Brimstone said:
Developers want people that can produce results. Hiring a person that isn't familar with a radically different enviroment is going to be close to dead weight until they get up to speed. Time is money.
Oh that's a big load of bollocks if ever I saw it.
Where do you think game developers come from in the first place, huh? That they just pop like mushrooms out of the soil, ready-trained and ripe for picking? Naturally, there will just about always be some on-site training needed when a greenhorn arrives at his first job.
You must be out of your mind if you think other devs than MS would skip over talented people just because they don't want to invest in some extra training...

It's not like they are the only guys out there with money in their pocket to spend.
You have to realize, XNA will not be fundamentally different from just about any other environment already out there. There will be differences as with every other package sure, but if there's one thing we can trust MS to do, it's to rip off other people's good ideas, so people used to other environments will likely find their way around pretty easily...

No seriously, as I understand it XNA is not primarily targetted at hobbyist modders, but at already experienced developers that are used to things working in a particular way; you can't very well change everything. You wouldn't make a formula one car where the gas pedal is on the left side and the car turns in the opposite direction of the steering wheel for example because the drivers aren't used to things working like that.
I'm sure there won't be any insurmountably radical differences compared to other devtools. People used to XNA will be able to adapt, because like I said, talent is talent.
Sony will have to replicate their installed base with the PS3 generation or the economical advantage will shift to Microsoft because of better worker productivity.
I think you vastly overstate the impact of XNA even before the product's been released man.
You come back the day the world is flooding over with homegrown talent who grew up using XNA in their basements designing FPS mods and are now big-shot game devs working for MS, beavering away like ferrets running round and round in one of those little wire wheels making kickass games, leading the march of nextbox domination of the market, slowly crushing the competition like a steamroller.
Investors don't care what platform games get made for, they just want a return on their investment.
You think "investors" have much say in the way games are developed ANYWHERE?

"Investors" are just suits, they don't know dick about game development, or the potential importance (or not) of XNA, if they ever even heard of it. If the thing pancakes, MS will just quietly drop the concept like a well-filled douchebag and that will be all.