Konami press conference


god of war.
I suspect the usual will post updates, Hopefully in this thread.
Gamespot is reporting on it live in text; here:

cant wait for that 9minute+ MGS4 trailer. :D

4:48 Producer Yasuo Daikai's up, talking about Coded Arms Assault. Same trailer we saw at Sony yesterday, which you can find on the gamespace now.

I take that back: this trailer is a lot longer, shows a ton of gameplay footage. Lots of cool Matrix-style effects of reality devolving into code. Combat in an urban setting. Giant enemy of some kind A booming voice talking about ending the game, or something. Hey, it's based on the Unreal engine--there's an awful lot of middleware in use on that system--makes me wonder how hard it is to develop for. I guess that's the nature of modern development, though.
cool stuff
!eVo!-X Ant UK said:
MGS4 is 15 minutes ;)
Even better :D

5:44 Oh man, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. I've been waiting for a real MGS on the PSP since the system came out. Trailer starts with scenes of the Boss from Snake Eater. Portable Ops is set in 1970, six years after that game. You're playing as Big Boss, who's defected from the Fox unit but has been charged with treason. You have to disarm the Fox members leading the resistance, and take out the, uh, ultimate enemy. Metal Gear?

All the characters you'd expect from Snake Eater are in here. It's talking about building a team of characters? Quick menu shows someting about recruiting Eva and Ocelot. "Recruit members and create an online Wi-Fi squadron." Must be the multiplayer mode. The graphics in this look really exceptional for a PSP game--nearly up there with the PS2.
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5:49 Oh hell, it's the real MGS4 trailer, the one they "really wanted us to see." Stay tuned!

Col. Campbell is talking about the Manhattan incident of MGS2. The United States has imported too much military technology and is now paying the price. This is the voiceover from last week's Kojima podcast. Chilling talk of Outer Heaven.

Now it's the excerpt from yesterday's Sony conference. If you haven't watched it yet, DO SO. Okay, no, there's more to this. Campbell talks of a man trying to create the world envisioned by Big Boss. Footage of one of those bio-mech Metal Gears rampaging through a city street. Old Snake in a cemetary, saluting a grave. Shades of Big Boss. Voiceover, talk of nanomachine-controlled soldiers who can't point their guns at "clients." Otacon lands in the graveyard in a chopper, brings Snake on board to meet a client, Roy Campbell. Says "we've found him" in the Middle East. These cutscenes look utterly incredible. They must be real-time, because the frame rate is not consistent.

"Liquid has made his move." But which Liquid?

Naomi telling Snake a regular man would have dropped dead by now. Snake has six months to live. Another bio-Metal Gear, fighting Snake. These are basically the best real-time graphics I've ever seen. Rivals most CG. I am such a ******.

kyleb said:
Anything on the next Silent Hill?
Didnt see anything, but i beleive its going to the psp as well.

Conference is over, seems the trailer is simply amazing. Cant wait to get my hands on the HD version, but for now, ill take anything i can get. :D


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The PSP MGS looks freaking great. Can't wait to see the most depressing game trailer of all-time. I think this game will leave me more emotional than Aeris dying in FFVII. I will be like this --> :cry:
mckmas8808 said:
The PSP MGS looks freaking great. Can't wait to see the most depressing game trailer of all-time. I think this game will leave me more emotional than Aeris dying in FFVII. I will be like this --> :cry:

Did you play MGS3? (fantastic game for anyone who hasn't played it -- one of the best this generation, easily) Aeris' death was cheeseball in comparison.

The Boss =(
Bad_Boy said:
Giant enemy of some kind A booming voice talking about ending the game, or something. Hey, it's based on the Unreal engine--there's an awful lot of middleware in use on that system--makes me wonder how hard it is to develop for. I guess that's the nature of modern development, though.

Noooo.... my eyes are decieving me. This is UE3? I wont comment on this before we get confirmation (i.e. very hard to swallow), but this would toss some old threads on their respective heads :LOL:
Bobbler said:
Did you play MGS3? (fantastic game for anyone who hasn't played it -- one of the best this generation, easily) Aeris' death was cheeseball in comparison.

The Boss =(

Yeah that was pretty emotional too. I was so tired (mentally) after playing it though that I couldn't give full attention to the ending. But man Kojima is one hell of a director.

Acert93 said:
Noooo.... my eyes are decieving me. This is UE3? I wont comment on this before we get confirmation (i.e. very hard to swallow), but this would toss some old threads on their respective heads :LOL:

What do you mean by this?
Acert93 said:
Noooo.... my eyes are decieving me. This is UE3? I wont comment on this before we get confirmation (i.e. very hard to swallow), but this would toss some old threads on their respective heads :LOL:
Coded Arms is UE3, not MSG4. I think thats what I make of gamespots article.