Japanese Inventions

I don't understand the purpose of invention #4. Is it a spittoon, in case you need to hock a loogie but happen to be indoors? Or maybe a miniature bird bath for your pet budgie?

*squints at almost indechiperable text*

Oh. It seems to have something to do with earrings. Well, that's a stupid design if they're meant to catch jewellry that might come loose. Since japanese seem to bow a lot, the earring will just go flying down on the floor if it has landed in that silly cup. Besides, what if the wearer needs to raise her arm for whatever reason, won't that make the cup pop off? Indeed silly stuff!

That entire book looks fraudulent to me. Are these fake inventions perhaps? They all seem suspiciously parody-like in their nature...
you seem not to be too familiar with japan:LOL:

no really... some of em do fun wierd stuff, others do fun sick stuff............others do simply only sick stuff.
wow, that's a new level of wtf-age....

i want that utility kinfe!
a shovel, i mean, you never know when you might need that in an urban situation
here are the 10 tenets of chindogu (taken from international chindogu society website here)

1. A Chindogu cannot be for real use

It is fundamental to the spirit of Chindogu that inventions claiming Chindogu status must be, from a practical point of view, (almost) completely useless. If you invent something which turns out to be so handy that you use it all the time, then you have failed to make a Chindogu. Try the Patent Office.

2. A Chindogu must exist

You're not allowed to use a Chindogu, but it must be made. You have to be able to hold it in your hand and think 'I can actually imagine someone using this. Almost.' In order to be useless, it must first be.

3. Inherent in every Chindogu is the spirit of anarchy

Chindogu are man-made objects that have broken free from the chains of usefulness. They represent freedom of thought and action: the freedom to challenge the suffocating historical dominance of conservative utility; the freedom to be (almost) useless.

4. Chindogu are tools for everyday life

Chindogu are a form of nonverbal communication understandable to everyone, everywhere. Specialised or technical inventions, like a threehandled sprocket loosener for drainpipes centred between two under-the-sink cabinet doors (the uselessness of which will only be appreciated by plumbers), do not count.

5. Chindogu are not for sale

Chindogu are not tradable commodities. If you accept money for one you surrender your purity. They must not even be sold as a joke.

6. Humour must not be the sole reason for creating a Chindogu

The creation of Chindogu is fundamentally a problem-solving activity. Humour is simply the by-product of finding an elaborate or unconventional solution to a problem that may not have been that pressing to begin with.

7. Chindogu is not propaganda

Chindogu are innocent. They are made to be used, even though they cannot be used. They should not be created as a perverse or ironic comment on the sorry state of mankind.

8. Chindogu are never taboo

The International Chindogu Society has established certain standards of social decency. Cheap sexual innuendo, humour of a vulgar nature, and sick or cruel jokes that debase the sanctity of living things are not allowed.

9. Chindogu cannot be patented

Chindogu are offerings to the rest of the world - they are not therefore ideas to be copyrighted, patented, collected and owned. As they say in Spain, mi Chindogu es tu Chindogu.

10. Chindogu are without prejudice

<nu>faust said:
here are the 10 tenets of chindogu (taken from international chindogu society website
Aah. Yes, that actually makes sense I have to say.

I don't think the shower curtain umbrella counts as a real almost-useful-useless invention though, because I'm sure many might actually consider using that thing. Of all the things pictured on that website, it was surely the least useless item.

OMG!! huauahauhuahaaa
oh man, my favorite one has to be this one! I'm a fool in China, where everyone seems to have LIPS OF STEEL. They drink their soups HOT and I just like them pretty hot. I coud use a fan! ^^;;