I need to spend more time with mp.
Frankly, I don't know why I like it, the MP. It was the same with KZ2. Kz2 MP and now Shadow Fall too is chokepoint based where u find the whole team fighting around a door or a hallway , yet I find it fun ! I hate choke poin-ey maps in other games, yet I loved Blood Gratch in KZ2 and now the maps here too. Why? I don't know. I hate xhokepoint fests in BF3, but in KZ there are fun and I can't wait flanking those buggers throwing grenades and putting up shields at that ONE door
! I don't know why it si fun, but it definitely IS ! Its like KZ2 all over again.
But UI is very confusing ! Very ! I have no idea how or when I will be able to spawn a turret or a drone or if I can do ti already or not !
Also, not having a bar fill up at the end of a match is fine, levelling up is anyways just to shwo off ur time spent in the game. I am fine with not having that, but dear GG the scoreboard is the MOST important thing to see after a match ! A simple scoreboard with everyone's scores to see who did best ! Why isn't it shown ?!?!?!?
As for SP: Right now I am totally hooked to Shadow Fall campaign, too good, each fight is like a puzzle, how do I get through with minimum bullets fired ! Thats how I approach every fight ! I think I killed only 2 Helghast myself in the level where Echo was sniping on my mark and later ATACs took care of everyone. i was just marking guys and running around watching them die ! Lovely !
Kudos GG, the Killzone universe finally exists in my head ! Its a real place now, unlike Kz2 n 3 where it was just me against cool helghan red eyed dudes ! Now I remeber names, Sinclair , Kellan, Echo, Lady Visari, Tyran, Stahl, see I know them now
! KZ3 was just Sev n Rico for me, KZ2 was Radec , that too because I liked th emap named after him. KZ1 was better, Visari, Templar, Hakha, Rico and that girl (lost the name again, lol) !