Last of Us spoilers

I am ditching it ! No weapons carry over, my upgrades are all messed up, not playing the New Game + :( I just wanted to use my Flamethrower that I never used the first time, but my packpack has nothing at all !
Ya ! I completed the game on hard and now started New Game + on Hard . Are we supposed to get all our stuff and upgrades back when we get the backpack ? it should be that way. My backpack has nothing.

I almost maxed out my flamethrower. It's great against all the zombies.
Didn't get a chance to use it against the humans.

It's probably more fun to use the bow though.
Oooh... right. Items don't carry over, just health, stats/upgrades/abilities.

Yeah? I don't like it then:mad: . First of all my Joel upgrades aren't there correctly.

Secondly, I play New Game + on the same difficulty for what? To have fun with the game. IF I don't have the weapons to mess around with enemies, what is the point of playing the same difficulty again? I would rather go over to Survivor or Easy (to mess with the game).
I almost maxed out my flamethrower. It's great against all the zombies.
Didn't get a chance to use it against the humans.

It's probably more fun to use the bow though.

Thats the point patsu, i had upgraded my Flamethrower quite a bit and was waiting to use it some hordes of infected in some last level boss fight or so, but it never happened. SO, I thought, no problems I will go all Rambo in my new game + and burn all the suckrs right fro the beginning ! But turns out I will have to wait for another 20 hours of game to just get my hands on the Flamethrower I have already upgraded !

Better would be to just load up Salt lake city again and go Rambo this time around !
omg just finished TLoU. Anyone here from medical school?
i just kind of shocked when they say that they need ellie dead, to get all the fungi, to make a fix.

doesn't they should be only need to take a bit of tissue for sample? With ellie still alive, it will give the researchers lots lots lots of sample easily.

btw theres so many corporation making TLoU. Its not just a work of ND, its a wonderful collaboration

where you get the making of?
connecting TLoU to PSN?
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omg just finished TLoU. Anyone here from medical school?
i just kind of shocked when they say that they need ellie dead, to get all the fungi, to make a fix.

doesn't they should be only need to take a bit of tissue for sample? With ellie still alive, it will give the researchers lots lots lots of sample easily.

btw theres so many corporation making TLoU. Its not just a work of ND, its a wonderful collaboration

where you get the making of?
connecting TLoU to PSN?

From TLoU main menu > downloadables > making of

which connects you to PSN store. But only for season pass owners I guess.

Just watching it...crazy good and super informative...
Making if is, they even talked a bit about the Giraffe scene :)

Highlights (i can remember):

- as Laa-Yosh mentioned, they did build up Ellie as an action hero...the explicitly mentioned Ellie's origin. So Ellie in a sequel?

- they reserve like 4-5 megs memory for all(!!) animations, including of course Ellie, Joel but also NPCs...crazy! So next gen, suppose a linear scaling, they can reserve about 16 times as much memory for animations, 64-80 megs...holy shit, can't wait!

- sound design and music score is fantastic, just bought Ronroco from Gustavo Santaolalla.

- saw the 'real' actors the first time...interesting to see how they did all the capturing, especially one of the key scenes, where Sahra died in Joel's arms...shows how much a director needs to push to prevent actors from dramatic over-acting. Hats off to Neil Druckman...

- very cool that the Ellie actress helped to form Ellie's character, especially that after she complaint, they changed some fighting scenes and made Ellie more actively helping.

- for me personally, it is always astounding how many artists contribute to such a piece of beauty, how many different artists there are, e.g. Lighting artist.

The new game + system is bugged man. I reloaded my game completion save and when I got my backpack there were none upgrades this time :???: ! I reloaded, played thru the whole opening again and now I have all my Joel upgrades ! Its the same save game thatvI had to reload three times to ge tmy upgrades correctly !
Weird stuff !
The new game + system is bugged man. I reloaded my game completion save and when I got my backpack there were none upgrades this time :???: ! I reloaded, played thru the whole opening again and now I have all my Joel upgrades ! Its the same save game thatvI had to reload three times to ge tmy upgrades correctly !
Weird stuff !

Btw, I loaded an old save game to test out the weapons I did not use...the flamethrower you didn't use either is very cool :)
Its on piratebay too. I am downloading from there and getting the season pass for the sp and mp dlc.

thanks! its now running on 30KB/s. will took a while but torrent are easily resumable and fixable. No need for me to worry electricity blackout, internet disconnect :D

you make me want to turn my monitor 90degree and hoping gravity will pull the download progress to 100% :LOL:
Finished the game yesterday on normal in may be 25 hours or so and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It felt like a maturation of story based game when I was playing it.

I had plenty of nervous, breathless or exhilarating moments with this game, but in the end, the special one for me was the giraffe scene. In that moment, it felt like I along with Joel and Ellie, just wanted time to stand still and not progress. It's a moment of peace and bliss they can share in a grim and gruesome world, facing a highly uncertain future. :eek::???::smile::cry:
wow this making of really taking long time to download. 20% more! :D

Just watched it ! As good as the game itself! Was so glad to see that a lot of things that I had noted in my diary about the game were talked about in the documentary ! Feels good to know I picked out all the special things they did while I was playing it. Also shows all those special things worked , hence I could pick them out ! :D

My respect for Neil has gone through the roof ! :cool: