Chris123234 said:
Yea, everyone thinks bush shouldnt have gone into Iraq. But why? Even if there now WMD's found, people will still have been freed from a sadistic rulers and his sadistic sons. What's the downside? Other than the casualties suffered?
Our credibility the next time we say there are WMD in a nation that we need to get rid of? The fact that in the time we spent on Iraq, North Korea completed their attempt to build nuclear bombs?
If the war was started as a war of liberation, then that's a slippery slope that many countries around the world can use to say "Hey! Over here! Liberate us!"
No, the war was started and sold as a war to root out terrorism (no links found) and WMD (none found). The by-product is Iraqi liberation, but that was not the casus belli pushing us over the cliff into the current quagmire. It's selfish, but americans generally don't give a damn about other countries suffering unless it directly affects us. The administration knew this, and sold it to americans on the premise that there would be mushroom clouds in every city.
That was certainly misleading at best and and outright lie at worst.