Killzone: first pics

PC-Engine said:
What is the reason for the MGS color treatment in those latest screenshots?

Seriously, why can't armies throw some color into their battlefields before killing eachother on it? I mean come on, don't they know how badly it all clashes? < shakes head >



Can you even imagine this place in then morning when there's low-laying fog? Man, God has no fashion sence, huh?
I think PC meant the blurry colors, rather than same-ol-same army camo. I mean, look at the pics you posted, sharp and defined visible(even though the first one is quite a bad take).

Thus if we were to have MGS2 like textures(even with/out heavy fogging), its kinda like tooo dead and drab. Its fine to have same-ol-same camo-colors, but blurry washed out colors are another thing.
chaphack said:
I think PC meant the blurry colors, rather than same-ol-same army camo. I mean, look at the pics you posted, sharp and defined visible(even though the first one is quite a bad take).

Thus if we were to have MGS2 like textures(even with/out heavy fogging), its kinda like tooo dead and drab. Its fine to have same-ol-same camo-colors, but blurry washed out colors are another thing.

looks like they chose a colour scheme which both works (fit th art direction they are taking) and doesn't cause too many implementation headaches.
chaphack said:
I think PC meant the blurry colors, rather than same-ol-same army camo. I mean, look at the pics you posted, sharp and defined visible(even though the first one is quite a bad take).

Thus if we were to have MGS2 like textures(even with/out heavy fogging), its kinda like tooo dead and drab. Its fine to have same-ol-same camo-colors, but blurry washed out colors are another thing.

Can someone else repsond to this? I'm confused and if I respond to another post of this level, I'll attempt ritualistic seppuku with this plastic spoon.
I am just saying, if we are taking real life as a yardstick, camo-colors = yeay, suitable on dirt grining battle field, BUT MGS2 like textures = bad, because it is way too blurred washed out for real life imo.

At least that is what i interpretated from PC post.
chaphack said:
I am just saying, if we are talking real life as a yardstick, camo-colors = yeay, suitable on dirt grining battle field, BUT MGS2 like textures = bad, because it is way too blurred washed out for real life imo.

that's irrelevent. thogh they do look monotoneous blurred out is a bit much.

besides these don't quite match the color scheme from earlier shots so *Shrugs*. there is nothing wrong with MGS2 style texturing/filtering. if you are refering to MGS2 level texturing then I would have thought devs managed to move beyond that to some extent.
Vince said:
PC-Engine said:
What is the reason for the MGS color treatment in those latest screenshots?

Seriously, why can't armies throw some color into their battlefields before killing eachother on it? I mean come on, don't they know how badly it all clashes? < shakes head >

Can you even imagine this place in then morning when there's low-laying fog? Man, God has no fashion sence, huh?

Do you know what sepia looks like? You have to take those two screens you posted and desaturate them in PS to make them look like those latest KZ screens. That's why I think they must be flashback footage or something as they don't look anything like the orginal screenshots. That second pic needs gamma correction btw ;)
The more screens that get released, the more amazing this game looks :oops:
Its hard to believe that Guerrilla created graphics that rival the best in the biz. There will always detractors who point out the lack of bumpmapping, pixel shading but i think its already the best looking shooter i've seen, on PC or console. Its got something that other games lack, great designs that look realistic + atmosphere.
Volumetric grass. I think the grass is done with very well designed textures+alpha though, now that I have seen better screens.

What is the reason for the MGS color treatment in those latest screenshots?
The screens in Edge don't look like that AT ALL. It's just that whoever scanned it did amazingly weird job with it. They actually have pretty much the same colors as on those few screens released earlier.
bleon said:
The more screens that get released, the more amazing this game looks :oops:
Its hard to believe that Guerrilla created graphics that rival the best in the biz. There will always detractors who point out the lack of bumpmapping, pixel shading but i think its already the best looking shooter i've seen, on PC or console. Its got something that other games lack, great designs that look realistic + atmosphere.

I agree.i love the Avalon.
The sepia look isn't being used in KZ at all. Like Marc said, it's the poor magazine scans that make it look that way therefore it doesn't look like the style used in Avalon at all other than the use of military artillery which isn't a style. The sepia look isn't new just like the b&w look isn't new ;)
Those new screens look much more exciting.
The fog is still there, but looks like it is further back in some pictures, whereas in for example in the pic where the soldiers are walking on a swamp like environment, the fog is very much closes.

It's possible the fog is there for reasons both to enhance framerate and to make the game more athmospheric. I'd think there won't be fog in indoors levels (if there are any in the game)

If they can keep the framerate solid, preferably 60 fps, and make the animation good, then this would look like the new holder of no. 1 position of 'technical excellency in first person shooters'

Still, it'll need some innovative new gameplay elements to stand out from fps mass. It remains to be seen how that 'Killzone' gamning element works.
Will it be like some kind of end of level boss; at the end of every (linear) level, you'll be forced into this 'killzone'and must kill hordes of enemies in a small(ish) enclosed area. I hope it won't get too repetitive too soon.
Ah! So i was right! Volumetric grass.. 8) Now can we have more pics, need clear ones illustrating lushy lush grass volume. Show them all Marc! KZ is known and beknown, fOOK the NDAs!!! :LOL: