L.A. Noire from Rockstar

btw any chance DF will try installing on SSD?
long time ago DF make an article about installing game on SSD on PS3.

with the new dashboard, xbox also can use SSD right? (albeit only 16GB partition)
Damn this game is great!Been playing it for 10 hours,now on 2nd disk,having great time.

It looks great at night,on day light not so much,lighting is kind of flat and frame rate,while 99% of time very smooth it can just get to probably single digits for whatever the reason.Haven't encounter any bugs or something...
Nope.Day/nigh changes are changing from case to case.It makes sense though, since they have to nail the atmosphere for types of cases.
First Impressions (PS3)
I have to be honest, in order for LA Noire to pull me in I had to play it for a few hours. I'm not quite sure what it was (too hyped perhaps?) but I just wasn't feeling it at first. Once I completed my first real case without any hand-holding, and my first side mission, the game began to sink its hooks in me. It's a really interesting, fun and unique game and I cannot wait to get back home and play it. Remember, despite the fact that it has action sequences this isn't a GTA game--it's more of an adventure game.

Here are some random thoughts:

- LA 1947 in this game is just incredibly detailed. You'll want to veer off, get out of your car and explore, and you can if you wish. Most builds cannot me entered, but there are landmarks to tag (hit a button when you drive by it), newspapers to find and read (I think these might only be available at a crime scene), 40 side missions like chase down a robber.

- The newpapers you find initiate a cool cut scene that never feels too long (at least not yet).

- I've found cut scenes cannot be skipped even when replaying a mission. I found this really strange because all of the Rockstar games I've played in the past have had cut scenes you could skip.

- The driving in LA Noire doesn't feel like driving in GTAIV. The cars have more of an arcade feel to them.

- From my experience, when crashing a vehicle, you cannot flip it no matter how bad the accident is. Not a big deal, just noting it.

- You have the ability to turn your siren on at any time, and when you do vehicles ahead of you will pull over to let you by. :)

- The facial animations are stunningly beautiful. I mean, unlike anything I've ever seen and it doesn't feel like a gimmick. After experiencing it I hope GTAV is using this tech.

- The facial animations are too good. What I mean by that is that it can be distracting in a weird way. It almost makes everything else look awkward or out of place. This could be an Uncanny Valley thing.

- The texture quality, environmental detail and modeling is extremely impressive. The attention to detail will stop you in your tracks, particularly during the crime scene investigations.

- I've had one frame rate drop--and it was quite significant--during a chase scene. It only last a few seconds.

- Interrogating people is thrilling. What I mean is, at times it's kind of puts you on the edge of your seat because you don't want to mess things up. If you call someone out (a liar) you have to prove it by providing the evidence. There have been a few times where I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing and it wasn't exciting to wait for the little queues (suspects reaction, music) to let me know if I succeeded.

- Walking around the crime scenes, picking up and examine things is cool.

- The voice acting is what you expect it to be--awesome.

- If you like you can play the game in black & white!

- There is something missing in regards to the city. It has personality, and it is beautifully constructed, but there is something stagnant about it. I'm not saying it feels like a Disneyland ride like the city in mafia 2, but it also doesn't quite feel as lively as the city in GTAIV.

Ok that's all for now, will report back later! :)
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First Impressions (PS3)

wow, thanks for the great impresssions!! keep em coming please!!!
I am still not sure if I should buy it or not...what I know: GTA games - I don't like at all. But I loved Heavy Rain!
So please...keep your cool impressions coming :)
wow, thanks for the great impresssions!! keep em coming please!!!
I am still not sure if I should buy it or not...what I know: GTA games - I don't like at all. But I loved Heavy Rain!
So please...keep your cool impressions coming :)

I think you should go for it, and get the PS3 version too. This game is nothing like GTA.
I think you should go for it, and get the PS3 version too. This game is nothing like GTA.

can you please tell me if it is "a lot" open world?

I mean...is it ok to just follow the main story, the main mission?

I did this in Read Dead Redemption and was quite happy with the experience...because, I just don't like the open world stuff...I want a dense atmospheric experience with dense story and all that...a little bit hand holding, not to much non-linearity...so can you maybe comment on that?
can you please tell me if it is "a lot" open world?

I mean...is it ok to just follow the main story, the main mission?

I did this in Read Dead Redemption and was quite happy with the experience...because, I just don't like the open world stuff...I want a dense atmospheric experience with dense story and all that...a little bit hand holding, not to much non-linearity...so can you maybe comment on that?

Oh it's much more linear than RDR or any GTA game. Driving from case to case isnt an issue and doesnt feel awkward. I mean, you can go anywhere you want once you're in your car and on your way to a scene, so if you want to do side stuff you totally can. It doesnt seem to encourage it outright though. at least it hasnt for me. It does say "oh hey now you can just do whatever you want". It kind of encourages you to push forward on the main story stuff by not recommending the side stuff. If you enjoyed RDR (which was really open) then you're going to love this.

Hope that makes sense.
What is the online part of this game.

The only part I'm aware of is during the investigation process. You pick up intuition points during the investigation and you can use them to narrow down answers or reveal clues. One way is to ping the "community" (read:eek:nline help) and this will help you determine the correct answer (truth, doubt, or lie) when questioning.
Seems like the PS3 version is the one to get. Being a single player title, that makes friends lists and the like a moot point. I think I'll end up getting the 360 version, only because I don't have my PS3 setup right now, but the PS3 version, even just for being on a single disc, seems to be the best and most convenient option.
Seems like the PS3 version is the one to get. Being a single player title, that makes friends lists and the like a moot point. I think I'll end up getting the 360 version, only because I don't have my PS3 setup right now, but the PS3 version, even just for being on a single disc, seems to be the best and most convenient option.

If you have no controller preference then yeah get the ps3 or if you invested in a controller adapter you can use your favorite controller on every console.
Played for a few hours. It's pretty simple and easy, but I find it enjoyable. I think if it's very long, some of the chases and gun fights might get repetitive quickly. The interviews are a lot of fun. I've heard you can't fail them outright, but getting the right choices is definitely a challenge. The facial animation, or capture, is definitely very very impressive. Music and sound effects are fantastic. The acting is pretty decent.
Played for a few hours. It's pretty simple and easy, but I find it enjoyable. I think if it's very long, some of the chases and gun fights might get repetitive quickly. The interviews are a lot of fun. I've heard you can't fail them outright, but getting the right choices is definitely a challenge. The facial animation, or capture, is definitely very very impressive. Music and sound effects are fantastic. The acting is pretty decent.

I agree

it's got some performance issues but looks pretty good, has a nice pleasant pacing and the acting is pretty damned good, especially form the known actors that I actually recognize form TV and movies who I recognize as good actors.
The last case I was playing last night, the interviews started to become more difficult. I'm actually going to replay it, because I want to get 100% of the questions right.

I think the way the cases play out can be a little bit dynamic. In one case, I was chasing a suspect and they grabbed a hostage. I could have shot and killed them, but missed my shot and they killed the hostage causing me to fail the case. When I replayed, I managed to fire a warning shot before they ever got to the hostage, which allowed me to apprehend them. I think the cut scenes would have played out a little differently depending on what happened. There have been a few other side missions that I completed, but I'm not sure if I could have gotten through them without killing particular suspects.

I don't think the game will have a ton of replay value, but I may replay certain cases if I feel there was something I could have done better, or a better final result. Unlike other Rockstar games, you can't really muck around as much because you're a straight-laced cop and you can't go around hurting people. There isn't really any good cop vs bad cop dynamic in the game. You are a by the book cop. That's the character.

The main character is part of the Mad Men cast, and there's a bartender in the game that's played by another Mad Men actor as well.

I have to say, despite not being an incredibly complex game to play, it does feel like it brings something new to gaming. The structure of the game is pure adventure game, with a bit of fighting and shooting thrown in. For the most part it feels somewhat easy like the point-and-click type of adventure games that were made after the command line driven games disappeared. The interface using the police journal is very well thought out, making it very easy to review the case as it unfolds. What makes the game feel like something different is the interview segments. People's reactions are not always so cut and dry, so I spend a lot of time thinking about which response I'm going to choose, and I feel a real sense of accomplishment if I manage to do all of the questioning correctly. You only get one shot to ask each question, so you can't just rinse and repeat until you find it. With some of the performances being done pretty well, I genuinely feel kind of like a dick if I wrongly accuse someone.

I'm really enjoying the game as a change of pace from most of everything else.