Interview with John Byrne (ATI/AMD)

X-bit labs: The introduction of the code-named R600 will be the second time when ATI/AMD is several months late to market compared to the arch-rival Nvidia. Do you have a strategy to evade the same going forward?

John Byrne: Traditionally, at ATI, we have always had a strong dedication to quality – and this is an ethos that is shared with our colleagues throughout AMD. Quality means putting out the best solution possible – not rushing products to market. We are very confident in both our DirectX10 hardware and WHQL-certified drivers for XP and Vista.

Cute, R600 isn't delayed at all. Nvidia, with complete disregard for quality, simply rushed G80 to market :)
I read a quote recently that stated something to the effect of "R600 is on schedule and always has been". I thought it might've been from the interview cited but either I have a poor memory or the piece has been edited.

Regardless of where I read it, I know I read it and it was an AMD/ATI management type that said it. Even my blind fanATIc ass didn't buy that load. :rolleyes: