Jobs at IMGTEC

either that or the positions were already filled and the occupants abandoned ship :rolleyes:

I figure the more pessimistic I am the more pleasantly surprised I'll be if/when something in the PC space appears.
Lets see what jobs would they think of giving me if everyone else in the world died.

at first glance I thought

Unix System Administrator (JRW04)
Software/Applications Engineer

but then I looked at what the ppor sys admin has to look after

Managing network of 100+ servers running Solaris, HPUX and Linux. Network Appliance filers providing multi-terabyte storage.

24/7 operation supporting leading edge Silicon IP development using latest tools from Cadence, Synopsys, Magma etc.

Responsibilities to include buying and installing machines, installing software, backups and patching.

I'd suggest that could well be more then a 1 man job.
Really good people can be hard to find.
I'd suggest that could well be more then a 1 man job.
What makes you think there'd only be one person?
Simon F said:
What makes you think there'd only be one person?

Um, does the job description in the ad actually SAY?

If it does not, and the job description is very lengthy, there's a substantial chance a potential applicant would read the requirements and go like, "no way, that's way too much work. I don't need that kind of stress", and not even consider applying for the job.
I make really good coffee.. 8)

Don't they want to improve the productivity of their current staff, I wonder.. Could do it really cheap too.. :rolleyes:

I haven't played D&D (nor MERP/RoleMaster, nor Paranoia) for years.
More that all my clones thought that "Happiness is mandatory" and ran off.
Both driver development positions seem aimed at the embedded sphere, and no mention of anything PC related in the others either (would have been nice if AGP or PCI-E showed up for one of them for instance).

Seems like business as usual, IMG is doing great ... while not bringing PVR to the PC.