Deleted member 11852
I've just read Kotaku's mindbendingly obtuse and disingenuous point of view. Here's their account of how things went wrong with Bethesda but they seemingly don't know why:
Or to be more precise, not a year after unflattering reporting during which time Bethesda had seemingly treated Kotaku like any other media outlet running reports on troubled development on games, but to be more precise exactly the day Kotaku published extracts from the Fallout 4 script that was leaked to them. Amazingly they later mention the leaked script in an offhand knd of way seeking credit for not spoiling the plot!
Wow. Just wow. Kotaku need better investigative journalists if they're unable to determine the causation that resulted in the cold shoulder by Bethesda because it seems pretty bleeding obvious!
The Bethesda blackout came after a year of reporting that was not always flattering to the Maryland-based publisher. In April of 2013 we reported insiders’ accounts of the troubled development of the still unreleased fourth major Doom game. In May of that year, we reported that Arkane Austin, the Bethesda-owned studio behind Dishonored, would be working on a new version of the long missing-in-action Prey 2 and that some at the studio were not pleased about that. When top people at Bethesda started making statements casting doubt on our reporting, we published a leaked internal e-mail confirming that those statements had misled gamers and that Arkane had indeed been working on a version of Prey 2.
Or to be more precise, not a year after unflattering reporting during which time Bethesda had seemingly treated Kotaku like any other media outlet running reports on troubled development on games, but to be more precise exactly the day Kotaku published extracts from the Fallout 4 script that was leaked to them. Amazingly they later mention the leaked script in an offhand knd of way seeking credit for not spoiling the plot!

We make our own judgments about what information best serves the news value of a story, and what our readers would prefer not to know—which is why, for example, we omitted key plot details from the Fallout 4 scripts that were leaked to us. We keep covering these companies’ games, of course.
Wow. Just wow. Kotaku need better investigative journalists if they're unable to determine the causation that resulted in the cold shoulder by Bethesda because it seems pretty bleeding obvious!