J. Allard interview by Hiroshige Goto pt.2

He didn't say that 1080p wasn't important. He said what is the point of having DUAL HDMI ports that output at 1080p? It's the same thing some people have been discussing on here. How is that a selling point? How does that relate to the gaming experience for most consumers?

How does watching movies on your PSP add to gaming? Nothing but its something that gamers like to do. This is something that some people don't understand with Sony. They are taking videogame consoles and handhelds to a new level. If the only thing you like to do is play games then fine do that. The PS3 can do that too.

To me selling the dual 1080p support is just as important as selling the whole "get on Live and buy someone's shirt for $2.00". A person like me would NEVER buy a shirt, skateboard, or car from somebody but I do think its worth mentioning.

Sony is selling more than just a "game" console. And I and many others around don't see that as a problem.

Mazda furai
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I don't believe that B3D is of all things, discussing an Allard interview. Where's the puke icon? Ladies and gentlemen, the productivity of such an interview has the equivalent worth of a post by the likes of Maj Nelson and Deadmeat. Let's not waste our time on this.
passby said:
I don't believe that B3D is of all things, discussing an Allard interview.
Like him or not, he's one of the most influential men in the business that we're talking about here.
pahcman said:
there is no need disect like a fanboys, but to read and share the visions. its a good PR.
CONTRADICTION. B3D is SUPPOSED to perform dissection and challenge the PR(It is an almost universal truth that marketing hates meeting an engineer). It's the fanbois who refuse to do it and unquestioningly swallow whatever garbage the PR spokesperson spew out from whichever orifice.
A: There are many factors that lead next-gen games to success. If you focus only on realism, then your opinion that physics is important is right. For other factors, for instance, I point out that lighting is also important. The ability to generate textures and geometries in realtime that I call "procedural synthesis" is important too. Even if you create a forest with perfect lighting and a perfect design, it'll be unnatural if all trees are the same. Why we write a program to generate a tree, why we write a program to generate textures to be pasted on trees, that's because they all look different.

These things are also important for realism, I think. So at E3 we made a 90 seconds trailer that focused on how this synthesis looks visually.
What was that demo? I don't remember seeing one :?
I only remember the EverQuest team's demo that used "procedural synthesis" on PlayStation3 show :?
mckmas8808 said:
He didn't say that 1080p wasn't important. He said what is the point of having DUAL HDMI ports that output at 1080p? It's the same thing some people have been discussing on here. How is that a selling point? How does that relate to the gaming experience for most consumers?

How does watching movies on your PSP add to gaming? Nothing but its something that gamers like to do. This is something that some people don't understand with Sony. They are taking videogame consoles and handhelds to a new level. If the only thing you like to do is play games then fine do that. The PS3 can do that too.

To me selling the dual 1080p support is just as important as selling the whole "get on Live and buy someone's shirt for $2.00". A person like me would NEVER buy a shirt, skateboard, or car from somebody but I do think its worth mentioning.

Sony is selling more than just a "game" console. And I and many others around don't see that as a problem.


Lol your comparing an extra 1080p port to one of the best online services, if not the best for games out there and it's features?

There is a huge difference here and the psoter that brought this up is exactly right. And extra port like that adds nothing to games, what you compared it to, an online market place where you can buy or get free custom made upgrades to USE IN YOUR GAMES actually does add something to games. In fact, it adds a whole new level of customizing and persoanlizing of your games, it also brings people togeather in an online market place. The extra port lets you do what, hook up two TVs to the same system?

I love your comment about movies on the PSP too, you seem to be completely missing the point some of us are bring up and trying oh so hard to make. No one is bashing any of these guys for allowing their consoles to do other things than simply play games. Movies on the PSP like you said has nothing to do with games, but it's a very useful feature, just like MP3s on the PSP too. Both of those are very useful features that many people can and do enjoy.

And extra 1080 p port on the PS3 is not. It reminds me of the system link on the PSX 1 that nobody used.

J had it 100% right when he talked about the firewire port and USB ports on PS2. Sony put them on there just to have them on there, just to have extra "cutting edge" features to spam at the time to make the system look and sound far more impressive then it was. Sony put them on there with out ever planning for their use or thinking of a reason to have them on there.

MS on the other hand plans out things in advance and any features their consoles have they are on there for a reason. Xbox 360 does not just have an HDD on there to have it on there, or for games to use as cache, they also have it on there to allow you to use 360 as a Media Center. Also it can be used for DLC and so on. Thats quite a few things that one device can be used for. That is planning, that is thinking about the big picture and what it means for games and entertaiment. That is MS looking at a device and not asking what can it do for games, but what can it do for everything. Sonys never had anything like that.

At least not their console devision.
EPe9686518 said:
The extra port lets you do what, hook up two TVs to the same system?
One for a TV, 1 for a PC LCD display.
Or one for a PC LCD display, another for another PC LCD display.
Read the interviews, Chatani says it's possible.
Why would i want to game in 2 displays?

ITs only good for 2 player FPS and Racing games. For everything else it doesnt make sense, if Sony had say 3 Outputs then yeah that would make alotta sense, but 2?
J had it 100% right when he talked about the firewire port and USB ports on PS2.

I think USB was reasonably important. I have some nephews that love Eyetoy and I have a Logitech wheel for GT and some other racers.

Yeah, the Firewire was iffy. Guess thats why Sony shit canned it on latter models. I see no Firewire on PS3 either.

I do love Firewire on my Mac. Great for my video camera and iSight camera. :D
Dual screen would mean a more 'comfortable' 2 player game was more possible...also games could display more to the gamer, like some arcade machines...excellent idea for driving games (for example).
Well Firewire has never really taken off, it's in Mac's and Vaio's, but the vast majority of us have had USB2 forced on us for various reasons.

USB comes as standard in every PC, Firewire does not.
it's dumb, how many ofyou have ever been to a house where the person had 2 tv's in their living room? I haven't.

So with 99.999% of the market not using dual outputs the support from games wil be non-existent.

I don't see this being useful in the least.
Well, I will certainly utilize the ethernet jack on the PS3. I doubt the 2nd one would be used.

The USB ports will likely be useful. I will utilize one of the HDMI ports. My Samsung DLP as one.

The memory card slots will get some use, the memory stick one in particular.

And of course the optical will be used as I have a surround sound system.
scooby_dooby said:
it's dumb, how many ofyou have ever been to a house where the person had 2 tv's in their living room? I haven't.

So with 99.999% of the market not using dual outputs the support from games wil be non-existent.

I don't see this being useful in the least.

The devs will be able to put in an option to let the gamer decide whether have his multiplayer games in split-screen or on 2 screens. What's so bad about it? Jeesh... If you don't use it, fine, if you do, great for you!

heck, how many people DON'T have 2 TVs in their house these days?!

alternatively you could hook up you PC monitor, as suggested - rather the option exsist than not at all...don't knock it just because X360 don't do it.
and another point, to expand on comments of 'well live is sooo great compared to what Sony do', I put it to you that about 10% of gamers play online...hardly a deal breaker, and I would suggest more than 10% of households could easily set up a 2nd TV for gaming should they wish to.

not knocking live, just putting it into perspective.