i need to make a few $k fast

Sage said:
wireframe said:
I hope you are joking by being so serious about it. I certainly am (joking).
well everything i said was true but i wasnt taking you seriously, of course

Oh good. I thought the way you stated that she was in a relationship twice meant you didn't pick up on me playing the joker.

You don't want favors from friends? If you want some quick bucks you will have to bend your rules for the day to make it easy on yourself. Nepotism is a wonderful thing.

i dont mind favors from friends... I just dont feel comfortable ASKING for them. i figure that if they want to do it they will make the offer, by asking I'm pushing myself on them.

So how would they ever know to do a favor? You gonna play the "oh..look at that...I wish I could AFFORD TO BUY that" game all your life? Besides, I meant talk to your cousin. You can be honest to her, right? So tell her you need a gig to cover your planned expenditures. Then she can accidentally get you involved in something. heh.

I should also point out that the most obvious way to have the money is that we make a pact here and now to do each other monetary favors (I'd say favors in general, but with man-whore already appearing on the first page I think we should be extra careful). Once you are in this pact there are no questions, just money changing hands as if by the "hand of god." The favor is always reciprocated and there are limits. Once you break the circle you get your nuts cut off and spend the evening scraping the bottom of a river.

Ahhh...the age old trick of cross lending. Money and favors appearing before you from what seems like thin air. "Gosh, he's a lucky one," they'll say. But it's not luck. It is the Brotherhood at work behind the scenes, making each player more mobile than they could ever imagine. Of course it makes perfect sense too, because as the more astute will have figured out it is never about having money, but when you have the money. With a group this evens out nicely, with the possible exception of Christmas time (but if it buckles then the group is not properly formed).

So, we all send you money for no other reason than that you need it and we trust you will pay it back in installments to other recipients on the list and so on. And...if you don't...we'll have to kill you to make an example to the rest. We're talking Polaroids and everything.

So, how much you need, when, and where?

You know I am right in what I am proposing. When it has come to calculating transportation fees for becoming a man-whore, you are on the wrong path.

digitalwanderer said:
Dare I suggest you freelance yourself out at PC repair or something? Always a decent way to make a few bucks in a hurry, and there always seems to be someone with a PC problem.

yeah I've considered that but not too sure how to go about finding people. i mean, it's not like i have any friends so I'd have to somehow advertise... my friend suggested i have some kids hand out coupons for 1 free hour, that's what he did... but, I think the market where I live isn't very well suited to it. Definitely something to put more thought into, though.
wireframe said:
So how would they ever know to do a favor? (...) Besides, I meant talk to your cousin. You can be honest to her, right? So tell her you need a gig to cover your planned expenditures. Then she can accidentally get you involved in something. heh.
well, she knows I could use a fair bit more. she could use a fair bit more as well. she hasnt offered anything so I'm assuming she doesnt want to do anything of that sort.

You gonna play the "oh..look at that...I wish I could AFFORD TO BUY that" game all your life?
hahahahaha nooooo I'm not. that's why I'm trying to get into Wharton (U Penn) next year... Wharton is #1 in the world for buisiness schools (Harvard can suck my hairry balls... unless I dont get accepted into Wharton but I do get accepted into HBS ;)). I'm also planning on attending Wharton later for my MBA.

I should also point out that the most obvious way to have the money is that we make a pact here and now to do each other monetary favors (...)

well, that would be real nice and all... but come mid-August I'm not going to be making a dime for the next 4 years and likely racking up $150k+ in debt... so not a good time to start borrowing from friends now :p
Sage said:
I'm trying to get into Wharton (U Penn) next year... Wharton is #1 in the world for buisiness schools (Harvard can suck my hairry balls... unless I dont get accepted into Wharton but I do get accepted into HBS ;)). I'm also planning on attending Wharton later for my MBA.

Great. Then you'll learn all about TVM and have the realisation that my Brotherhood scheme was completely logical, sane, and, dare I say, perfect. :p

well, that would be real nice and all... but come mid-August I'm not going to be making a dime for the next 4 years and likely racking up $150k+ in debt... so not a good time to start borrowing from friends now :p

I need to stop answering in this thread. I was serious about the modelling but after that I was mostly joking...mostly. With "man-whoring" being bandied about I figured this was a bit of a laugh until someone came along with the absolutely brilliant solution to your current crisis. Digitalwanderer's suggestions had me thinking I was on the right track trying to be funny and inspired me to write all the tripe you see above. Blame him, not me!

Yours jovially,

wireframe said:
Great. Then you'll learn all about TVM and have the realisation that my Brotherhood scheme was completely logical, sane, and, dare I say, perfect. :p

oh I agree, it could be perfect if either people were afraid enough of incurring the wrath of the organization or of people werent inherently slefish. Of course, there are organizations out there that to recognize a level of Brotherhood where they all help each other out... but I wouldnt feel right about joining just to fulfill an instant gratification... and I dont think that the grand architect of the universe would look too kindly on that either.

I need to stop answering in this thread. I was serious about the modelling but after that I was mostly joking...mostly. With "man-whoring" being bandied about I figured this was a bit of a laugh until someone came along with the absolutely brilliant solution to your current crisis. Digitalwanderer's suggestions had me thinking I was on the right track trying to be funny and inspired me to write all the tripe you see above. Blame him, not me!

Yours jovially,


oh, you didnt think I was taking the man-whoreing thing seriously? if it weren't for HIV and those other nasties I'd be on my back (or chest) right now... but that has less to do with my desire for a facelifted E46 sedan and more to do with my psychological problems relating to sex (which is all ym dads fault)
Lawn mowing and computer repair. If you have any other teachable skills (instrument, computer stuff), put out some newspaper ads and charge $10 an hour, cash.
sage said:
well, she knows I could use a fair bit more. she could use a fair bit more as well. she hasnt offered anything so I'm assuming she doesnt want to do anything of that sort.

Maybe she's just waiting for you to ask?

get good at poker. wash, rinse, repeat. (alternately, do online poker, whore all the first-time/rebay bonuses. considering a friend of mine who lives on the floor above me made $1500 in two weeks doing that at one site... yeah)
IF your worried about stds you could just do a thousand fat chicks at 10$ a piece or 10 fat chicks at a thousand dollars each .

They hardly ever get ass so you should be safe
How about doing some nude modelling for art classes? You don't have to be good looking for that and they're glad if their model is not homeless or a drug addict or both. Plus, it doesn't take much time either...
You don't have to be a man-whore, you could also try a "normal" escort service, stuff like that.

Or you just merry a 90-years old millionaire... ;)
Sage said:
hahahahaha nooooo I'm not. that's why I'm trying to get into Wharton (U Penn) next year... Wharton is #1 in the world for buisiness schools (Harvard can suck my hairry balls... unless I dont get accepted into Wharton but I do get accepted into HBS ;)). I'm also planning on attending Wharton later for my MBA.

Penn? Yikes. Best of luck brother because you're going to need every drop of luck you can get; as for myself despite an SAT score of 1570 (770V, 800M) and a 3.92 GPA from a wealthy suburban high school I was turned down by every good university to which I applied. I don't even think I was accepted by Brown or Chicago, both of which are second tier universities.
yeah... all of this stuff involving me peddling my body... hooking for fat chicks, nude modelling, normal escorting... that's no good for me. I'm pale as paper, all hairy, my upper arms, shoulders, back, chest, and stomache are all covered in pimples, I have a good deal of stretch marks, oh and I have a small, fast, untalented penis (micropenis when limp). And the normal escort thing wouldnt do too well with me either because I'm too shy and reserved, not the kind of guy that women want to take them out. I don't know how to show a girl a good time at all.

But, tell me more about this online poker stuff... how do i get good at it? I don't even know how to play poker as I wasn't allowed to when I was a kid.
You wanted to move to Europe some time ago, what happened with that? You could study here with no problems at all and you could surely find some part-time work everywhere.
akira888 said:
Penn? Yikes. Best of luck brother because you're going to need every drop of luck you can get; as for myself despite an SAT score of 1570 (770V, 800M) and a 3.92 GPA from a wealthy suburban high school I was turned down by every good university to which I applied. I don't even think I was accepted by Brown or Chicago, both of which are second tier universities.

yeah, well I know I can't get in as a freshman... but I'm hoping that I'll do well enough (4.0, top of my class) at SMU to xfer into Penn. I will do whatever it takes to get into Penn and I'm going to keep trying until I do.
_xxx_ said:
You wanted to move to Europe some time ago, what happened with that? You could study here with no problems at all and you could surely find some part-time work everywhere.

oh well I decided it's not really best for me. i'm not particularly qualified to get into any country and then I'd just be stuck in a foreign country i know nothing about surrounded by people that i know nothing about, some of them i'd be incapable of communicating verbally with.... so I'd just end doing what I do know and that's going to work, the comming home and hiding in my apartment until it was time to go to work again.

And, I need to go to an Ivy league school to get into the buisiness I want to get into
jvd said:
sperm bank .

Seriously. With good genes this can make one money (or so my bro in law tells me). No idea if it'll get you a couple $k.

What's it for? Not trying to pry but you can get "emergency loans" from most banks. My dog got hit by a car (thanks to a roomie who left the gate open) when I was dirt poor and I borrowed $3k for his surgeries and blood transfusions.