Japan Sales Thread *renamed

Yeah... but didn't we establish that VG Charts uses Famitsu for their Japan numbers?

I prefer MediaCreate, not that it's too big a deal one way or the other. That said though, we should be getting the US NPD numbers very shortly as well.

I prefer them too but I haven't seen MC #s yet. VG seems to get the numbers pretty close and they get them sooner.

npd should be interesting.:smile:
I can honestly say that i've expected this. Question is, how can they get themselves out of it? Sony and the playstation brand was destroyed on the web and like someone stated on beyond3d, the internet has a heavy influence on the media. Even if they bring the games i fear it won't be enough to overcome the bad rep which kinda reminds me of the psp and how there are individuals out there who would still claim there's no good games out for that platform. What is there left to do at Sony? Can things turn around for them later? These are the questions i have to ask and time isn't moving fast enough.:cry:
I dont think the internet had such a big impact on the ps3 in Japan. What I know of it Japanese gamers dont really go on the net for their gaming info but much rather buy magazines and I never heard of a Jap magazine destroing ps3. Maybe Japanese gamers are just bored with the ''old'' way of gaming? the market was already slowing down, or actually shrinking as I remember right untill the DS came. And now the Wii. Atleast I get the idea they are bored with it, atleast, for now.

As far as the US (and europe in a month or so) goes, I think the problem is the price & software. Exept for ******s, people in need for a cheap BR player and people with plenty of money no one is going to spend 600 euro on a machine with almost no games on it.
As far as the US (and europe in a month or so) goes, I think the problem is the price & software. Exept for ******s, people in need for a cheap BR player and people with plenty of money no one is going to spend 600 euro on a machine with almost no games on it.

The interesting thing is when ps2 launched in Japan they had almost no games also. I think Sony was banking on this history and thought a repeat was inevitable. However, that was B.W. ... Before Wii:oops:

PS2 launched at a time when it had no competition and now faces a very different market that is not as forgiving. Combined with the price = current sales.
I prefer them too but I haven't seen MC #s yet. VG seems to get the numbers pretty close and they get them sooner.

npd should be interesting.:smile:

I think Vgcharts japanese numbers are a combination of three different tracking companies. Vgchart's japan charts have a habit of growing. The jan 28th data started as a top 20 list but about a week later turned into a top 50 list.
Maybe Japanese gamers are just bored with the ''old'' way of gaming? the market was already slowing down, or actually shrinking as I remember right untill the DS came.

I was refering to more on the american side but that said i thought ps2 sold well there. If there's a reason for shrinking i would pin it on the games released. It is known that the west has more better rated games. I guess the only thing that can be done is to release good games and reduce the price simultaneously. In America, we can't justify the price of a 600 "game console" but with the same face we openly accept a 400 dollar mp3/4 player just for the gym, only to be put away until the next gym visit.
I was refering to more on the american side but that said i thought ps2 sold well there. If there's a reason for shrinking i would pin it on the games released. It is known that the west has more better rated games. I guess the only thing that can be done is to release good games and reduce the price simultaneously. In America, we can't justify the price of a 600 "game console" but with the same face we openly accept a 400 dollar mp3/4 player just for the gym, only to be put away until the next gym visit.

Depends on the use but ipod CAN be used in many places more than just the gym. In fact with the tuner addon one can use it anywhere from their car through the car stereo to work though fm to the gym to the livingroom/bedroom etc.

The problem with ps3 is it faces an (established) comperable game experience for half the cost. Until that changes I forecast sales problems.
What is there left to do at Sony?
One of answers is to cultivate a non-gaming / non-traditional gaming aspect of the PS3. For instance, they found a new company CELLIUS. They have to make something in a way that can be picked up by mainstream media, not by gaming media. Putting Blu-ray in PS3 is a very crude way to do it but it cost so much, there would be other ways to bring the same effects.
I was refering to more on the american side but that said i thought ps2 sold well there. If there's a reason for shrinking i would pin it on the games released. It is known that the west has more better rated games. I guess the only thing that can be done is to release good games and reduce the price simultaneously. In America, we can't justify the price of a 600 "game console" but with the same face we openly accept a 400 dollar mp3/4 player just for the gym, only to be put away until the next gym visit.

I thinks that the problem. Sony seemed to assume that because of the Ipod's chic look and a $400.00 price tag, it could pull a similar model with respect to the PS3. I guess people find more value in a portable music player that also function as a fashion accessory than a home console with a sleek and modern look that also functions as a HD media player.
I thinks that the problem. Sony seemed to assume that because of the Ipod's chic look and a $400.00 price tag, it could pull a similar model with respect to the PS3. I guess people find more value in a portable music player that also function as a fashion accessory than a home console with a sleek and modern look that also functions as a HD media player.

The problem is the portable MP3 player price has been high from the very first one. Sony is trying to almost double the cost of a console in 1 generation. It needs to be raised slowly over time kind of like ms did 299 for a core 399 for more goodies. Imagine if ipods doubled in price today people would scoff at it because they are used to paying a certain price. Also creative and others who sell cheaper mp3 players are doing quite well for themselves. I would love a break down on volume of ipods in each price catagory sub 100, 100-200 ect.
Jan 29-Feb 4 media create hardware:

DSL - 146,073
Wii - 65,740
PSP - 31,216
PS3 - 18,727
PS2 - 17,540
Xbox360 - 6,130

Heh, I mostly posted this to note that ms can claim ~25% of next gen share in Japan on a weekly basis (if you dont count the Wii, because it's not high tech enough etc).

PSP sold about 6,000 more than this week last year.

Wii sales are almost low..supposedly this is due to shortages, but whatever the case.
Hmmm, where are all the people that told me the 360's sales of 5k/week were due purely to the holiday spike??? And that PS3 would kill any momentum as soon as it launches??

I wonder what's moving all these units on a regular basis, is this all a residual of Blue Dragon being released? Or is the game library finally reaching a small critical mass that can actually sustain small sales week to week...
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Hmmm, where are all the people that told me the 360's sales of 5k/week were due purely to the holiday spike??? And that PS3 would kill any momentum as soon as it launches??
They show you decency by sparing you the shame of resurrecting the old "momentum" thread with postings containing many lol smilies. The 360 sales in Japan had very good help with Blue Dragon, Lost Planet and Gears of War, overlayed with the holiday spike.
Its sales fall faster than the overall market now, which indicates very clearly that it is indeed coming off a spike. I'd say Gears, but even in a vacuum we have enough data points to notice the trend.
scooby_dooby said:
I wonder what's moving all these units on a regular basis, is this all a residual of Blue Dragon being released? Or is the game library finally reaching a small critical mass that can actually sustain small sales week to week...
A critical mass is something that is large enough to accellerate its own growth, all the while the 360's sales are dropping much faster (-16% week-to-week) than the apparent market trend. In any case there is no unit-sale growth.

The truth is that it's slowing down. Barring yet another price/bundling incentive, it would need another push (desirable game) to just sustain itself at that level. So much for momentum.
And that's of course just the relative stuff. In absolute terms it's outsold 3:1 by a console that costs much more money and has no significant games. While in the west we might at least find Resistance MP entertaining for a while, in Japan the PS3 is now in the "Project Gotham Racing 3 is all I ever play" phase.

No matter how you look at the numbers, growth, absolutes, share trends, the 360 is looking weak in Japan, yet you come around presenting it as a "critical mass". "Euphemism" is a euphemism for that.
The truth is that it's slowing down.

Aren't all the numbers down from last week? :???:

I think it's time they come out with a few special edition versions. Those always seem to do well over there. Perhaps a special limited edition run with a polaroid of Bill Gates. That should spark sales!
They show you decency by sparing you the shame of resurrecting the old "momentum" thread with postings containing many lol smilies. The 360 sales in Japan had very good help with Blue Dragon, Lost Planet and Gears of War, overlayed with the holiday spike.
Its sales fall faster than the overall market now, which indicates very clearly that it is indeed coming off a spike. I'd say Gears, but even in a vacuum we have enough data points to notice the trend.
A critical mass is something that is large enough to accellerate its own growth, all the while the 360's sales are dropping much faster (-16% week-to-week) than the apparent market trend. In any case there is no unit-sale growth.

The truth is that it's slowing down. Barring yet another price/bundling incentive, it would need another push (desirable game) to just sustain itself at that level. So much for momentum.
And that's of course just the relative stuff. In absolute terms it's outsold 3:1 by a console that costs much more money and has no significant games. While in the west we might at least find Resistance MP entertaining for a while, in Japan the PS3 is now in the "Project Gotham Racing 3 is all I ever play" phase.

No matter how you look at the numbers, growth, absolutes, share trends, the 360 is looking weak in Japan, yet you come around presenting it as a "critical mass". "Euphemism" is a euphemism for that.

Previous weeks media create:

DSL 194,526
Wii 83,754
PSP 35,700
PS2 20,995
PS3 19,996
Xbox360 7,365

Hmm, off hand I see many systems that dropped over 16%.

I think you're being defensive. Nobody's saying 360 is going to conquer Japan. It's numbers are pitiful for any system that's not an Xbox. However, for an Xbox, it's fun to see the little milestones.

Bragging about PS3 outselling it 3:1 in Japan is missing the point. It's more stunning that PS3 can only outsell it 3:1. Xbox 1 had a good launch, but it never maintened more than ~1,000 in regular weeks, that's where 360 is doing much better. I dont remember how much Xbox1 sold in Japan, but I'm sure it wasn't more than 5-600,000, in which case if X360 can keep averaging 6,000 a week, it will overtake it in less than a year.
They show you decency by sparing you the shame of resurrecting the old "momentum" thread with postings containing many lol smilies.

That's funny coming from you:
Even Japanese people buy more stuff in the run up to christmas. Move along. You might call it momentum when it lasts into January.

Sales are actually higher in January then they were at the time you posted this, so not only did it last, it increased. Thx for showing me decency ;)

And I'm not presenting anything as a critical mass, simply posing a question. Don't get your panties all waddled up because you were wrong.

And that's of course just the relative stuff. In absolute terms it's outsold 3:1 by a console that costs much more money and has no significant games.

LMFAO. Is this supposed to be an objective overview of the factors in Japan? That 'console' also happens to be the Sony Playstation...you know, it's sort of a respected brand name over there...

The fact the new PS is only outselling the xbox 3:1 less than 2 months after launch is borderline pathetic....yet you find some way to spin as a good thing??
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In absolute terms it's outsold 3:1 by a console that costs much more money and has no significant games.


Just shows how bad the situation for MS is. They have no chance even at half the price and more games.

I also think January NPD will shock some people.. PS3 has been selling very well in the US lately.
That's funny coming from you:


Sales are actually higher in January then they were at the time you posted this, so not only did it last, it increased. Thx for showing me decency ;)
End of November was "the time". Was there anything wrong with that posting in November? I mean, it was you who didn't believe the Japanese people did christmas shopping, someone had to tell you. That's a pretty significant influx to late-November sales, isn't it?
Look, here's another posting with nothing wrong about it:
I'm not sure why, but the most obvious reasons would be Blue Dragon, which has really started being advertised, or the core package which was recently launched, maybe a combination of both.
*thinks about posting something with a wink smilie*
*dismisses the notion*

Still doesn't change the problem that, from their newly established "above imminent death" level, the sales are falling off faster than anything else on the market. TheChefO posted the numbers a short while ago:

So we're still way above the 1500 per week you posted as an expected normality (pre Blue Dragon, pre Lost Planet, back in November), but we actually are now back below the 6500 that caused you to open the thread.
scooby_dooby said:
And I'm not presenting anything as a critical mass, simply posing a question.
Ah, the words fell out of your fingers onto your keyboard with no particular significance. I'll keep that in mind for the future.
Or will gravity maybe halve in strength, allowing me to carry that piano to the fifth floor ...
(I didn't mean to type that, it just happened)
scooby_dooby said:
Stay with us here. Focus. If you hadn't talked about "small critical mass" we wouldn't be having this sub-conversation. I didn't laugh about that either, right? Make the same effort.
scooby_dooby said:
Is this supposed to be an objective overview of the factors in Japan? That 'console' also happens to be the Sony Playstation...you know, it's sort of a respected brand name over there...

The fact the new PS is only outselling the xbox 3:1 less than 2 months after launch is borderline pathetic....yet you find some way to spin as a good thing??
It's supposed to be my evaluation of what's going on, and I'm naturally inclined to find my version a little truer than your different one. Is your stance objective? (rq, don't answer, take the next one)
What did I spin?
I said the 360 is looking weak in Japan. I find that significantly less spun than your small critical mass thing. I also said the PS3 games lineup is currently poor.

How does the brand make that less true (or more untrue, if you like)? Yes of course the brand is an advantage for Sony and a disadvantage for Microsoft, but that's how it is. When Blue Dragon comes out for the 360, that's how it is, when Lost Planet comes out for the 360, that's how it is, and when Sony is the favored brand, that's how it is. We see the results of all influences in the sales numbers. It all counts. You don't get to dismiss the brand because it already affects reality, just like nobody else gets to say "These sales don't count because that's just because of Lost Planet". It's childishness.
Actually, the thread was started in the beginning of Nov, and it's now February. That's the longest Xmas shopping season I've ever heard of :rolleyes:

Ah, the words fell out of your fingers onto your keyboard with no particular significance. I'll keep that in mind for the future.
Or will gravity maybe halve in strength, allowing me to carry that piano to the fifth floor ...
(I didn't mean to type that, it just happened)

I was looking for intelligent theories why the 360 can maintain sales of over 6000 units a week for 3 months straight, well beyond the holiday season, and wondering what people thought was driving it. Obviously, you aren't quite qualified to participate.