It's official: Halo 3 and Killzone unvielings will go head to head same day. Ownage!

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well i think its this:

unveiling of Killzone 2 just one hour after the Microsoft E3 Keynote

Its the assumption that further Halo sneak peaks will be right away during the Keynote for some reason rather then having its own seperate event.
It's assumed that Halo 3 single player will make an appearance at E3. They are showing it to some people like EGM this week to give them a lead on print time.
It's assumed that Halo 3 single player will make an appearance at E3. They are showing it to some people like EGM this week to give them a lead on print time.

Hmm I smell a pre-E3 leak..hopefully :)

I hope Halo 3 single player is mindblowing. Because I've really noticed only third parties are really pushing the graphics bar on 360. So maybe Halo 3 SP will change that.
Seriously doubt it. I don't know a single person who bought the first two Halo games based on visuals, I do however know a ton who bought Gears based on that.

You either don't know very many Halo players or you're the only one you know of who bothered to play the first two.

I didn't bother paying attention to the PR of the second game because I was still pretty angry that I spent money on the first one. I, and millions of other Halo consumers, had seen the mass exhibition of graphics by the Bungie team. Aside from pointing out the innovative nature of killing aliens on a huge leafy space-bracelet and flying purple oblongs, there is simply nothing else to the game except for your usual first-person stuff. This wouldn't have been so bad if the story weren't so abysmal.

At the time, I , and many others, got it for the graphics.

When other games surpassed it, I looked to gameplay and failed to find anything unique.

Then I tried enjoying the story and....Yeah.

In reality, the only thing that's put this game on such a high pedestal is that it became XBL's first crown jewel. After that, there was no point to try and present anything better, because they had something stable and loyal fanbase that found a niche outside of the kiddy-centered Nintendo and the none-internet associated Playstation.

In the end, it really doesn't matter if you can prove they did or di not get it for graphics. The point is that Halo has a loyal fanbase attached to it, and even if Halo 3 did indisputably suck in every facet (although, IMO it already does), they're not going to let go of it. Ever.
Halo was an awesome game imo, one of the best ever, and really showed a game that could not be done on the other consoles of the time, which is part of what made it so popular.
:LOL: So its curtains for either Halo 3 or KZ2, IMO id say Halo 3 is gonna get a spanking. Halo 3 is just that, HALO 3, same graphics and from what ive seen its pretty much the same gameplay. KZ2 could be a complete direction change for the series and do something more inovative then Halo 3 does or KZ could fall flat on its ass and die :cry:
You have to laugh, Halo 3 already indisputidly sucks in every facet. Thanks for that forsight Pariah. Maybe you can lend me your copy of the game?
I do wish people would stop calling it Killzone 2.

Killzone 2 is on the PSP, according to Gurella it is a sequel to the first game.

PS3 Killzone is the third in the series.
Ow its going to be awsome to see all the fanboys on the gamining websites attack each other :D

Peronally im not getting to exited. Halo always felt like a B movie to me, hyped up but nothing new (atleast compared to pc shooters, it was for a console shooter). KZ2? Well I dont see any reason to think that will suddenly become AAA+ as the orginial KZ wasnt that awsome either. However I hope they pull it off as they are a Dutch studio (never mind that they have very little dutch employees I believe) and it never hurst to put the Netherlands on the map with just another product :)
I will keep my expectations low for now. I dont want to get hyped for nothing.

There is no proof that KZ2 will be showed at this event, one picture is not concrete evidence for that...
Well yeah, Halo: CE for Xbox is my most played singleplayer FPS on any platform; and I'm a long time PC gamer. Having people tell me how terrible a game it is, and how there were so many PC games back in 2001 that beat its campaign for scale, co-op gameplay and sheer awesomeness is quite amusing, because IMO there weren't any. Legendary co-op is for me still the most fun you can have on a console. I’m playing through both games again now thanks to Halo 3 hype.
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