JJ Abrams to demolish another sci-fi franchise

I think this has already been discussed in the Movies thread.

"Save us Michael Arndt, you are our only hope..."

JJ can't possibly do a worse job than Lucas already did, for starters, he won't be writing the movie, only directing it. Some other guy will do the writing, whose biggest big-screen credit is he did the script for The Little Mermaid or what-the-fuck-ever. I'm seriously impressed, being such a well-known sci-fi franchise and all, it makes him the perfect, logical choice!

Well, no, that was sarcasm, but like I said, they can't go more wrong than Jar-Jar fucking Binks.
I had a Star Trek OS movie marathon a few days ago, and I want to see Abrams ST again, now that I have everything fresh in my mind.

It's possible, that we compare TNG with the new ST instead of the OS...
While watching the old movies, I found, plot holes and inconsistencies...
I mean, there are huge subplots, that border stupidity in the old movies, (not that I didn't like them or had fun)...
One difference in my opinion, is Spock's character.

The only huge difference,with Star Trek in general, is the fact that the idea was to demonstrate what humanity might become, that we could in the, not so distant future, approach utopia.
That is, what I didn't see in the new movie.
JJ can't possibly do a worse job than Lucas already did, for starters, he won't be writing the movie, only directing it. Some other guy will do the writing, whose biggest big-screen credit is he did the script for The Little Mermaid or what-the-fuck-ever. I'm seriously impressed, being such a well-known sci-fi franchise and all, it makes him the perfect, logical choice!

Well, no, that was sarcasm, but like I said, they can't go more wrong than Jar-Jar fucking Binks.

Well, in defence of Arndt, Toy Story 3 was very good and Little Miss Sunshine wasn't bad at all!

The fact that Arndt hasn't written any SF stuff in the past doesn't immediately mean he won't be any good at it. Hopefully, he'll do more research than just watching Episodes I-VI (and pretty much ignore I-III altogether!) and will do a good job on the screenplay so that Abrams can't cock it up.
The only huge difference,with Star Trek in general, is the fact that the idea was to demonstrate what humanity might become, that we could in the, not so distant future, approach utopia.
That is, what I didn't see in the new movie.
Abrams tried to twist ST a bit more into a fantasy flick -- similar to what the original idea of SW is, while Lucas did slightly the opposite with the prequels, with all this silly "scientific" background of The Force. Two worlds turned upside down -- madness!
It's possible, that we compare TNG with the new ST instead of the OS...
Pointless! Abrams vision is a TOS redux for the rebooted franchise, full of shiny sets and overcharged actors -- essentially form over function. There's nothing in common with the noble attempt of Roddenberry's TNG.
Pointless! Abrams vision is a TOS redux for the rebooted franchise, full of shiny sets and overcharged actors -- essentially form over function. There's nothing in common with the noble attempt of Roddenberry's TNG.

That's what I'm saying!
I think we shouldn't compare the new Star Trek with TNG.
We should compare it with TOS.
TOS was a very idealistic vision -- a child of its time, the Cold War and the over-simplified model of the world back then. The later iterations of the series -- TV shows and feature movies, progressed gracefully away within a more diverse Universe and many new issues. If Abrams is truly rebooting the franchise, then it's something quite different than TOS in essence, though he strives to somewhat bridge the original style and design to link it with the current audience. Again, it's a form over function marketing strategy to exploit a classic household name and capitalize on it.
i have to agree, though, that Abrams approach to fiction flicks is more suitable for the Star Wars universe than Star Trek. But he signed already, the damage is done (ever since the last two TNG big-screen features).
New star trek was like a skinny hipster wearing a NASA themed neckerchief and pretending he was Neil Armstrong.

Fuck new Star Trek.
I'm watching TNG - season 3 - and plan on watching nothing else. TOS was (re)aired when I was a child. But all other series were on cable/sat, never seen them on regular, roof antenna TV. Never seen them at all.

So in my country Star Trek is the old cheesy show with men in pajamas.. sorry.

I downloaded a few Voyager episodes many years ago : they were cool. But in effect, pretty cold and clinical too. I remember an entirely technical holodeck scene for instance, whereas in TNG they use the holodeck to do stupid or pointless things mostly, the way it's intended.

I discovered TNG for the first times a couple monthes ago (after seeing some reference to it in a slashdot thread) and I have to say it's nice and great. Not too much techno-babble shit, surprisingly, but instead great, great characters and plots based on them.
I've also found awesome that right in the second episode, they have the android have sex, in a "everyone gets contaminated by laughing gas" kind of episode. So, the viewer is not left wondering if the droid has a penis, and the question of the goofy, cheap and crappy episode that you get thrown at as a season filler is settled too :LOL:.
So, I ignored that Star Wars news about JJ Abrams, or that JJ Abrams about Star Wars news, to illustrate how much I care :p
I've ignored his Star Trek film, only hearing about it because of internet fan rage. About Star Wars? I don't have to think about it much. If it's a good rollercoaster movie I might see it. Episode 3 was the worst already ; I especially convinced myself after reading this http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=episode3

SciFi movies always have huge holes all over them. No CCTV cameras in the Death Star? No password required when Obi-Wan disable the tractor beam, no bug sized probe left behind in Luke's aunt and uncle farm.. The Empire could have watched the place, spot Obi-Wan and Luke arriving there and sent an aircraft to blast them to pieces then retrieve what's left of the droids. Failiing that, they really should have sent a swarm of 200 Tie Fighters to defend the Death Star from the allied assault.
downloaded a few Voyager episodes many years ago : they were cool. But in effect, pretty cold and clinical too. I remember an entirely technical holodeck scene for instance, whereas in TNG they use the holodeck to do stupid or pointless things mostly, the way it's intended.
Voyager's setting is so different that they use holodeck for that, too, out of necessity. They also use it for leisure time too, though, just not only for it.
Voyager is definitely worth a watch of the whole series, far more then DS9 which was a struggle to get through over the years.
Voyager is definitely worth a watch of the whole series, far more then DS9 which was a struggle to get through over the years.

This is something that splits the fans to 2 groups really, you either like DS9 or Voyager, but rarely both (conveniently, those who like DS9 often also like Babylon 5 :neutral: )