When talking about Baldur's Gate, at least the PS2 Dark Alliance, shouldn't we be talking about Black Isle Studios rather than BioWare Corp.
Or is there anymore Black Isle Studios (as there is no more Interplay, or is there?)?
What is the deal with BioWare, Black Isle Stuios and Snowblind Studios? Who has med what games? What team is behing SW:KotOR
Personally, I never got into PC Baldur's. I never got far in it, mainly due to the combat system (maybe I should've levelled up more in the beginning by killing those rats over and over again).
Also I found it very disapointing that the world felt so small. I know once you'd go to the town and dungeons there would have been much more to explore, but the world map was just few creens across, and just didn't feel right.

A on PS2 though was quite good, especially technically it is still one of the finest games.
But it also had some of the flaws that made it sometimes boring and repetitive to play. Maybe it is the lack of emotive impact and drama that games like Final Fantasy # have.