Bagel seed
Just finished the game on Hard (but only registered Normal, since I switched difficulties early on) in 20h. Amazing game, is what I kept telling myself from about half way in and up to the end :smile:
A few highlights off the top my head for the moment:
-University scenery. Another 'in awe' moment for ND games
-All of winter (snowstorm ), and especially playing as Ellie. Beasted through that area Solid Snake and Sam Fisher would be proud
-Henry and Sam The part where Sam is all melancholy and upset while talking with Ellie, and leaving you wondering what's up before he reveals his leg was nicely done.
-and finally, stealthily shooting a guy who was creeping up the stairs, in the head with a shotgun, leaving him headless with a graphic blood spray pattern on the beige wall behind him to end the encounter. Wow.
A few highlights off the top my head for the moment:
-University scenery. Another 'in awe' moment for ND games
-All of winter (snowstorm ), and especially playing as Ellie. Beasted through that area Solid Snake and Sam Fisher would be proud
-Henry and Sam The part where Sam is all melancholy and upset while talking with Ellie, and leaving you wondering what's up before he reveals his leg was nicely done.
-and finally, stealthily shooting a guy who was creeping up the stairs, in the head with a shotgun, leaving him headless with a graphic blood spray pattern on the beige wall behind him to end the encounter. Wow.