Ninjagnu said:
ndoogoo said:
Is medical research a bad thing then? It results in people living longer using up resources and could result in over population.
Being cynical about it, the answer is yes. Most of the population serves little to no purpose in our evolution and progress as a race, so in the large scheme of things said people are actually slowing us down, and maybe preventing us from solving some crucial problems realted to our survival, thus possibly resulting in our eventual death.
You can be as cynical as you like but medical science isn't to blame for wasted resources and over population.
Even the strongest and most intelligent among us can break a leg in an accident or become infected with a virus. If I survive some unfortunate car accident, I really like to fixed up again.
Over population is caused by over breeding. You could argue diseases, famine and war can keep an overly large population in check like some kind of safety valve, but those effects do not lie at the heart of the problem.
The problem is humans screw around too much without anti-conception. The growing population causes famines, plagues and unrest in 3rd world countries.
Sure if all you care about is the numbers then you could be satisfied with the kind of monkey-tribal life that existed millenia ago, which breeds as fast as possible in order to keep up with the high death-rate.
For the rest of us who want quality life for future generations we simply have to adjust the birth rate to the lower death rate.
On topic: I wouldn't give 1 cent for a world without disease, because it would mean our immune systems would disappear.
On the other hand, I would sacrifice all politians for a world with proper sanitation everywhere and people who all learn to use condoms. Clean water, good hygiene and big living spaces for everyone would solve 99% of all the worlds problems.