KILLZONE Shadow Fall [PS4]

I need to spend more time with mp.

Frankly, I don't know why I like it, the MP. It was the same with KZ2. Kz2 MP and now Shadow Fall too is chokepoint based where u find the whole team fighting around a door or a hallway , yet I find it fun ! I hate choke poin-ey maps in other games, yet I loved Blood Gratch in KZ2 and now the maps here too. Why? I don't know. I hate xhokepoint fests in BF3, but in KZ there are fun and I can't wait flanking those buggers throwing grenades and putting up shields at that ONE door :D ! I don't know why it si fun, but it definitely IS ! Its like KZ2 all over again.
But UI is very confusing ! Very ! I have no idea how or when I will be able to spawn a turret or a drone or if I can do ti already or not !

Also, not having a bar fill up at the end of a match is fine, levelling up is anyways just to shwo off ur time spent in the game. I am fine with not having that, but dear GG the scoreboard is the MOST important thing to see after a match ! A simple scoreboard with everyone's scores to see who did best ! Why isn't it shown ?!?!?!?

As for SP: Right now I am totally hooked to Shadow Fall campaign, too good, each fight is like a puzzle, how do I get through with minimum bullets fired ! Thats how I approach every fight ! I think I killed only 2 Helghast myself in the level where Echo was sniping on my mark and later ATACs took care of everyone. i was just marking guys and running around watching them die ! Lovely !

Kudos GG, the Killzone universe finally exists in my head ! Its a real place now, unlike Kz2 n 3 where it was just me against cool helghan red eyed dudes ! Now I remeber names, Sinclair , Kellan, Echo, Lady Visari, Tyran, Stahl, see I know them now :yep2: ! KZ3 was just Sev n Rico for me, KZ2 was Radec , that too because I liked th emap named after him. KZ1 was better, Visari, Templar, Hakha, Rico and that girl (lost the name again, lol) !
There is a scoreboard. You have to press R1 or L1 to see them I believe.

You can place a turret if the icon isn't greyed out. If it's filling back up it's recharging. Turrets and sheilds can't be placed everywhere. As long as it is yellow you can't place it, but if it's white you can. The airbot will appear where you throw the grenade, but it can't be thrown indoors.

And the girl is Luger.
Here's a fun thing to do on the penthouse map. Some of the objectives are right below the spawn point. You can easily do a plunging attack on someone. I killed so many beacon carriers today. You know you are getting to them when they keep staring at the sky. :LOL:
There was an update last night. Did it bring new maps ?

I am loving the automatic updating thing. BF4 has also been automatically updated and is ready for play :D, though KZSF just won't let me play it.
Wow! Stood first in a warzone map ! Getting the hang of the menus too now, chose abilities, tried out stuff. Beacon theft(basically CTF) is a lot of fun ! Forest and The Remains seem to be a lot of fun. The Station also felt good. Still a lot of maps that haven't shown up during my games.

I am seriously unable to enjoy BF4 after playing this. Tried to play a amatch in BF4, got bored, went back to KZSF MP ! Totally unexpected !
I would love to see these types of options opened up to players. Lots of games shoot for 60fps, but are often dipping 20+ frames any times things get hectic on screen. Those large dips are very jarring to most players. The extra fluidity of 60fps when nothing is going on doesnt really make things better, its the framerate when lots of things are going on that matters. I know a lot of people think I am crazy when I say this, but COD Ghost on Wii U could really use an option like this. Give players the option of 30fps, or even a few different options, like capping it at 45 fps, which would erase the majority of dips, and make the very large dips turn into very small dips. Good call to add this to KZ Shadowfall, developer made a good decision.