Japan Sales Thread *renamed

But gears isnt a FPS

True it doesnt fit the technical definition and the ability to "see" your character may play a role in why Gears was accepted there.
Well to be honest Gears has about 10% attach rate in Japan right now. It's not surprisingly great imo for a MS published high profile game, I mean even though it's in Japan, the Japanese Xbox customers might be more western orientated than for example PS3 owners. Naturally that's just speculation on my part, but 10% attach rate is not much, I'm sure Halo 2 for example managed similar numbers.
Good post, although I would like to point out that the people who predicted Nintendo to go away, just didn't have a clue that while Nintendo didn't sell the most they still made nice profit, and if people didn't understand that then their opinions were flawed to a point where there was no value left in them. Nintendo knows how to make a buck.

Predicted? :LOL: You have some people here (and elsewhere) who are still predicting that Nintendo will go away (Wii is a fad, the DS is dead when the PSP's price drops, etc.). As for GOW being in the top 10... meh. The Xbox 360 is insignificant in Japan and that wont change. I agree that what is far more interesting is that there is no PS3 software on that list. Why aren't "next gen PS3 games with amazing High Definition graphics" selling?
Predicted? :LOL: You have some people here (and elsewhere) who are still predicting that Nintendo will go away (Wii is a fad, the DS is dead when the PSP's price drops, etc.).

Huh? I haven't seen anyone on that side of the argument for quite a while. I think Nintendo shut the kids up with actions.

I agree that what is far more interesting is that there is no PS3 software on that list. Why aren't "next gen PS3 games with amazing High Definition graphics" selling?

Because games with an attach ratio of more than 20% are just not there?
Those HW numbers are pretty funny, X360 actually went up from last week, must be due to gears, while PS3 went down again, 24,000 sold, yikes.

People keep saying how the 360 is so dead in japan, it's been selling 6k - 25k a week for the last 10 weeks, which is a huge upgrade from the 1k-2k it had even since launch. If that's not a sign of life I don' know what is...

I knew those japanese could appreciate good games when they eventually came out!
Why aren't "next gen PS3 games with amazing High Definition graphics" selling?

Because there are no 'good' games yet? ;)

I just don't understand how some of the same people that can say there are no games worth owning the system for, are then the same folk who act mystified and point a finger when the game sales are low. Guys, it's because you're right about the fist point that the second is the case. But lack of strong library doesn't preclude early adopters from purchasing the thing in the first place.
Well to be honest Gears has about 10% attach rate in Japan right now. It's not surprisingly great imo for a MS published high profile game, I mean even though it's in Japan, the Japanese Xbox customers might be more western orientated than for example PS3 owners. Naturally that's just speculation on my part, but 10% attach rate is not much, I'm sure Halo 2 for example managed similar numbers.

How did you formulate such an opinion? IMO, a 10% attach rate after 1 week is pretty good.

How many future 2007 360 games in the US have a chance of selling 500,000 copies in its first week?

A 10% attach rate regardless of time frame on any mature console is astounding. In fact a 10% attach rate in the first week on the PS2 is literally impossible.
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I just don't understand how some of the same people that can say there are no games worth owning the system for, are then the same folk who act mystified and point a finger when the game sales are low.

It's not a case of being mystified, it's more like shadenfreude ;-)

What I'm wondering is what is in the minds of publishers and developers who bet strongly on the PS3.

"Believe.", as they say on NeoGAF.
Because there are no 'good' games yet? ;)

Your missing a big factor, namely PS3 hardware sales have dropped off the map. If Sony was selling 80k systems/week, they would probably not have too much trouble getting a title into the top 30. Selling 21k/week is the real problem, not lack of good games.

Granted there are no great games, but if the system was selling like it should be, the software sales would still easily be able to sell 30-40k and make the top 30.
Because there are no 'good' games yet? ;)

I just don't understand how some of the same people that can say there are no games worth owning the system for, are then the same folk who act mystified and point a finger when the game sales are low. Guys, it's because you're right about the fist point that the second is the case. But lack of strong library doesn't preclude early adopters from purchasing the thing in the first place.


Evergrace___________________PS2 23,000 82,500
Tekken Tag TournamenT_______PS2 18,750 380,000
Dead or Alive 2_______________PS2 16,500 283,000
Ridge Racer V________________PS2 15,250 620,750
Kessen______________________PS2 9,750 306,500
Golf Paradise_________________PS2 9,250 109,750
Fantavision__________________PS2 6,000 118,750
Driving Emotion Type-S________PS2 4,500 88,000

Week ending May 7th 2000 (week 10 of ps2 launch)

DATE___ps2_sold_top 30 games
3/05/2000 706,250 6
3/12/2000 172,750 7
3/19/2000 80,500 7
3/26/2000 126,250 9
4/02/2000 185,500 10
4/09/2000 133,750 9
4/16/2000 84,750 8
4/23/2000 83,250 7
4/30/2000 77,250 7
5/07/2000 53,000 8
5/14/2000 48,750 7
5/21/2000 62,250 7


Since ps2 was launched in Japan they have had at least 6 games in the top 30 for the first 12 weeks.

Some of the titles available at the time are no brainers of course but fantavision made the top 30. I find it hard to believe Motorstorm isn't more compelling than fantavision. ;)

________PS3___top30___ps2_____top 30 games
week 01__82hw___4____706hw__6
week 02__42hw___3____173hw__7
week 03__33hw___2____081hw__7
week 04__31hw___0____126hw__9
week 05__50hw___0____186hw__10
week 06__70hw___0____134hw__9
week 07__77hw___1____085hw__8
week 08__71hw___0____083hw__7
week 09__70hw___0____077hw__7
week 10__26hw___0____053hw__8
week 11__24hw___0____049hw__7
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Granted there are no great games, but if the system was selling like it should be, the software sales would still easily be able to sell 30-40k and make the top 30.

It's a chicken vs the egg situation. I agree the system isn't selling like it's on fire, but it absolutely is selling as "it should be." It's a market economy afterall! ;)

As better games come out, it will in turn sell better. A title like FFXIII for instance could simply not be denied by the games fan base.

@Chef-O: Those are good numbers you found. Indeed, it paints a stark picture. But that's the post-DS, post-Wii world Sony lives in right now. I don't think anyone questions that PS3 is not trending like PS2, but then again... I don't think anyone expected it to. I think it's going to have a slower ramp-up this gen; where it ends up, we'll just have to see.

Evergrace___________________PS2 23,000 82,500
Tekken Tag TournamenT_______PS2 18,750 380,000
Dead or Alive 2_______________PS2 16,500 283,000
Ridge Racer V________________PS2 15,250 620,750
Kessen______________________PS2 9,750 306,500
Golf Paradise_________________PS2 9,250 109,750
Fantavision__________________PS2 6,000 118,750
Driving Emotion Type-S________PS2 4,500 88,000

Week ending May 7th 2000 (week 10 of ps2 launch)

DATE___ps2_sold_top 30 games
3/05/2000 706,250 6
3/12/2000 172,750 7
3/19/2000 80,500 7
3/26/2000 126,250 9
4/02/2000 185,500 10
4/09/2000 133,750 9
4/16/2000 84,750 8
4/23/2000 83,250 7
4/30/2000 77,250 7
5/07/2000 53,000 8
5/14/2000 48,750 7
5/21/2000 62,250 7


Since ps2 was launched in Japan they have had at least 6 games in the top 30 for the first 12 weeks.

Some of the titles available at the time are no brainers of course but fantavision made the top 30. I find it hard to believe Motorstorm isn't more compelling than fantavision. ;)

________PS3___top30___ps2_____top 30 games
week 01__82hw___4____706hw__6
week 02__42hw___3____173hw__7
week 03__33hw___2____081hw__7
week 04__31hw___0____126hw__9
week 05__50hw___0____186hw__10
week 06__70hw___0____134hw__9
week 07__77hw___1____085hw__8
week 08__71hw___0____083hw__7
week 09__70hw___0____077hw__7
week 10__26hw___0____053hw__8
week 11__24hw___0____049hw__7

If you're trying to prove that PS3 is not selling as well as PS2 (which no one is disputing), then you don't need to research sales figures. It's pretty simple: PS2 had no real competition. The competition it did have was nowhere near as large, powerful and competitive as the competition PS3 has when it launched.
Common sense...
If you're trying to prove that PS3 is not selling as well as PS2 (which no one is disputing), then you don't need to research sales figures. It's pretty simple: PS2 had no real competition. The competition it did have was nowhere near as large, powerful and competitive as the competition PS3 has when it launched.
Common sense...

Common sense indeed but I don't think most here predicted that PS3 would be having the difficulties it is currently facing in Japan. Most here (and most analysts for that matter) figured the ps3 to do well/dominate in Japan.

The comparison to ps2 is more about how the market is changing/has changed. As xbd said, they are competing in a wii/ds dominated maret. Funny thing is as soon as wii hit the market, ps3 games droped out of the top 30, and have only been back once since.

Will VF5 change that? Sure it will, along with FF. But I'm quite sure publishers/developers are paying attention to this situation and are weighing their options.

Ps3 is not only not selling as well as its competition in Japan (and the US), it's also the most expensive to develop for. Developers/Publishers that are/were depending on ps3 success for their titles are I'm sure currently looking into either taking these games multiplat or changing platforms all together (depending on how deep in development they currently are).

I'm curious to see where their system seller will come from. At this point I would not be surprised to see it come from an internal studio as 3rd party devs must be financially considering 360 and wii ports of their games currently in development. FF and MGS included.
But I'm quite sure publishers/developers are paying attention to this situation and are weighing their options.

I think there's absolutely zero doubt that Nintendo is going to reap a windfall of developer support this gen. Fortunately for Sony, the games people bought and will buy the PS3 for, are simply not possible on the Wii. I do also expect that the field of such titles will become increasingly multi-console as time goes on, so PS3 will have to rely on a stable of still-secure 3rd party exclusives as well as first party development to act as differentiation.

What happens long-term PS3 v 360 in Japan will be key to watch. Note that although VF5 (our proxy title for so much here) is being released overseas on 360 eventually, it is still a PS3 exclusive in Japan.

(Do we have the weeks hardware numbers yet?)
I think there's absolutely zero doubt that Nintendo is going to reap a windfall of developer support this gen. Fortunately for Sony, the games people bought and will buy the PS3 for, are simply not possible on the Wii. I do also expect that the field of such titles will become increasingly multi-console as time goes on, so PS3 will have to rely on a stable of still-secure 3rd party exclusives as well as first party development to act as differentiation.

What happens long-term PS3 v 360 in Japan will be key to watch. Note that although VF5 (our proxy title for so much here) is being released overseas on 360 eventually, it is still a PS3 exclusive in Japan.

(Do we have the weeks hardware numbers yet?)

Here's the interesting thing. These games that the wii "cannot do" also sell well outside of Japan. Everything else that is Japanese centric CAN be done on Wii which is why I thought they would dominate that market, not ps3.

So If a developer is making a Japsnese centric game that will not sell outside of Japan, why would they not make this game on wii? And if they are making a game that "pushes the limits" & can sell outside of Japan, why wouldn't they also make this game for 360?

and btw - the hardware numbers are here: http://www.vgcharts.org/

Evergrace___________________PS2 23,000 82,500
Tekken Tag TournamenT_______PS2 18,750 380,000
Dead or Alive 2_______________PS2 16,500 283,000
Ridge Racer V________________PS2 15,250 620,750
Kessen______________________PS2 9,750 306,500
Golf Paradise_________________PS2 9,250 109,750
Fantavision__________________PS2 6,000 118,750
Driving Emotion Type-S________PS2 4,500 88,000

Week ending May 7th 2000 (week 10 of ps2 launch)
Evergrace wouldn't have made the Top 10 in 2007. When PS2 launched it's games may have been reaching the top ten, simply because they're wasn't much competition. In contrast PS3 is out alongside another far cheaper console that's got the buzz factor, and the runaway DS, and the massive PS2 install base.

To get into that top ten, a game would have to sell to 10% of the PS3 install base, which is a lot for pretty much any game, especially for one week. Most of the really big franchises don't reach that percentage of console owners. Looking at the Wii, WiiPlay got on the list by selling to 4% of Wii owners in one week. It's in having a large install base that a 4% figure gets it into the top 10 sales. Likewise .hack topping the chart despite selling to a tiny percentage of installed PS2s.

There's no reason to think PS3 will feature heavily in Japan's top ten until either there's a substantial install base, or games with massive appeal that most PS3 owners buy it.
And if they are making a game that "pushes the limits" & can sell outside of Japan, why wouldn't they also make this game for 360?

I'm not saying they will or they wouldn't; they in fact might. But with the focus on Japan here, the question is will they make a localized version for the 360? Maybe they will, maybe they won't. As I mentioned, SEGA is opting *not* to localize VF5 for Japan on 360, yet release it overseas for that platform.
I'm not saying they will or they wouldn't; they in fact might. But with the focus on Japan here, the question is will they make a localized version for the 360? Maybe they will, maybe they won't. As I mentioned, SEGA is opting *not* to localize VF5 for Japan on 360, yet release it overseas for that platform.

An odd move that is (vf5 not on jap xb360). I imagine this would cost them peanuts as they already have the language etc done on the ps3 version and are already porting the code to 360 for US/EU. I'm thinking this has more to do with behind the scenes deals/politics than how well it would sell in Japan.

If Gears of War can crack the top 10 then I imagine VF5 might be able to sell a copy or two. But having vf5 available on a much cheaper machine wouldn't be too good for ps3 in that region. ;)
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