i just decided to become a vegan

Diplo said:
Oh boy, yet another thread were people show their ignorance of what being a vegetarian/vegan is like.... :cry:


I eat all kinds, but I like vegetarian and dishes with just a bit of meat mixed through best, depending on my mood and the taste of it. Lots of different vegetables and culinary sauces, and it has to taste nice. So I'm like a part-time vegetarian.

I've been a true vegetarian for a few years, and I like that much better than a large slab of meat with some vegetables at the side. So I just eat what I like best. Hard in a lot of restaurants, though.

But I don't eat things that look like killed animals, like chicken and ribs. Makes me want to vomit.

But I love cheese on most food, so vegan is off.
John Reynolds said:
Militant vegetarians get on my last nerve. :p
Strange, though, that whenever I see a thread about it on boards it's nearly always meat-eaters who are the militant ones. As soon as someone mentions they are a vegetarian out come the usual cliches, snickers and disinformation. In my experience vegetarians are far more likely to suffer prejudice from meat-eaters than the other way around.
i have nothing against meat-eaters. only reason im stopping is for selfish reasons.
I've decided to become a born again virgin.
*avoiding worthless uberdork cheeseball flamebait* 9_9

DiGuru, once again it appears we have a bit in common -- except for you know all this stuff about 3D... ;) but i like the way you put that. I've been veg before, enjoy the occasional spot of meat, but give up cheese? sorry cows T_T I AM TOO WEAK!
Vysez said:
london-boy said:
Sorry for the bornyesterdayness but whats the difference between vegans and vegetarians?
Vegetarians don't eat delicious animals, Vegans are from Vega, don't eat delicious animal, have strange powers, and don't eat any product created with animal content (That include 100% animal stuff like milk, eggs, dog poop (O-Jelly), etc..).

R u serious? Why wouldn't Vegans eat products created by animals? Does it have to do with their solar system? And what animals do they have up there anyway?
london-boy said:
R u serious? Why wouldn't Vegans eat products created by animals? Does it have to do with their solar system? And what animals do they have up there anyway?
Probably only animals that produce McDonalds food or something.

But, yeah, they eat nothing that has been created by animals (Or with animal's products). Some of them don't even wear, nor buy, things made of leather neither.
Diplo said:
John Reynolds said:
Militant vegetarians get on my last nerve. :p
Strange, though, that whenever I see a thread about it on boards it's nearly always meat-eaters who are the militant ones.

Huh? Where's the militant meat-eaters here?
We've had a couple of cases of arson here in town. Militant vegans attacking meat-eater targets. Vegans that explicitly say that it's moraly right to kill meat-eaters.
Sage said:
Although the fact that Mad Cow disease causes variant CJD had already been strongly established, researchers at the University College of London nevertheless created transgenic mice complete with “humanized” brains genetically engineered with human genes to try to prove the link once and for all. When the researchers injected one strain of the “humanized” mice with infected cow brains, they came down with the same brain damage seen in human variant CJD, as expected. But when they tried this in a different strain of transgenic “humanized” mice, those mice got sick too, but most got sick from what looked exactly like sporadic CJD!

Shit! I'd better stop injecting myself with liquidised cow brains then!

I only hope that I've managed to avoid infection when I've injected cow brains on all those many occasions in the past. :p
Basic said:
Diplo said:
John Reynolds said:
Militant vegetarians get on my last nerve. :p
Strange, though, that whenever I see a thread about it on boards it's nearly always meat-eaters who are the militant ones.

Huh? Where's the militant meat-eaters here?
We've had a couple of cases of arson here in town. Militant vegans attacking meat-eater targets. Vegans that explicitly say that it's moraly right to kill meat-eaters.

Why does the world spawn so many Whackos these days?

What we need to do is capture these militants and feed them to the pigs a la "Deadwood". :devilish:
Im vegetarian in "periods" but still drink milkproducts and eat fish once in a while.

Honestly when im in these "healthy" periods i feel good. 8)