Jewish temples in Constantinople bombed.

"Jewish temples in Constantinople bombed."


1. The city is called Istanbul, there has been no Constantinople for 550 years.

2. There are no Jewish temples in Istanbul. In fact, there can be no temple outside Jerusalem.

I wonder why you picked that particular wording.
Regardless of the symantic (or semetic ;)) nitpicking. Its a horrible thing that happened.

But what kind of response were you looking for?
RussSchultz said:
I'm not sure I've ever seen rampaging Jews. Any 'fer instances' you could share?

Heh....just for the fun of it. :)

Through that experience I learn "Torah" and came to know what Judaism really is. I left there with two broken arms, I had spent several days in the hospital after being beaten by rampaging Jews one of who claimed to be police official one of the others a convert whom I had met in Kyriat Arb'a, the other two I didn't know. They put Rodev" on me after I had accused one of them of believing in slavery.
Interesting article, then I read who wrote it.

He's a rabid pro-palestinian that likely asked for whatever beating he got.

Not that he deserved it, of course, but anybody who acted like he does in his indymedia posts would get beat up quite a bit.
L233 said:
"Jewish temples in Constantinople bombed."


1. The city is called Istanbul, there has been no Constantinople for 550 years.

2. There are no Jewish temples in Istanbul. In fact, there can be no temple outside Jerusalem.

I wonder why you picked that particular wording.

This is a truly magical moment. L233 accusing me of being anti-Israel. OMFG! :LOL:

As for why I picked "that wording" I have always heard the word "temple" from my Jewish friends here. They are apparently less obessessed with esoteric arcana than you. As for Constantinople, that's what my people called it for 1200 years before the Mongol-Turkic Invasion (and subsequent near total extermination by those same invaders). If Poles took Berlin, killed off nearly all the Germans there, renamed it "Berlinski," would you use that name? Of course not L233. Do you blame native Americans for using their traditional names for place names, or Australian aborigines? For me, it is always Constantinople, and I eagerly await its liberation.

Russ: I wasn't looking for any response in particular, just wanted to ask the peanut gallery what they thought of this.
The caller was quoted as saying: "The reason [for the attacks] is to stop the oppression of the Muslims... Our acts will continue."

That is a quote from the article.

It kills me how these muslims think they are being repressed when in fact in almost every freaking country that they are a majority THEY are in fact the ones guilty of this. The current muslim ideology is not compatible with the rest of the world. This ideology needs to be eliminated. Until then the world will not have much of any peace.
akira888 said:
L233 said:
"Jewish temples in Constantinople bombed."


1. The city is called Istanbul, there has been no Constantinople for 550 years.

2. There are no Jewish temples in Istanbul. In fact, there can be no temple outside Jerusalem.

I wonder why you picked that particular wording.

This is a truly magical moment. L233 accusing me of being anti-Israel. OMFG! :LOL:

As for why I picked "that wording" I have always heard the word "temple" from my Jewish friends here. They are apparently less obessessed with esoteric arcana than you. As for Constantinople, that's what my people called it for 1200 years before the Mongol-Turkic Invasion (and subsequent near total extermination by those same invaders). If Poles took Berlin, killed off nearly all the Germans there, renamed it "Berlinski," would you use that name? Of course not L233. Do you blame native Americans for using their traditional names for place names, or Australian aborigines? For me, it is always Constantinople, and I eagerly await its liberation.

Russ: I wasn't looking for any response in particular, just wanted to ask the peanut gallery what they thought of this.

well said. :) ;)
One last thing: It was called "Constantinople" by the Christian world until 1926-27, and the Christian dhimmis (slaves) of the Ottoman Empire always called it that.
Eagerly await the liberation of what has long been a mostly muslim city? Way to go to feed muslim distrust of the west. Im sure this werid little fantasy will play to a greek audience. This latest bombimg shows how building a fence around a part of the west bank will be as useless to prevent attacks on jews as it is to provide motivation to observers of the scene of the willingness of either side to settle.
pax said:
Eagerly await the liberation of what has long been a mostly muslim city? Way to go to feed muslim distrust of the west. Im sure this werid little fantasy will play to a greek audience.

Actually pax, Constantinople was until the Christian Holocaust of 1915-1923 a mostly Christian city under Muslim domination. And "muslim distrust" of the West is something that really doesn't motivate me, given how the Ancyra regime denies the aforementioned Holocaust (and of course no one cares). Is it fair that nations are able to keep land that they win through Holocaust? Should Germany have been allowed to keep Poland? Or Israel the whole West Bank?

But how does "playing to a Greek audience" make my position incorrect? I've never understood the hatred Westerners across the political spectrum feel toward Eastern Christians. Look at the demonization that played out in Kosovo. I've also never understood how "enlightened" commenters could get away with saying things about the Serbs - that had they been said about another group - would have led to immediate social ostracism.
The fence is a shallow attempt at trying to prevent a problem that will simply move elsewhere as proved by this bombing.
I only mentionned itll play to a greek audience as it will. Not that it makes anything more or less incorrect. Its incorrect because Istanbul has been in turkish hands for 500 years. And contemplating war with a large muslim but, for now, largely secular nato ally is no joke... Istanbul doesnt need to be liberated...

Turkey needs economic developpment of course which joining the EU would help as Bush would have liked to see in the run up to the war which was for bad a reason but with a good end result if it could eventually happen.
pax said:
The fence is a shallow attempt at trying to prevent a problem that will simply move elsewhere as proved by this bombing.
not sure how its a shallow attempt. Look if you can keep the "bad" people on one side of the fence than it solve alot of problems. Plus on a bonus side, if terrorism is lessened maybe the isralies can then be force to recognize palestine as a country. win-win in my books. :)

epicstruggle said:
Plus on a bonus side, if terrorism is lessened maybe the isralies can then be force to recognize palestine as a country. win-win in my books. :)


I am not trying to go into that argument, but I just can't keep my mouth shut :LOL: The problem is that the fence, is not the intended borderline, leaving several wells, crucial to agricultural developement in Palestina on the Israeli side of the fence.