L.A. Noire from Rockstar

BTW, can you install all LA Noire discs and just play off of disc one only on 360? Or do you have to switch discs even when all three are installed?

usually the behavior is still need disc 1, 2, or 3 in drive when needed....
cant launch installed data disc 2, or 3 using disc 1.

btw playing LAN 3 hours straight in day mission is not good for my eyes... the light just so bright..
tried the B/W mode, it worse... the light (like sky) become much brighter
bought it today for PS3...
is it true?? does this game blow up my ol' Europe launch PS3??
Got the game too, hasn't yet blown up my PS3 Slim :)
There was a patch for the game already, so maybe Rockstar just fixed their bug...
The game could just as well be called GTA:LA Noire, it feels and plays just like a GTA game, apart from the interrogation sequences, which so far haven't been that interesting.
A good game still, though I was expecting it to be more different from GTA4 and Read Dead Redemption.
The missions have been very simple thus far. I was expecting the game to be more of a one underlying big mystery to be solved, with mini missions on top, but the missions have been just disjointed 'side quests' thus far. Granted, there are the flashbacks that hint at something of a bigger story, but that hasn't grapped my interest and imagination at all yet. The story is a let down really.
It remains to be seen if it'll manage to hold my interest to the end, or if I get utterly bored of it after 2/3 of the game, as happened with GTA4 and RDR.
The game seems to be quite a bit shorter than those two, doesn't it? only 21 story missions, and I've done 5 of them already in couple hours with over 15% completion!
The graphics are a mixed bag too. It's cleaner and more detailed than GTA4, but the framerate is very choppy in busier city streets, but on the other hand when thre's less traffic, it seems to have better framerate than GTA4.
The facial animation is a bit of a let down too. The facials are quite good at places, but other character movement is similarily robotic as in GTA4. It actually sticks out more now that the faces are that much more expressive.
An 8/10 game for me. If previous R* games (since GTA4) are anything to go by, in the end my score will be lower, a 7 maybe.
The game world is pretty special! So much detail, and so many little details. Be it interactive shrubbery, heat haze, steam, exhaust smoke, flashing vehicle headlamps, torchlight with excellent shadowing all really bring the game world to life. Also, things like powerlines (of which there are many!) and highly detailed shopfronts, not just a flat texture, really help add solidness and believability to everything. None of this would matter if the framerate took a hit but to reach 30 fps 99% of the time, and in 720p is a very VERY good achievement!

Negatives for is the car handling feels a bit light and somewhat twitchy, just needed to be a bit more weighty, these where big cars afterall. The other downside is the inconsistency with the V/O recordings. Some sound OK, some sound like they've been recorded in a toilet, seems to be different from one sentence to the next, so when you hear such an example in an outside environment, it kind of ...removes you from the game a wee bit. Having said that, many other games suffer from the same issue.
great to see an Australian dev studio put out an AAA game(the first ever?), hopefully they sell lots and have many more successes. lots of talented people down here, just no local experience, hopefully it can set some wheels in motion :D .

would buy if there was a PC version.
Maybe it´s nothing but hey, then i wouldn´t post about it.

When i first got my Noire i had it on the title screen for several hours, then i played a little.. this was with 1.00

However, next time i booted the game 1.01 was there (i wasn´t connected to the net during the first try).

But i actually think that the PS3 is running the fan at a higher speed now (1.01) than it did before (1.00) and than it usually does with other games.

Maybe it is a coincidence with the 1.01 but not with the fan speed in general, the Fan is running at more RPM´s than in for example GT5
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Been playing this game, apparently people in the 40s were unable to lie with a straight face.

Yeah I noticed that, maybe the perps get tougher later although it can still be tough to ace an interrogation because of the doubt/lie options.

great to see an Australian dev studio put out an AAA game(the first ever?), hopefully they sell lots and have many more successes. lots of talented people down here, just no local experience, hopefully it can set some wheels in motion :D .

would buy if there was a PC version.

It's worth slumming it on the old gen consoles for this game I'd say, visuals won't impress anymore but the facial animations are indeed cool and the game is pretty fun. It's interesting to see how the law was back then, when you couldn't lawyer up and people could be roughed up. Voice acting is very good. It seems like it might be a touch on the short side, after my first sitting I was at 16% or so completion. I do wish there was a bit more to the investigations, but this is a great start for a new idea and new franchise.
yea if this had been released when GTA came out, graphics would be astounding but the world is huge and very detailed even moreso than GTA although not as much to do. Still think Red Dead is way better.

But yea, facial actions and voice acting are top notch...I'd give it about an 8 I'm about halfway through
From all the review videos, I get the feeling that the game feels bland and not for me ! Watching people talk and walking around awkwardly while collecting clues.......Atleast Heavy Rain had those cool glasses to investigate crimes scenes, that sure was fun, but this I dunno...!
From all the review videos, I get the feeling that the game feels bland and not for me ! Watching people talk and walking around awkwardly while collecting clues.......Atleast Heavy Rain had those cool glasses to investigate crimes scenes, that sure was fun, but this I dunno...!

It´s slow and it´s a bit unpreditable when it comes to "interviews". But i love the atmosphere, and i feel i am in a modern version of the classic Lucas-arts adventures, look at everything, "try" everything and have fun experiencing the world i am in.

The few shoot outs i have been in are pretty funny as well, they are not hard by any means, but i like the grunt of the shotgun, machine gun etc. Shoot someone and you paint the wall behind with blood.
There is a story developing while you do small cases that is interesting to follow. And you get the idea that some of these cases builds to a bigger story.

It may be GTA in some ways, but in some others it´s very far from it. You get to pay for car damage, kill someone by accident and you pay for it. And no way to pick up hookers and screw them and then kill them and get the money back, you are a good guy for once, and i think it´s great. One great advantage of being the police is turning on the siren cars actually make room for you :)

I prefer this game over GTA4, only thing i would have wanted is more humor, it´s more serious than i might have wished for, but on the other hand, it adds to the atmosphere.

The graphics, sound and music is top notch. It looks great and it sounds great, the amount of details is classic Rockstar, staggering. It´s top notch entertainment but not for trigger happy shooters, it may be to slow for those.

Is there a way to skip if you're re-doing interviews? I failed one (by accidentally driving too close to the scene of the crime) and had to start again...it was a pain having to listen to the same bits over again
Is there a way to skip if you're re-doing interviews? I failed one (by accidentally driving too close to the scene of the crime) and had to start again...it was a pain having to listen to the same bits over again

Don´t know if you can skip them as such, but i played the some of the first cases a few times, and it went pretty fast i just pressed "X" whenever i wanted to skip.
Don´t know if you can skip them as such, but i played the some of the first cases a few times, and it went pretty fast i just pressed "X" whenever i wanted to skip.

So while they are talking you can press X to skip to the 'truth/lie' bit? Maybe this is only true if you have successfully completed it?
It kind of sucks that Rockstar, wich is one of the best devs in my opinion, don't allow us to use the aim-ing and shooting-button for shooting and aiming on PS3.

I love alot of their games, and I can see the games are fun and very good, but I've just played a few hours into their last games due to this annoying reason, before I can't stand it anymore.
I heard that they've messed up LA Noire aswell, I've decided to not buy it. :-/
It kind of sucks that Rockstar, wich is one of the best devs in my opinion, don't allow us to use the aim-ing and shooting-button for shooting and aiming on PS3.

I love alot of their games, and I can see the games are fun and very good, but I've just played a few hours into their last games due to this annoying reason, before I can't stand it anymore.
I heard that they've messed up LA Noire aswell, I've decided to not buy it. :-/

Not being able to use L1 and R1 for aiming is bit annoying. Shooting however, is a very small part of LA Noire. My statistics say I've spend 10 hours and 41 minutes playing so far, and only 26 minutes of that doing gunfights. I wouldn't miss out on it just because of that.

And thankfully we finally have a Rockstar game that doesn't use Euphoria. The character no longer controls like he's drunk.

I just made it to Vice. About the last Homicide case.

Talk about anti-climactic. All this build-up for a supposedly very smart criminal. And his big plan is to shoot you with his shotgun. Then he dies, and that's it. :???:
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It kind of sucks that Rockstar, wich is one of the best devs in my opinion, don't allow us to use the aim-ing and shooting-button for shooting and aiming on PS3.

I love alot of their games, and I can see the games are fun and very good, but I've just played a few hours into their last games due to this annoying reason, before I can't stand it anymore.
I heard that they've messed up LA Noire aswell, I've decided to not buy it. :-/
This was developed by Team Bondi wasn't it?