For some reason, all things cost more in Greece, even though we get the lowest salaries in the EU. I dont know why. It is probably because they can get away with this. Most greeks like to think themselves as big spenders and complaining about the price is "uncool". Hopefully, greek consumers will slowly become more aware of how the market works and lately we had some big economical scandals regarding price manipulation.
I can still see 1 greek shop saying 599euros but i think it is simply because it hasnt updated its price. Anyhow, i assume that we can still order it from some other EU country, pay for delivery and still save money. But then again, sony might have locked consoles or something so that you cant do that.
Hell, whole europe is getting screwed. Ps3 costs 600$ in the US, thats 455euros because US dollars dont worth crap right now. So europe pays 25% more than americans. Companies still act like 1$ = 1euro and europeans get screwed.
PS It is cheaper to buy a freaking exported greek product on some foreign country, than it is to buy it in Greece. Sad but true.