Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. I wouldn't say that it is worse than his other books, just very different. Instead of his normal 1 novel craziness, it's more like a 150 pages novel, with no character development, and then 250 pages of short stories and poems that tie into the main story and serve as character development. Very odd, very original, and possibly his craziest yet.
He read one of the short stories, Guts, at some of his book tours. More than 50 people passed out during his readings of the 14 minute story. I don't think any modern author has actually caused people to pass out just from reading a story.
People that went into it expecting a normal Palahniuk novel seemed to be dissapointed, but people who take it for what it is think it's amazing. It really goes deep when you think about it after you're done reading it.
I definitely reccommend it (as I do with all of Chuck's books).