Hugh Xenosaga2 screenshots update

london-boy said:
:LOL: :rolleyes: Pathetic.... Utterly pathetic...

What's pathetic london-boy, the classical fate of Pal gamer....or my silly post about it. :?

Hope it's not my post.

As notAFanB said, the best thing to do for a Rpg fan in europe is to mod the machine and import the games, it could be cheaper in some case. is great by the way, cool prices, free shipping...worldwide. :D
Cosmos and Jigi have a new costume if you have a Ep.I cleared save on the memory card.


Vysez said:
london-boy said:
:LOL: :rolleyes: Pathetic.... Utterly pathetic...

What's pathetic london-boy, the classical fate of Pal gamer....or my silly post about it. :?

Hope it's not my post.

As notAFanB said, the best thing to do for a Rpg fan in europe is to mod the machine and import the games, it could be cheaper in some case. is great by the way, cool prices, free shipping...worldwide. :D

Of course i meant the PAL thing!! :D
notAFanB said:
Cosmos and Jigi have a new costume if you have a Ep.I cleared save on the memory card.

ah, fan service, is this on the Xenosagafreaks fandisc too?

Of course i meant the PAL thing!!

my friend it's time for you to work abroad...hehe

Well, i do have the possibility (in theory) with my company, but i'm not too keen on giving everything up here and move god knows where, just so i can play games at 60Hz!!! :LOL:
maskrider said:
Cosmos and Jigi have a new costume if you have a Ep.I cleared save on the memory card.



Wow, it's amazing how far they've improved with armor that they can remove almost all of it, and still have it just as durable?

And the guy looks like some kind of punkish cyber hacker, or a guy on phantasy star online who runs around screaming "GIVE ME GOOD ITEMS".
Lots and lots of updates on the main site. Looks promising.

1) Basic gameplay mechanics is mostly unchanged from Ep1. Segment door puzzles, assembling the ultimate robot puzzle, traps on the maps that can be triggered when enemies get close, etc. A slight change regarding destructable objects - different characters will have a different animation.

2) Additional minigame called the "G2 campaign" - a series of 36 mini-quests that involves helping NPCs with various difficulties.

3) Those with the demo may correct me on this - but it appears that it is no longer possible to get on and off an ES whenever desired. Dungeons are either character or ES-based.

4) Additional field effects(already reported by IGN) - attacked unit gets a boost, attacked unit loses a turn, Ether effect +50%.

5) Reported long ago - combo attacks.

6) A max of 3 characters are allowed on the battlefield. However characters can be switched in and out in the midst of battle as often as desired.

7) Each ES unit has a special property to make it unique. For eg. only Momo's ES can cast Ether spells.

8) ES units are 2-pilot units. It has been revealed that Jr, Momo and Kosmos are the main pilots of their respective ES. The other characters are assigned to be "sub-pilots"(maybe they meant co-pilot) of these units. The special attacks of an ES change depending on which sub-pilot is assigned to it.
Haven't picked up my copy of Ep2 yet. Maybe next week. However, there are quite a few bits of interesting information from reviews and interviews on gaming mags. Some spoiler material, but very, very light spolier.

Ep2 wont't bother with any refresher information from Ep1. Newcomers will be 100% lost. In fact, oldtimers may be lost as well. Ep2 answers several questions from Ep1, but doesn't answer all of it, and probably indroduces new questions of its own. Expect the "clueless gamer" quotient to either remain at the same level, or go even higher.

As a personal opinion, seeing as how the "Evangelion-stype" of story-telling has become a fashion of a sort - think Raxephon - I'm beginning to suspect that Xenosaga is going in that direction. You know, where you still don't know what the *&%#@!^&* is going on when the ending credits of the last episode rolls. (Raxephon did much, much better than Evangelion in this regard. It was really possible to understand most, if not all of Raxephon's story at the end.)

In a developer interview it was revealed that Ep2 will be the last chapter in Xenosaga where Shion is the main protagonist.(The game mainly focuses on events around her)