Toshiba has been at odd with Sony over a number of issues, starting from DVD and was the firm supporter of PSX2 competitor, NUON. Do not presume that Toshiba will automatically use one because they developed one, because they clearly did not with R5900 core developed for Emotion Engine.It is true... Toshiba also makes tons of products...
IBM has no intention of using CELL for its own products; its PCs and workstations run on X86 and PowerPC platform and any shift from these two standard platform is cost-prohibitive.Then you add IBM's own products and cut for Cell a nice niche and more...
License? Why? Like CELL is actually going to deliver a teraflop per chip? Let's get realistic here, CELL is an overkill for 99% of embedded consumer electronics and other venders not involved in game console industry do not see a need for its adaptation at great expense. ARM did not come to dominate the embedded chipset industry and I do not see its demise any time soon.Who told you they will never license the Cell technology ?