But imo in every game, the colors are one of the biggest problems wrt looking real: colors in games look super fake to me. That is why I like the looks of Gears 1, KZ2 and The Order: they have very muted colors.
And you perfectly proof my point: Driveclub only looks photorealistic when it rains/stormy/cloudy, thus, when the color scheme is super muted. That is why I say: 'super hefty wow' when it rains and I say 'looks nice' when sun shines. And most people react the same, as DC graphics perception suddenly went up when the weather patch was released.
Also, Ryse imo looked best in the levels with muted colors.
Somehow, games can't get colors right...they "pop" to much and look fake, cartoonish.
That is something the order really gets right imo.