Koei's Dynasty Warriors (?) PS3 demo


This was one of my fave demos from the Playstation Meeting, and I can't believe there isn't a thread about it already :p

Anyway, if you haven't already you should check it out here:


Bear in mind that IGN's footage quality has been fairly crappy across the board with these Playstation Meeting demos. The colouring is off, and a detail has been washed out. This is what it's supposed to look like:


There are more, smaller but better shots here too:


Also, some info from Gamespot (http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/07/22/news_6129611.html):

After Bandai, Koei showed a real-time demo of its PS3 game, Ni-Oh, which featured a Dynasty-Warrior-esque character fighting multiple enemies. Pausing the game and changing the camera angles, Koei chairman Keiko Erikawa zoomed in on the character's face to show its detail, which even showed the pores on the skin. Flanked by an assistant wielding a PS2 controller, Erikawa explained that with the PS2, developers were able to allot about 1,000 polygons on a character's face. With the PS3, Erikawa's team was able to allot up to 1.5 million polygons. Erikawa explained that additional polygons allow for more subdivision surfaces, allowing more wrinkles and personalities to the face. Erikawa also zoomed in on the door of the room in the demo, and showed how the PS3 allows the reflection on the floor to change naturally when the camera's angle is shifted around. Like Bandai, Koei developed its demo using its self-produced program engines for the PS3. "Our challenge will be to create a game that is as high quality as the graphics the PS3 can create. We look forward to the Tokyo Game Show," commented Erikawa at the end of her presentation.

Doom3-ish style trickery? Even still, 1.5m polys for a "hi-res" version of just the face is pretty impressive.

It seems media from this conference is fairly scattered, so if you have any more good pics from this demo, please share them here!
Unfortunately their are no better shots of this demo, but ign said that you could even seen the pores on his skin.
and a few opponents. I want a battlefield filled with ennemies!
Titanio said:
Doom3-ish style trickery?
Well, I hope that it does use an APS technique of some sort.
Having a characterls face made of 1.5Mpps while the armor shows such obvious low-polygon modeling would be too stupid to be true.
That and the fact that the memory footprint for the face alone would be bigger than a complete map of HL², lead me believe that APS was indeed used for this model...
Vysez said:
Having a characterl's face made of 1.5Mpps while the armor shows such obvious low-polygon modeling would be too stupid to be true.

Yes, they're probably talking about poly counts for the source models that they generate normal maps from. Zbrush2's sweet spot for a detailed character model is exactly around 1-2 million polygons, 4 million or more will slow it down and lead to crashes.
gosh said:
hey isn't that the emperor from Jade Empire? :devilish:
whats he doing at a sony conference? :D

The character is General Kuan, a legendary soldier in the Three Kingdom period of the China history. The weapon he wielded and also shown in this demo is the "Green Dragon New Moon" Scythe (I kid you not).

The ball he balanced on his scythe is etched with a chinese character. It means loyalty and righteousness (which is General Kuan's "call sign" if you will). He can be seen today in many places like china town, traditional chinese businesses (for protection), and especially chinese mafia den (as symbol of loyalty).

His appearance in Koei's game is only normal because the game is staged in the exact period where he'd be kicking *sses across the battlefields.
The wireframe comparision image in the first video shows an obvious Zbrush screenshot...
Laa-Yosh said:
The wireframe comparision image in the first video shows an obvious Zbrush screenshot...
Photographic evidence:

So, they indeed use APS for their models.
pc999 said:
Oops, I did not noticed that, thanks.
That happens to everyone once in a while. :D
Pretty impressive technically speaking, looks wierd to me though cuz' of the uber shiny/pale face and lipstick (or is that supposed to be historically accurate with how they dressed at the time?) but that is all subjective...

patsu said:
gosh said:
hey isn't that the emperor from Jade Empire? :devilish:
whats he doing at a sony conference? :D

The character is General Kuan, a legendary soldier in the Three Kingdom period of the China history. The weapon he wielded and also shown in this demo is the "Green Dragon New Moon" Scythe (I kid you not).

The ball he balanced on his scythe is etched with a chinese character. It means loyalty and righteousness (which is General Kuan's "call sign" if you will). He can be seen today in many places like china town, traditional chinese businesses (for protection), and especially chinese mafia den (as symbol of loyalty).

His appearance in Koei's game is only normal because the game is staged in the exact period where he'd be kicking *sses across the battlefields.

Cool. Not really my sort of game but stuff like this makes it alot more interesting...
Poor japanese skillz for teh win!!
1000 PO-RI-GO-N (polygons ;))
150 man PO-RI-GO-N (150 tenthousand polygons)
Yeah, the japanese are silly that way. 100 000 = 10 tenthousands, not 100 thousands.
No more silly then the English 2500 = 25 hundred if you ask me :p

The amusing part though is if you make them count in thousands (Koreans use 'man' as a unit as well) - most people here will always get a few zeroes wrong when trying to convert.
mesyn191 said:
Pretty impressive technically speaking, looks wierd to me though cuz' of the uber shiny/pale face and lipstick (or is that supposed to be historically accurate with how they dressed at the time?) but that is all subjective...

You're right. His face does look too pale for a warrior. According to the chronicles, his face should be darker; actually red, as if drunk.

The demo looks really good but as everything else looks more realistic, his armor actually feels like body paint to me. Are outfits (clothes, armors, ...) modelled as part of the character ? or are they usually represented separately and then mapped onto the character model in real time (I guess not, probably no reason to anyway).

As for the counting, yes CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) use similar counting systems.
1 "Wan/Man/Ban" for 10,000
10 Wan for 100,000
100 Wan for 1 million
1000 Wan for 10 million
1 "Yi" for 100 million
so on and so forth.

EDIT: Added different pronunciations for "Man"