"IBM Introducing Fingerprint Reader into Laptop"


DH should have double check these PR/marketing BS papers they're working from often.
IBM is lying, period.

MicronPC TransPort T2200 ~$2,000:


HP were selling its fingerprint-secured laptops, even PDAs (!) a year ago, as well as Samsung, Gateway, Acer etc are selling theirs since quite some time.

PS: Some info for the background: http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=18310867
Wunderchu said:
T2k said:
MicronPC TransPort T2200 ~$2,000:


HP were selling its fingerprint-secured laptops, even PDAs (!) a year ago, as well as Samsung, Gateway, Acer etc are selling theirs since quite some time.

PS: Some info for the background: http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=18310867
cool, didn't know so many companies were already using finger print scanners...

:) They do but average peeps didn't wanna pay extra for it. :)