How the heck can these numbers be accurate?

Here's a very simple answer......texture shimmering. It's been a problem since the 6xxx series, and yet few - if any - even mentioned it. While nVidia finally took care of it on the 6xxx series (took a year!) it's back with us with a vengence on the 7800 series. While it may not bother some, it is something that should be mentioned, at least.
Is texture shimmering an AF issue?

While we're at it, what causes problems with thin line displays? Take a game like Elite Force, when you're looking at a console from a distance with thin coloured line displays or ships and such, they look like ass and move kinda wierd (its been a while, I just remember something wasn't right) when you approach or move in any direction. What's the cause of that and which setting can fix it?