Well to be honest, R&C has turned to crap for the last several years (it's like they're not even trying to make a good game anymore), Sony never made a new J&D since the PS2. There hasn't been a new story-driven platformer franchise for over 10 years, all we got was sequels and HD ports. (J&D 2001, R&C 2002, Sly 2002). That's why I'm really excited about Knack, I just want more games like this, the genre has been neglected for too long. If it makes money, maybe the next one will have more budget...I have absolutely no issues with the general look of the game. It's just that the gameplay clips I've seen thus far all looked incredibly one-note and bland: run along a narrow path, punch things and enter the occasional hidden room. Trying to bring back the spirit of mascot platformers is all well and good, but J&D as well and R&C did just that without neglecting to update the gameplay.