Not impressed by the alternate playthroughs at all. This is Crysis3-style token stealth:
Assualt: "Go in and kill everybody"
Stealth: "Go in and kill everybody" ! WTH ! (Thank God they didn't have "Panther" style
The open forest level is more fun to play around in. Hope we have lots of open level to monkey around while engaging the Helghast.
@patsu: I don't think the AI had any chance to react. We went in Slo mo and killed them before they could do anything.
But,yes, the hit reactions aren't as cool as KZ2. THey had mocaped different animations for hits at different body parts. Maybe that data cannot be reused in the new rig setup.
The game is best as a shooter, that stealth stuff is all gimmicky......thats why the MP footage with non stop action looks much more fun. So does the forest level extended gameplay.