I mean why exactly would people buy an XB1 over a PS4?
Just to play 'Halo' games (made by a studio who don't seem to know what makes a Halo game)?
Many reasons, again all of which can be argued as far more important than what can be argued as simply "slightly better graphics". I've written this post many times before...
Some of it is just ecosystem, I've written all this before, but I follow a few gamers on twitch.tv. Many of them Gears of War players. They all basically bought Xbox 1's, despite all the headwinds against that, not least an extreme price. Why did they do that? Cause that's the ecosystem they're in, where their friends go as a group, etc.
"Just to play Halo games", it's supposed to be all about the games, isn't it? As for 343, I didn't absolutely love Halo 4, but I liked it better than Halo 3. Mostly because it's simply gorgeous, that counts for so much. Granted, I only play campaigns mostly.
I think MS consoles are a lot more polished. I hear things like 8 hour battery life on DS4, or the thumb-sticks fraying away, and it makes me cringe. Those are basics.
I remember my first experience with PS3. One big problem I had was every time I didn't play for a day or so, the controller would be dead. I didn't have the slightest why. The charge cable is like 2 foot, so it made playing that way an extreme annoyance. Turns out the system (I am pretty sure this was the default setting, although I couldn't say for sure since it was not My PS3) was leaving the controller turned on when the console turned off. What? I had no idea this was even a thing. Of course it took me a few days to really realize what was going on, but it was a real head scratcher. Of course you can go in and change the setting once you realize what's going on, but why the heck would anybody designing a console ever think that was a good idea?
Areas like that are where I think Sony has a ways to go...
Adding to my previous post, it's also important to remember, that at the end of 2010 - around the time PS3 was getting into its stride - the ratio of Xbox 360 and PS3 sales was sitting at 25.4m to 15.4m in the US or 1.65 to 1. For the first five months of this gen (Nov-Mar) the ratio has completely switched to being 7m to 5m, or 1.4 to 1 in favour of PS.
I'm pretty sure that's still the ratio, and by the latest ship figures just in 360 is still selling on par or above PS3 worldwide (800,000 360 shipped last quarter versus 700,000 PS3 most probably). So I'm not sure there was much stride hit except in media and forum circles. Any stride hit imo would have involved PS3 crushing 360 in sales the last 2-3 years. That factually did not happen at all, in fact, it's quite damning PS3 was never likely able to limp past 360 at all, given when each announced 80 million, Sony was 3 weeks behind (which likely equated to a couple million consoles, roughly the same gap for the last 2-3 years)
Oh, sorry, do we have just US figures comparing the two? I was presuming NPD= US only.
It is...
LTD USA sales I have PS4 at 2.913 million, and X1 at 2.527 million.