iPod iMplant :)


"We have changed the way people will think of music. From now on they can think about what they want to hear and the iMplant will play it." Jobs said. The new music player comes in only one model and features no built in memory. Instead, it will use portions of the user's brain for storage space. Depending on education and prior drug use users can expect anywhere from 5,000-25,000 songs. Also, the iMplant can purge unused portions of the user's memory for added storage space.

The default setting will start with portions of the brain that deal with cost vs. performance decisions and Microsoft's Windows operating system.

WOW! A drug user has 5x more storage space than an educated man??

With 5mb/song you get 122Gb of storage space!!!
I see myself as a Steve Jobs type... I take other peoples ideas and improve them so much they can't help but be a success... Now I just need that killer idea.

The iPod iMplant will iBe the iEnd of iEnglish as iWe iKnow it