Kong is King!

london-boy said:
That whole Kong vs T-Rex thing is just over the top and although it's logical and obvious that it can't look "realistic" (who ever saw a huge ape fighting T-Rex's...?), there are various levels of over-the-top-ness and that just looks like it's too much. CGI action scenes to make the kids happy i say. Like in most modern movies really.

Who every saw a giant ape to start with? Or a T-Rex? Nobody. Its not about relisitc. Since you have not seen the movie, you really cant judge the CGI action. It looks pretty real to me, and I am not a kid. The whole T-Rex part is not very long, and is pretty good.

The part that did look fake, and that I didnt really care for, was the CGI in the Bronto part. I didnt care for that, and the whole chase sceen was very unbelievable. Sure there are a few spots in the movie that I didnt like, just as in all films.
John Reynolds said:
For a man with an internet connection, you're awful desperate to see Ms. Watts' breasts. :p
Well, I can see those beauties again and again in my "Mulholland Drive" DVD but she's just hot and was just wondering if I'll get to see them again in another movie :p
I've wondered where did all the other women that were sacrificed to Kong ended up?
Did KK eat them, use them up or did they escape and got eaten by the T-Rex?
So...I was a little confused about the sacrificing to Kong.

He seemed to run to some altar, and started shaking?! the the herione? Could he not eat her until the necklace fell off? Or was he hoping she's fizz (like a coke bottle)? Or was he having trouble deciding to eat her or not? Did he want to protect her simply because she was pretty? Funny? White?

And why would a big gorilla eat a person? They're veggies. (gorilla's are, that is, not people).
I saw the movie tonight, and was really hyped for it, as I am a huge fan of the 1933 original, and 1976 remake. Jessica Lange was awesome in the remake.

Now I was very disappointed in this one, because so many scenes where just way over the top, and totally unrealistic. It's like they can now do anything with CGI, and so they do these outlandish action scenes that are boarding on absurdity.

The movie had a lot going for it, and I enjoyed many things.

I was so happy Jackson did the 1930's as I love that era also, and New York looked really cool. The ship they were on, was very nice also, even though it was an old rust bucket.

The island that Kong lives on is stunning in it's beauty, and the natives were really creepy.

I really enjoyed the actress Naomi Watts, who played Kong's girlfriend (snicker), as she was beautiful, very classy, and showed some good emotions. Thought maybe she also should have shown some emotion for all those killed by Kong, but no she did not seem to care. Go figure. If my boyfriend kills you, you must have deserved it. Same warped mentality that existed in some of the Jurassic Park sequels, where the "holy" dinosaurs were more precious than the cannon fodder humans.

I liked Jack Black's character in someways, as he was ever the optimist, ever the opportunist, and ever the salesman, taking advantage of every situation for his own ends. A scoundrel for sure, but a likable one, who had a touch of class.

In the end I think the bad just ruins all the good, and don't recommend seeing this movie at all. I used to think so highly of Jackson because of his LoTR movies, but now I see, his movies from now on are just going to be spectacles, lacking any real substance. His use of CGI should be subtle, and not the over-choreographed action scenes he is relying to create excitement.

This movie for the most part has all the emotional depth of a rollarcoaster ride, especially designed to appeal to the younger crowd. I guess at 39 I'm getting too old for this stuff.
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Just saw it last night. The best bits were the Kong vs T-Rex fight and the Brontosaurus run, me and my friends laughed quite heartily at the absurdity of it. The bit where the guy running through the Bronto legs jumps and kicks the Raptor (or whatever it was) in the head almost accidentally, was hilarious. And the bug scene was really freaky, almost had me cringing (because the CG was so well done, not because of the direction).

Kong was done really well, you could actually see believable emotion in his face.

But apart from that, very average movie. It showed all the emotional depth I expected from Peter, as in almost none. The natives were awful, 1 dimensional charicatures. They might as well have saved money and put the orcs from LOTR in there.

I'm not sure if Peter Jackson really understands how to string dialogue together without it sounding staged and unrealistic. People say things for a reason, give us that reason, don't just make the actors conduits to 'emotional speeches'.

All in all, I can't get enough of Naomi's face and the CG gave Kong real character so the movie was better then I expected :D
idiom said:
Just saw it last night. The best bits were the Kong vs T-Rex fight and the Brontosaurus run, me and my friends laughed quite heartily at the absurdity of it.

That's my reaction too :)
Just came back from the cinema. Something is weird about this movie: my girlfriend thought it was too drawn out and sentimental; I thought it had too many unneccessary action scenes, but liked the emotional bits and cried like a baby when Kong died. Complete reversal of classic gender reactions. ;)

We both agree that they could've cut out about 45-60 minutes from the first two thirds of the movie without really sacrificing anything. The whole Jurassic Park thingy, chases and creepy creature bits get a little bit repetitive after a while. They're all very well done, the effects are brilliant for the most part and the design is imaginative, IMO it all just doesn't add very much to the movie. It feels like filler content, written to for the effects crew to "show off their skillz". Many scenes were also way over-the-top. I just don't get wether that was intentional and meant to be ironic, or wether they were just supposed to be funny, cool or something else.

I was very well entertained overall though. Plenty of awesome bits and Kong was just brilliant. Kong, just as Gollum before him, really puts almost every single other CG created movie characters to shame. Watts and Black were also pretty good. The acting in general didn't suffer very much from the often encountered too-much-bluescreen-kills-the-acting-syndrome. My girlfriend didn't enjoy it quite as much, but thought it was worth seeing. Certainly one of the better remakes in movie history. You really notice how much Jackson cared about the project, just as with LOTR...
Just watched it. I'm sorry I didn't throw those six euro down the drain and spent those three hours staring at the wall instead. This movie is the biggest piece of crap I've ever seen. My eyes still hurt. Well, my brain actually.
I thought the actor playing Baxter (the actor) did an incredible job, probably gets my vote for best supporting actor this year..

The brontosaurus scene(s) sucked.
I saw the movie the week before christmas. I liked it a lot as a whole. The things I disagree with are mainly some of the unneccessarily extreme action sequences, and a few of the 'sad' scenes with Kong that were a bit too long and Jackson trying to be 'artsy'. :p

That doesn't detract too much from the whole tho. The Kong + girl stuff was really great, when he gets to act and not just be a huge tank of hairy testosterone fighting some kind of prehistoric monstrosity. :D

I am also pleased that the movie successfully built a great sense of eery mysticism in the first act before arriving to the island, like an old-style action-adventure movie. I really enjoyed that.