeper gameplay (for a straight shooter) than most, I'm hooked.
That latest gameplay video look absolutely amazing. It looks like Capcom is adding a lot of nice effects developed for RE4. I see lots of simiarities and people who've played RE4 will know what I mean. The game has amazing style too.
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Decided to check this one out a few minutes ago. All I can say is: Wow!

The trailer looked cool, but this way more fun than I expected. I'm way out of practice with a console controller, so I pretty much got my ass kicked, but it was still great. Playing in 720p on a 100" screen with a 7.1 system was awesome. Graphics looked great, sound was great, and the explosions were some of the best I've seen in a game. Grappling worked like I expected, and who can complain about mechs with dual gatling guns?
Kinda dissapointed in it actually. I was expecting more out of next gen, especially from capcom. Some screens I whipped up:





Even with the interlacing apparent in some of the screens you can still see low poly models :\ Not sure if its this gen or what but PR screens vs user screens show huge discrepencys..
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Dot50Cal said:
Video of me running around shooting things..which apparently arent coded very well. They seem to just hang around and let me pick them off at a distance. :\l

it's a demo.... on "Stupid" mode for fun