Looking for new TV series to watch - your recommendations

I heard about Invasion, Supernatural and also I have to admit I never watched Alias.
Are those any good? What good shows can you recommend?
DemoCoder said:
24, Lost, and Battlestar Galactica. Only 3 shows I watch on television.
Yeah ... I watch all three of those (with the exceptions of 24 and Lost) ;) BSG does rock though, I'm very impressed with it. Best TV sci-fi series I've seen in ... ten years or so I think (since the early days of B5).
i like House. i miss about 50% of them though.

i don't watch anything regularly except sunday night HBO (if a good series is showing new shows)

i like to catch 60 minutes too.

i never watch 'reality' shows and i hate cop/lawyer shows.

what's on the networks proves conclusively that 'the man' INCLUDES the mass media. i think A LOT of people get their whole national/world view from that sort of 'entertainment' (indoctrination, brainwashing)
I'm watching 24 now and it's actually pretty good. I'm about midway thru season 3.

House is just an f-ing excellent show, very highly recomended. It's nearing the end of the second season right now and is only getting better.

If you're up for something a bit different and absolutely hilarous I'd have to recomend "Black Books". It's an english show about Bernard Black who owns a used bookstore and likes to drink, it's 2 or 3 seasons long but each season is only 6 episodes so it's quick. (BTW- I HATE how english TV seasons are soooo short!)

My Name Is Earl is a sitcom that is also freaking hilarious, the big difference between it and all the other sitcoms out is the quality of the actors...they got some ridiculously talented people working that show and their guest stars keep blowing my mind.

Robot Chicken is Seth Greens demented doll/toy show. It's only 10 minutes per episode and each episode is a collection of little ditties, so it's great short attention span stuff. Just starting it's second season on Cartoon Network.

And Family Guy is probably already known by most, but I didn't actually start watching it until a few months back and then me and my wife just ravenously ate our way thru all five seasons of it in a week or so....good stuff!

If you haven't seen Battlestar Galactica I'll also recomend that one along with everyone else, it's a great series and I can't wait until the third season this October. :)
24's fifth season is the best yet. And digi will love it, because it it vague resembles the Bush administration and... (I can't spoil it)
i like House. i miss about 50% of them though.
This is why mankind created the VCR, and its more recent incarnation -- the DVR (aka Tivo). "House" is in a class by itself. High production values, outstanding acting, brilliant writing.

"Commander-In-Chief" is also up there on my list. Though it didn't seem to be airing for a while, it has started up again as of a few weeks ago.

Among the Britcoms that air on PBS, my favorite by far is "As Time Goes By," which strikes me overall as a more realistic kind of sitcom, built on characters who aren't quite as much of contrived caricatures as you'd see in comedies like "Keeping up Appearances" or "The Office" and "Father Ted" (not that those shows aren't hilarious, too -- and I think I've shown that "The Office" is less contrived than it seems ;-)). But the idea of more or less "normal" people in everyday life being funny is actually a refreshing change.
Funny story about House and DVRs....

There was a two-part episode on this week Tues & Wends. I downloaded the Tues night one and watched it whilst recording the Wens one on my Theatre Pro 550, but I had screwed up the recording settings and only got half the second episode. :(

For some bloody reason House takes about 12 hours after broadcast now for someone to upload a copy, (as opposed to the 1-2 hours a few months back), so I was jonesing last night bouncing around torrent sites waiting for it to be released.

My wife asked me what I was doing as she headed to bed and when I told her she said to me, "Well John, why don't you just go into the living room and watch it on the 42" plasma that recorded it in HD on the DVR?".


I hadn't even considered that option, I don't think I've watched anything on our HDTV since we got in in December...everyone else is always using it.

Took her advice and watched it on that and just bloody freaked out all over again at what a difference HD makes. House is one of them shows I really notice it on and it just looked/sounded faboo to me.

Good episode last night two, double-bonus. :cool:
Cartoon Corpse said:
i like House. i miss about 50% of them though.

I saw two episodes of House on the way back from China last week and was really impressed. Proggied it into my Tivo and have two to watch at home now.

Other than that I watch reruns of Homicide, The Daily Show and sometimes Avatar with my kids. :)
Hector said:
The IT Crowd. Best show for nerds ever.

You really think so? I've got to say I thought it was a bit crap myself. Too forced - I suppose it could just have been the overzealous canned laughter which put me off, however. I didn't bother watching it after the first couple of episodes.

I've got to say I'm getting a bit sick of BSG as well now. The humans are just so damn stupid, they don't deserve to survive.
Mariner said:
You really think so? I've got to say I thought it was a bit crap myself. Too forced - I suppose it could just have been the overzealous canned laughter which put me off, however. I didn't bother watching it after the first couple of episodes.

I've got to say I'm getting a bit sick of BSG as well now. The humans are just so damn stupid, they don't deserve to survive.

You should try reading the "Religion, Politics & Socioeconomic Climate" Forum
House, really good and a very inteligent serie it is recomended a 5 stars.

Invasion, till now one of the best plot I have seen in years (linking all the episodes), but I advices you to see all the episodes.

Others ones that are also nice is: CSI:Miami, The Shield, Without Track, (this one I dont know the original name but should something like) Criminal Minds, Cold Case...