July 13, 2005 - An online survey conducted by market researcher Info Plant, via marketing data service C-News, revealed widespread support in Japan for Sony's next-generation PlayStation 3 gaming console, according to a report at GameDAILY BIZ.
The survey, which used a sample of 1,000 internet users between the ages 10 and 59, intended to gauge the level of interest of Japanese gaming consumers in the upcoming next-generation consoles. The results of the survey revealed an overwhelming preference for the PlayStation 3 with 60% of the respondents indicating a preference for the Sony offering. The level of interest in Nintendo's Revolution and Microsoft's Xbox 360 was 8% and 2% respectively. When the survey results were further analyzed by age group, it revealed that people in their 30s were generally more interested in the Revolution while those in their 20s gravitated towards the PS3. It is worth noting that 75% of the respondents indicated that they owned the PS2 and 50% stated that they owned the original PlayStation.
While the results appear to be quite disappointing for both Nintendo and Microsoft, it must be noted that Nintendo has revealed very little about the Revolution at this point and Microsoft intends an "E3 level" event in Japan at the end of July to promote the Xbox 360.
I know that its just a poll, but does anybody else thinks that this matters like me? Should MS actually care about this?