How you know i playing for less than 15mins?
I actually stopped playing at the sewer guns part. I realised i was just playing Jak1 again. Never even wanted to get Jak2, BUT finally, gave in to see how revolution it can be and of coz the graphiX. T2O bad, both parts ain as YummY to me. THANKFULLY, i got it cheap, cheap and cheap. So it ain bad trying out like if it be a bundled demo.
YES i be admit, they are NOT BAD games. REALLY pretty GOOD, PLAYABLE both Jaks are(REALLY!), just really tired. Technically, ND done it good. Good controls, good streaming engine, good camera, good jumping, good progression, good structure, good voices, good and good, just tired....old..samey..... guess the o-k sales showed how they were received genarally.
That be why maybe with the more freedom of PS3, can we see ND better.