It's official: PSP has 32 MB + 4 MB eDRAM

Since they released the official size, just for comparison.

Dimensions: Approx. 170 mm (L) x 74 mm (W) x 23 mm (D)

Lynx II
Dimensions: 23.5cm x 10.8cm x 5.1cm

Dimensions: 82mm length x 144.5mm width x 24.5mm thick

PSP is slimmer than I thought.
Oh god they haven't gone for the wierd D-Pad with 4 seperate buttons rather then a real D-Pad have they? (looks like it). Why in the world would they do that?
Oh god they haven't gone for the wierd D-Pad with 4 seperate buttons rather then a real D-Pad have they? (looks like it). Why in the world would they do that?

From the pics and streams, I can't make out what the darn thing looks like.

But from the spec, they do have D-pad. Its the standard PS d-pad.

Its probably that nipple thing :LOL:




I've held a Lynx II. Are your sure you're not talking cm, not mm, here?

Its suppose to be bigger ? I just sort of google around and found that measurement. I am not going to look for my Lynx, I can't even remember where I put it, it was a decade ago.

So if you have a correct measurement post it here, and I'll edit my post.
Very slick design. Excellent.

And GT4 for PSP ... wow ! I have just pre-ordered my PAL GT4 Prologue.

Temped to get the PSP now.
maskrider said:
Teasy said:
Nice mock up on the 4th pic there :)... no way it'll put out visuals like that.

Yeah, I expect it to be better than that as the resolution is smaller. :LOL:

lol i wanted to say the same thing.

Anyway, did they release a launch date or a launch price today?
That sucks that we only have the D-pad.

As for price, consider that Wifi PDAs are now running $400 or more. They typically have 480x320 screens but they obviously don't have a UMD drive.

So the manufacturing costs on these must be higher than a Clie THG55 or an iPaq 4355.

Makes you wonder if Sony can keep this under $300.
Its suppose to be bigger ?

It would have to be yeah, it would be impossible to even use the thing if it was really 23.5mm x 10.8mm x 5.1mm. I mean that's around the size of a lighter :LOL:
the large screen is nice, other than that i have very mixed feelings about that thing :?
wco81 said:
As for price, consider that Wifi PDAs are now running $400 or more. They typically have 480x320 screens but they obviously don't have a UMD drive.

So the manufacturing costs on these must be higher than a Clie THG55 or an iPaq 4355.

Makes you wonder if Sony can keep this under $300.

Somewhat true, but PDAs also must turn a profit as a stand-alone device. PSP, like the home consoles, can mask cost by way of royalty subsidization.

Also, you don't know the cost of parts and such - but we'll see soon enough I bet.
It would have to be yeah, it would be impossible to even use the thing if it was really 23.5mm x 10.8mm x 5.1mm. I mean that's around the size of a lighter

Yeah, I think the guy meant it to be cm. I just cut and paste. But you guys can work that out.

But is the number correct ?