Is my Monitor Dying???


:cry: There is happening something weird with my monitor, i have now 2 years with it a Samsung SynMaster 550v 15", working together with a GeForce4Ti4400, my current res. is 1024x768x32 at 75 Hz. I have 1 year with the GF4.

I noticed 3 or 4 months ago that the overall quality wasnt the same than
when i bought that monitor. It is darker, noticiable at day, than ever, it isnt complety dark, but it is noticeable darker and greener, a little bit greener, as if having the green channel upper than the Blue and Red Channel.

Also there is something else, at the corners, and starting from the very center of the screen to the corners, the 2d image of the desk of win (text, windows, lines, pics), get blurrier proportionally when reaching the corners.

Lets divide the screen in 4 exact an equal rectangles. Lets concentrate on quadrant 1 (rectangle1, position 1,1) from the center of that rectangle to the position 1,1 of the overall screen, all text is blur, mostly unreadable, but if you move the window with that very same text, to the center, it gets clearer to the point that it is complety readable and clear. :idea: any idea/? actually, you can see the text getting clearer when moving the window that contains such text, from the corner to the center

The monitor is darker, greener, and at the corners the text is blurry, whats going on? is this my monitor or mi video card, or my video card settings? I have not the posibility to test with another monitor (unless of course i buy a new one) :rolleyes:

Any help would be appreciated. ;)
As a starting point try degaussing the monitor. If that doesn't fix it I would suggest resetting all the monitors adjustments to the factory defaults.

Does the affect change if you use a lower mode?

If all else fails check to see if the warranty is still valid.

well, at lower resolutions the problem remains, it is lower the blur efect, but it is still present...
Other thing i noticed is that when going back from the screensaver or a game, the image is clear, and the more you time you spend working the blurrier it gets over time...

What you mean with "degaussing" the monitor? For factory defaults you meant to reset the bright/contrasts controls, as well as the rest of the features of adjusting vertical and horizontal distances between the image and the borders?
Degauss should be an option in the OSD. Many monitors are smart, though, and auto-degauss on power on, which is a great idea as it keeps the newbies from having degauss-related problems :)

Reset to factory defaults -> You should have an option for this on your OSD... or a button somewhere on your monitor.

I have a reset button on my monitor, it's very small and I need to use a tool to push it in (i.e. a pencil)...


I once, some time ago, had a very weird and aggravating problem where no matter what I tried, the monitor was incredibly dark, and couldn't run at more than 60Hz (I could set it, but the screen wouldn't accept it). For a couple days I put up with it, thinking I'd need a new monitor... mother objected, though, of course ;) But anyway, she suggested the Reset button, which I hadn't considered and I doubted it would work... but anyway.

Long story summarised: Hitting the Reset button fixed all of my monitor's problems. 8)
well, it seems that there is no visible buttom anywhere in the monitor :cry:

Maybe inside, but im afraid of getting shocked :rolleyes:
They tend to store up enough to give you a nasty shock even after they have been unplugged for a while.

Just a thought, is this an LCD monitor? If so that would explain why you have no degauss :). The fact that the image is clear and then goes blurry sounds odd, is it the fact that the image is changing, or is it the type of data that is being displayed.
Try creating a totally black bitmap and set it as your wallpaper. Leave this for 10 mins or so and see if when you open up explorer it is clear.

I can't really think of anything else :( I think it may be time to contact their technical support, as it sounds like a fault in the monitor.

Usually Samsung Monitors have both options ("Degauss" and "Factory Defaults") in their OSD.

In Spanish they are called (at least in the OSD of my monitor, a Samsung SM950p+) :
Desmagnetizacion (Degauss)
Recuperar (Reset/Recall)

Hope this helps.