i guess i shouldn't be surprised. there are a slew of other site listing capcom as the developer as well, but they probably got the info from ign. i guess i could argue that shared art assets constitutes co-development, but it really is irrelevent, since the issue at hand was GBA<->GC connectivity from outside (non-nintendo) companies.IGN's wrong,
To say that Sony is one of the least innovative dev teams is a serious insult (or just plain ignorance) for the SCEJ development, IMO.
if this is aimed at me, i should say that i was speaking mostly about hardware. to me, most software isn't innovative at all. at least not in any order of magnitutde, without changing the human->machine interface. most games are just evolution of previous titles at this point, no matter how "innovative" they seam. there are exceptions, of course, i'm painting with a broad painbrush here.