chaphack said:
What? DO you mean Cell is heading to a PC?
How will it work? Is it going to run MS stuffs? Hell, do you think MS will allow that? What type of board do you need? The other components like RAM/3Dcards/HDD/etc?
Hell, the PSX (and just so's to not confuse folks, I mean
this thing)
could perfectly well offer all the usual amenities of a computer, it's just that right now we don't know what Sony's aspirations are.
If the suckers are going to run Linux, what's to STOP them from doing exactly what PC's do for the vast bulk of the population? Since they can already attach keyboard and mouse, the only thing missing is broadly supported software, and as long as that exists and is simplistic for someone to use, it could certainly fit right into their scheme of things. (Would just take longer for people to decide to break old habits.) The only other major difference is the gaming, but that's no big deal--one offers PC gaming and the other offers PS gaming.
IBM obviously has its own plans for CELL, which likely involves a lot of big, bad-ass clusters, and will be providing all the software necessary for them itself. Obviously no one things Microsoft is "necessary" for adoption here. Why would it stand in the way of intrusion elsewhere? Is the PS3 going to step into the business world and replace file servers and employee desktops? Of course not. But the home is the crucial environment that MANY are fighting over, and the Playstations (and Sony products in general) are already well-established here.
If all the simple software is made easily available and is simple to use and has proper support, why WOULDN'T people be apt to adopt it? "Gaming" certainly wasn't an a core design of the PC, and it took long years for it to be intrinsically connected as it is now on many levels, so why should it seem surprising if we see PC functionality creep in from the console end? (Especially since we ALL recognize that "convergence is coming" in many, many arenas.) If Sony is smart, they'll make all the typical things people do with their PC's available and even through the PS3 (and maybe things like the PSX if it's embraced) because... well... why not? Obviously Microsoft thinks there's plenty there to make a grab at the living room, but Sony is already a bigger name and presence there, and offering everything people need should be a no-brainer.
The Linux community is already out there, and they will likely have all the same components as a PC, connected online... I imagine they will follow up on this even with the PS3--just likely not at launch. (They have enough to worry about.) I'd estimate 1-2 years later we see a more solid push, though there could be interesting things even before then depending how well CELL appeals and if Sony remains open to the Linux community and 3rd parties thinking along PC-application lines as well.
And all things considered, they're a more accepted part of the living room landscape, and won't be the expensive beast the Media Center PC's have been up until now.
All depends how each party handles each situation, but all have the ability to drive in one segment or another, and leakage will happen regardless. I'm looking forward to seeing what turns up, as the more players in each arena, the more interesting it all gets.