I think it might be time for a new laptop


I currently have a Compaq Evo N600c, (1.2GHz PIII-M, 512mb, 20GB hdd, 14.1") and it's starting to feel a little dated, especially after installing Office 2007. I was thinking about upgrading to 1gb of ram but I figured, why not just a new computer? I was hoping to update to Vista when it comes out, which this computer can not handle. I'm either going to get it over break or right around when Vista comes out.

Must haves:
14" I really like the size of my current laptop
Widescreen, with a higher resolution then what I have now 1024x768, I have to scroll to much. Yes I know a larger screen will fix this.
Built-in wireless (I hate this card)
I would prefer a Core Duo, maybe Core 2. Although I am open to equivalents, I have no idea what AMD has these days.

I go to IU and get a pretty good discount on Dell, I'm currently looking at the Inspiron E1405 Dual Core. Will I notice much of a difference between t 2MB of cache and 4MB? Also, is there much a difference between 667MHz fsb and 533Mhz? Especially since the RAM is only 533? Are the RAM speed and fsb related in that manner?
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Dell doesn't have what you want? How? Really their $800~ laptop was an amazing deal last time I looked (Core Duo, 1GB, X1400, 80GB HD, DVD burner). Though that might have been the 15.4" model.

Looking at the E1405 its pretty nice but only includes a Intel 950 integrated solution. Just enough for Vista I believe, and I doubt to comfortably.

A price/budget would really help......
Dell doesn't have what you want? How? Really their $800~ laptop was an amazing deal last time I looked (Core Duo, 1GB, X1400, 80GB HD, DVD burner). Though that might have been the 15.4" model.

Looking at the E1405 its pretty nice but only includes a Intel 950 integrated solution. Just enough for Vista I believe, and I doubt to comfortably.

A price/budget would really help......

Under $1500
I have sworn a mighty oath that I shall not buy a new laptop (unless mine flat-out dies, of course) until I can buy one with built-in 802.11n wireless NIC, the new hybrid drive, and the July '07 Vista Premium compatibility.

Which is pretty much looking like June if I'm lucky, and probably later, as 802.11n is still dwaddling liesurely along.
Will I notice much of a difference between t 2MB of cache and 4MB? Also, is there much a difference between 667MHz fsb and 533Mhz? Especially since the RAM is only 533? Are the RAM speed and fsb related in that manner?

Nope you won't notice it at all unless you run benchmarks for a living :)

I feel ya on the notebook size. I typically use my 1710 at home for "mobility" between rooms but I had to take it to school last week and felt like I had a midget on my shoulder all day - the shit is heavy! 14" is tiny though - aren't there any really nice slim 15 inchers out there?

get this..

Asus A8JS

geforce 7700 512mb, 1gb ram, 2ghz Core2 duo, webcam, 100gb hdd, 2 year warranty, in a 1440x900 14", for $1599:

and get it cheaper here ($1515):


There is an Ati version too, but I can't find it.

To top it off, it has the best promo shot in the history of marketing:


doesn't have bluetooth though. The x1600 version is cheaper, has bluetooth but no webcam (iirc)
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I have sworn a mighty oath that I shall not buy a new laptop (unless mine flat-out dies, of course) until I can buy one with built-in 802.11n wireless NIC, the new hybrid drive, and the July '07 Vista Premium compatibility.

Which is pretty much looking like June if I'm lucky, and probably later, as 802.11n is still dwaddling liesurely along.

I totally forgot about 802.11n, I want that too. Woe is me.
I read something about Intel's next Centrino including the draft n spec. I don't remember when it's due, though, or how it'll transition to the final spec.

That Asus looks pretty cool, but I'm still annoyed by gaming or multimedia laptops that don't have the speakers on the monitor flap, so they point at your ears. Surely they're tinny enough to fit? As for that promo shot, awesome. Looks like a successful lunch order for all! Or maybe everyone's just nervous about the guy videoconferencing onto a 23" laptop.
I read something about Intel's next Centrino including the draft n spec. I don't remember when it's due, though, or how it'll transition to the final spec.

That Asus looks pretty cool, but I'm still annoyed by gaming or multimedia laptops that don't have the speakers on the monitor flap, so they point at your ears. Surely they're tinny enough to fit? As for that promo shot, awesome. Looks like a successful lunch order for all! Or maybe everyone's just nervous about the guy videoconferencing onto a 23" laptop.

My asus has speakers at the bottom left and right corner of the system, pointing down. You can just see one of them in this image (the very bottom right corner of the image, the grille-like plastic). It sounds crazy, but it actually works quite well, as they can be nice and deep, so decent quality, and it muffles it a bit, which works ok as laptop speakers are horribly and tinny normally. It actually is surprisingly loud for a laptop. And it leaves the rest of the design quite clean and tidy :p
Graham, yeah, I've heard downward-firing front speakers, and I guessed at them on the Asus. I've heard an older Thinkpad with them, and they sound surprisingly good (as far as cheap 'n tinny speakers go). I'm thinking they won't sound as good when firing onto a soft surface, though that's probably a rare occasion. Laptops are full of small ironies.

zeck, heh, that stick guy on the right does look a little too relaxed, especially for a stick guy checking out stocks graphs in his "leisure" time.