
Crisidelm said:
Anyway, what if the aliens thought that being gay is also a disease? Would you say "Yes, do it" all the same?

You didn't answer my question first!!! :devilish:

Besides, if they could "cure" the gayness, then after the "cure" i'd be a happy straight guy, so i wouldn't care.
Now, i'd oppose to it obviously, but after the brainwashing.. errr i mean "cure", i wouldn't care...
what's the question? I already answered in my first post of this thread, if that was the question. If you mean the question about diseases and stupidity against losing all the persons you love, of course I wouldn't take that: you CAN be happy even when some (a lot ) of people around you are stupid and even if you've got a genetic disease, I can assure you.
Crisidelm said:
what's the question? I already answered in my first post of this thread, if that was the question. If you mean the question about diseases and stupidity against losing all the persons you love, of course I wouldn't take that: you CAN be happy even when some (a lot ) of people around you are stupid and even if you've got a genetic disease, I can assure you.

Maybe for most of us who haven't had to live with a genetic disease, it's harder to imagine how we could live with one, if you know what i mean.
This is realy bad. to make the choise to sacrafice your self is one thing but the make that choise for others knowing what will happen to them for sure is horrable and shows how horrable we are. To realy sell out other for the sake of your self is wrong.

I see some of yall react with out thinking first not see the queston for what it is.
if 1000 people would volunteer for it... yes.

and to eliminate human stupidity im afraid killing 90 percent wont do it. needs to be more like 99 percent if not greater.

and choosing between no all alone but illness and no stupidity or how it is now... i'd chose to get rid of illness and stupidity, cant think of a reason not to.
If the cure would heal all illness but introduce even more stupidity, I'd prolly volunteer for execution.
london-boy said:
Crisidelm said:
what's the question? I already answered in my first post of this thread, if that was the question. If you mean the question about diseases and stupidity against losing all the persons you love, of course I wouldn't take that: you CAN be happy even when some (a lot ) of people around you are stupid and even if you've got a genetic disease, I can assure you.

Maybe for most of us who haven't had to live with a genetic disease, it's harder to imagine how we could live with one, if you know what i mean.

I'd say, it's impossible for those who haven't had a real experience to imagine how it would be. Nevertheless they have no doubts it's something they couldn't/wouldn't/shouldn't stand: bizarre, isn't it?
_xxx_ said:
If the cure would heal all illness but introduce even more stupidity, I'd prolly volunteer for execution.

without illness we can hope then some of those stupid ones will die sooner.....
why take our hopes away?
Humanity has to solve its own problems, if problems are solved for us, we then rely on said other world to solve the knock on problems. We'd ruin our planet if we could feed everyone. We need to raise the standard of the 3rd world slowly so it reaches the point the western world is now of population stability.
{Sniping}Waste said:
This is realy bad. to make the choise to sacrafice your self is one thing but the make that choise for others knowing what will happen to them for sure is horrable and shows how horrable we are. To realy sell out other for the sake of your self is wrong.

I see some of yall react with out thinking first not see the queston for what it is.

Whoever said it was for "ourselves"?

I don't have any illness, so this "sacrifice" would be 100% selfless. It wouldn't be to save myself, but to save the billions of people who do have illnesses of some sort.

Besides, i think the point of the thread was not to show how "charitable" we are, but whether we could make a decision like this. Much like decisions Bush has to take. Only he gets to kill hundreds of thousands, and we still have the diseases and all the problems that have always existed.
ndoogoo said:
Is medical research a bad thing then? It results in people living longer using up resources and could result in over population.
Being cynical about it, the answer is yes. Most of the population serves little to no purpose in our evolution and progress as a race, so in the large scheme of things said people are actually slowing us down, and maybe preventing us from solving some crucial problems realted to our survival, thus possibly resulting in our eventual death.
The inherant problem with democracy is that it protects itself, not others. Bush/republicans would loose power in a heartbeat if he/they gave away tax money in large percentage numbers of GDP...
Ninjagnu said:
ndoogoo said:
Is medical research a bad thing then? It results in people living longer using up resources and could result in over population.
Being cynical about it, the answer is yes. Most of the population serves little to no purpose in our evolution and progress as a race, so in the large scheme of things said people are actually slowing us down, and maybe preventing us from solving some crucial problems realted to our survival, thus possibly resulting in our eventual death.

You can be as cynical as you like but medical science isn't to blame for wasted resources and over population.
Even the strongest and most intelligent among us can break a leg in an accident or become infected with a virus. If I survive some unfortunate car accident, I really like to fixed up again.

Over population is caused by over breeding. You could argue diseases, famine and war can keep an overly large population in check like some kind of safety valve, but those effects do not lie at the heart of the problem.
The problem is humans screw around too much without anti-conception. The growing population causes famines, plagues and unrest in 3rd world countries.

Sure if all you care about is the numbers then you could be satisfied with the kind of monkey-tribal life that existed millenia ago, which breeds as fast as possible in order to keep up with the high death-rate.
For the rest of us who want quality life for future generations we simply have to adjust the birth rate to the lower death rate.

On topic: I wouldn't give 1 cent for a world without disease, because it would mean our immune systems would disappear.
On the other hand, I would sacrifice all politians for a world with proper sanitation everywhere and people who all learn to use condoms. Clean water, good hygiene and big living spaces for everyone would solve 99% of all the worlds problems.
lol! :LOL:

Good call!

I remember seeing a chart that did the email rounds, with the average IQ, of states in the USA, and the ones with the higher IQ average (I believe it was with an average IQ of 100 or more) voted for Kerry while the the ones with lower IQ Average (99 or less if I remember correctly) voted for bush.

Coincidence? I'll let you be the judge ;)
Andy said:
lol! :LOL:

Good call!

I remember seeing a chart that did the email rounds, with the average IQ, of states in the USA, and the ones with the higher IQ average (I believe it was with an average IQ of 100 or more) voted for Kerry while the the ones with lower IQ Average (99 or less if I remember correctly) voted for bush.

Coincidence? I'll let you be the judge ;)

Personally i prefer people with an IQ of either 720p or 1080i. 1080p would be perfect.

But yeah, people with old NTSC IQs should be killed.
There is also a link between wealth and inteligence, class and inteligence, and to a lesser extent in the USA (but certainly globally), race and inteligence. Those links are based on the opportunity provided by wealth, and not by the people who live under said "labels". You can learn how to do better at IQ tests...